
  1. Jiang H, Nace R, Ferguson C, Zhang L, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Oncolytic cytomegaloviruses expressing EGFR-retargeted fusogenic glycoprotein complex and drug-controllable interleukin 12. Cell Rep Med. 2025 Jan 21; 6 (1):101874 Epub 2024 Dec 17
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  2. Tonne JM, Budzik K, Carrasco TF, Ebbert L, Thompson J, Nace R, Kendall B, Diaz RM, Russell SJ, Vile RG. Smoldering oncolysis by foamy virus carrying CD19 as a CAR target escapes CAR T detection by genomic modification. Mol Ther Oncol. 2024 Sep 19; 32 (3):200852 Epub 2024 July 25
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  3. Jiang H, Nace R, Carrasco TF, Zhang L, Whye Peng K, Russell SJ. Oncolytic varicella-zoster virus engineered with ORF8 deletion and armed with drug-controllable interleukin-12. J Immunother Cancer. 2024 Mar 25; 12 (3)
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  4. Munoz-Alia MA, Nace RA, Balakrishnan B, Zhang L, Packiriswamy N, Singh G, Warang P, Mena I, Narjari R, Vandergaast R, Peng KW, Garcia-Sastre A, Schotsaert M, Russell SJ. Surface-modified measles vaccines encoding oligomeric, prefusion-stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoproteins boost neutralizing antibody responses to Omicron and historical variants, independent of measles seropositivity. mBio. 2024 Feb 14; 15 (2):e0292823 Epub 2024 Jan 09
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  5. Jiang H, Nace R, Ariail E, Ma Y, McGlinch E, Ferguson C, Fernandez Carrasco T, Packiriswamy N, Zhang L, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Oncolytic alpha-herpesvirus and myeloid-tropic cytomegalovirus cooperatively enhance systemic antitumor responses. Mol Ther. 2024 Jan 3; 32 (1):241-256 Epub 2023 Nov 04
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  8. Penza V, Maroun JW, Nace RA, Schulze AJ, Russell SJ. Polycytidine tract deletion from microRNA-detargeted oncolytic Mengovirus optimizes the therapeutic index in a murine multiple myeloma model. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2023 Mar 16; 28:15-30 Epub 2022 Dec 02
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  9. Ebraheem M, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A, Jevremovic D, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Cook J, Lacy MQ, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Russell S, Binder M, Lin Y, Go RS, Siddiqui MA, Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV, Gonsalves WI, Gertz MA. Deepening Responses after Upfront Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma in the Era of Novel Agent Induction Therapy. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Nov; 28 (11):760.e1-760.e5 Epub 2022 Aug 05
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  10. Aalam SMM, Tang X, Song J, Ray U, Russell SJ, Weroha SJ, Bakkum-Gamez J, Shridhar V, Sherman ME, Eaves CJ, Knapp DJHF, Kalari KR, Kannan N. DNA barcoded competitive clone-initiating cell analysis reveals novel features of metastatic growth in a cancer xenograft model. NAR Cancer. 2022 Sep; 4 (3):zcac022 Epub 2022 July 22
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  12. Budzik KM, Nace RA, Ikeda Y, Russell SJ. Evaluation of the stability and intratumoral delivery of foreign transgenes encoded by an oncolytic Foamy Virus vector. Cancer Gene Ther. 2022 Aug; 29 (8-9):1240-1251 Epub 2022 Feb 10
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  13. Cook J, Peng KW, Witzig TE, Broski SM, Villasboas JC, Paludo J, Patnaik M, Rajkumar V, Dispenzieri A, Leung N, Buadi F, Bennani N, Ansell SM, Zhang L, Packiriswamy N, Balakrishnan B, Brunton B, Giers M, Ginos B, Dueck AC, Geyer S, Gertz MA, Warsame R, Go RS, Hayman SR, Dingli D, Kumar S, Bergsagel L, Munoz JL, Gonsalves W, Kourelis T, Muchtar E, Kapoor P, Kyle RA, Lin Y, Siddiqui M, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa L, Naik S, Russell SJ, Lacy MQ. Clinical activity of single-dose systemic oncolytic VSV virotherapy in patients with relapsed refractory T-cell lymphoma. Blood Adv. 2022 Jun 14; 6 (11):3268-3279
