Developmental Research Program

    The Developmental Research Program in the Mayo Clinic Hepatobiliary SPORE attracts, develops and supports the most promising investigators working on innovative hepatobiliary cancer translational research at Mayo Clinic.

    The specific aims of the Developmental Research Program are to:

    • Solicit and support innovative and interdisciplinary translationally relevant laboratory science, population science and clinical studies in hepatobiliary cancer.
    • Encourage the recruitment of qualified members of minority groups, women and people with disabilities.
    • Provide critical evaluation of all Developmental Research Program applications and awardee progress.
    • Facilitate the development of Developmental Research Program-funded proposals into R01-level applications and future Hepatobiliary SPORE projects.

    The Hepatobiliary SPORE encourages proposals investigating all aspects of the morbidity and mortality of hepatobiliary cancer from bench to population. Each year, the program provides three one-year awards of $50,000, with the possibility of an additional year of support based on the demonstration of significant progress and potential.

    The Internal Scientific Advisory Committee of the Hepatobiliary SPORE conducts a rigorous peer-review process to evaluate all Developmental Research Program applications based on scientific merit, originality, applicant and co-investigator qualifications, and translational potential.

    Support from the Developmental Research Program is expected to result in the generation of data to serve as the basis for additional Hepatobiliary SPORE-sponsored projects or support through other external peer-reviewed mechanisms. SPORE leaders work with Developmental Research Program investigators to secure independent R01-level funding.

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