Muscle and Adipose Trafficking of Fatty Acids Under Hypoinsulinemic and Fed Conditions
Tab Title Description
Study type
InterventionalDescribes the nature of a clinical study. Types include:
- Observational study — observes people and measures outcomes without affecting results.
- Interventional study (clinical trial) — studies new tests, treatments, drugs, surgical procedures or devices.
- Medical records research — uses historical information collected from medical records of large groups of people to study how diseases progress and which treatments and surgeries work best.
Study IDs
Sponsor Protocol Number: 12-010103
About this study
The goal of this study is to gain further insight into how different sources of fatty acids presented during two different metabolic challenges are trafficked by subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in a cohort of human adults with known variability in fat metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Tracking the allocation of these fatty acids into adipose and skeletal muscle lipid pools during metabolic states representative of fasted (elevated plasma free fatty acids and absent meal-derived fatty acids) and fed states (low plasma free fatty acids and high meal-derived fatty acids) can help elucidate rate-limiting steps in the biochemical pathways of fatty acid metabolism, ultimately providing insight into the mechanisms related to the development of such metabolic complications as obesity and insulin resistance.
Participation eligibility
Participant eligibility includes age, gender, type and stage of disease, and previous treatments or health concerns. Guidelines differ from study to study, and identify who can or cannot participate. There is no guarantee that every individual who qualifies and wants to participate in a trial will be enrolled. Contact the study team to discuss study eligibility and potential participation.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Ages 18 to 64 years
- Participants will be nonsmokers and healthy enough to participate
- Normal hemoglobin >11.0 g/dL for women and men will be acceptable.
- Women of child-bearing potential will complete a urine pregnancy test at each visit
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participants with heart disease, severe lipid disorders, diabetes, liver disease and renal dysfunction
- Participants cannot be taking medications known to influence FA metabolism
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