Working toward a healthier future

Investigators in the Children's Research Center at Mayo Clinic study preventive care, early diagnosis and intervention, and new treatments for childhood illnesses and conditions.


In the Children's Research Center at Mayo Clinic, physicians and scientists from a wide range of fields work together to improve health care for newborns, children and adolescents. The center aims to ensure that today's children become tomorrow's healthy adults.

Physicians and scientists in our center are at the forefront of research, including groundbreaking clinical trials that lead to innovative therapies and the best care models to improve health care for newborns, children and teenagers. Our investigators study all types of diseases and conditions that affect children, including complex and rare diseases. We want to change the course for children who experience challenges with their health, life expectancy and quality of life.

The Children's Research Center offers opportunities for transformative, high-impact research. Our research focus areas bring together multispecialty scientists and physicians from across Mayo Clinic to discover new fundamental knowledge and translate that knowledge into innovative clinical tools.

Paul E. Croarkin, D.O., M.S., a psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is the Ervin A. and Margaret C. Mueller Director of the Children's Research Center. Under his leadership, our work is leading to better early diagnosis and intervention, new treatments, and improved preventive care for children of all ages.