Consent for Prenatal Screening in Diverse Populations (Aim 1)


About this study

The purpose of this study is to identify key values and priorities for just-in-time consent for prenatal genetic screening. Prenatal providers will identify key clinical components of JITC and potential barriers to informed decision-making for PGS that JITC may have the potential to mitigate. Prenatal patients will pilot JITC and identify further areas for improved usability.

Participation eligibility

Participant eligibility includes age, gender, type and stage of disease, and previous treatments or health concerns. Guidelines differ from study to study, and identify who can or cannot participate. There is no guarantee that every individual who qualifies and wants to participate in a trial will be enrolled. Contact the study team to discuss study eligibility and potential participation.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • English speaking; Age ≥ 18 years of age; Capable of providing oral consent.

Exclusion Criteria: 

  • Does not meet inclusion criteria and does not speak or understand English.

Note: Other protocol defined Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria may apply.

Eligibility last updated 3/18/2024. Questions regarding updates should be directed to the study team contact.

Participating Mayo Clinic locations

Study statuses change often. Please contact the study team for the most up-to-date information regarding possible participation.

Mayo Clinic Location Status Contact

Jacksonville, Fla.

Mayo Clinic principal investigator

Megan Allyse, Ph.D.

Contact us for the latest status

Contact information:

Megan Allyse Ph.D.

(904) 953-0368

More information


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