Kidney Cancer

Researchers in the Department of Urology are engaged in a wide range of studies related to kidney cancers, including renal cell carcinoma and transitional cell cancer. We're exploring new biologic and immunologic approaches to kidney cancer treatment, gene therapy, novel surgical techniques, and anti-cancer compounds, such as interleukin-2 and alpha -interferon.

Areas of research in kidney cancer include:

  • Laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) with hilar clamping in place of open surgery
  • Gene expression profiling to identify novel biomarkers that can predict aggressive behavior in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC)
  • Immunotherapy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which often appears in metastatic form or progresses after treatment
  • Continuing studies of B7-H1, a costimulatory glycoprotein in the B7 family, for use in prognostic data or immune targeting
