
  • Multiscale EEG biomarkers: Epilepsy is characterized by paroxysmal and sometimes infrequent ictal events termed seizures. It can be difficult to quantify seizure burden and localize seizure onset. In addition, relevant neurophysiology exists at multiple spatial scales, evident from recordings with microelectrodes and clinical macroelectrodes. We want to develop reliable multiscale interictal biomarkers to guide treatment approaches and further our understanding of mechanisms underlying epilepsy.
  • Stimulation-based biomarkers: Many interictal features used in clinical practice are from passive EEG recordings. Perturbing the brain with brain stimulation can improve the reliability and even the diagnostic utility of recorded features. We are developing novel stimulation approaches to help predict how excitable the brain is, such as when and where seizures may occur.
  • Brain stimulation for epilepsy: Medication and surgical resection are standard approaches to treat epilepsy. Brain stimulation represents another therapeutic approach and is a form of bioelectronic medicine. We are evaluating invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation approaches for treatment of epilepsy.
  • Fractional calculus and neural responses: Neurons in the brain change their responses to stimuli over time. In fact, some neurons adapt to stimuli in a way that is consistent with fractional differentiation, a form of calculus with special mathematical properties. We are examining the implications of this form of adaptation, how it benefits brain function and how this mathematical framework connects neurons to large-scale brain function.

See a list of Dr. Lundstrom’s research publications on PubMed.