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  14. Peng KW, Carey T, Lech P, Vandergaast R, Munoz-Alia MA, Packiriswamy N, Gnanadurai C, Krotova K, Tesfay M, Ziegler C, Haselton M, Sevola K, Lathrum C, Reiter S, Narjari R, Balakrishnan B, Suksanpaisan L, Sakuma T, Recker J, Zhang L, Waniger S, Russell L, Petro CD, Kyratsous CA, Baum A, Janecek JL, Lee RM, Ramachandran S, Graham ML, Russell SJ. Boosting of SARS-CoV-2 immunity in nonhuman primates using an oral rhabdoviral vaccine. Vaccine. 2022 Apr 1; 40 (15):2342-2351 Epub 2022 Jan 10
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  15. Binder M, Nandakumar B, Rajkumar SV, Kapoor P, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Lacy MQ, Gertz MA, Hayman SR, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Gonsalves WI, Russell S, Lin Y, Siddiqui M, Kyle RA, Dispenzieri A, Kumar SK. Mortality trends in multiple myeloma after the introduction of novel therapies in the United States. Leukemia. 2022 Mar; 36(3):801-808. Epub 2021 Oct 26.
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  16. Russell SJ, Bell JC, Engeland CE, McFadden G. Advances in oncolytic virotherapy. Commun Med (Lond). 2022; 2:33 Epub 2022 Apr 07
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  17. Muchtar E, Drake MT, Leung N, Dispenzieri A, Lacy MQ, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Hwa YL, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Gonsalves W, Kourelis TV, Warsame R, Russell S, Go RS, Binder M, Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV, Kumar SK, Gertz MA. Hypovitaminosis D Is Prevalent in Patients With Renal AL Amyloidosis and Associated With Renal Outcome. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022; 13:891712 Epub 2022 June 21
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  18. Suryawanshi YR, Nace RA, Russell SJ, Schulze AJ. MicroRNA-detargeting proves more effective than leader gene deletion for improving safety of oncolytic Mengovirus in a nude mouse model. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2021 Dec 17; 23:1-13 Epub 2021 Aug 25
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  19. Sakemura R, Bansal A, Siegler EL, Hefazi M, Yang N, Khadka RH, Newsom AN, Hansen MJ, Cox MJ, Manriquez Roman C, Schick KJ, Can I, Tapper EE, Nevala WK, Adada MM, Bezerra ED, Kankeu Fonkoua LA, Horvei P, Ruff MW, Parikh SA, Pandey MK, DeGrado TR, Suksanpaisan L, Kay NE, Peng KW, Russell SJ, Kenderian SS. Development of a Clinically Relevant Reporter for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Expansion, Trafficking, and Toxicity. Cancer Immunol Res. 2021 Sep; 9(9):1035-1046. Epub 2021 Jul 08.
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  20. Penza V, Russell SJ, Schulze AJ. The long-lasting enigma of polycytidine (polyC) tract. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Aug; 17 (8):e1009739 Epub 2021 Aug 04
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  21. Moreira CL, Hasib Sidiqi M, Buadi FK, Litzow MR, Gertz MA, Dispenzieri A, Russell SJ, Ansell SM, Stegall MD, Prieto M, Dean PG, Nyberg SL, El Ters M, Hogan WJ, Amer H, Cosio FG, Leung N. Long-term Outcomes of Sequential Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Kidney Transplantation: Single-center Experience. Transplantation. 2021 Jul 1; 105 (7):1615-1624
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  22. Evans LA, Go R, Warsame R, Nandakumar B, Buadi FK, Dispenzieri A, Dingli D, Lacy MQ, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Kourelis TV, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Siddiqui M, Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Rajkumar SV, Kumar S, Gonsalves WI. The Impact of Socioeconomic Risk Factors on the Survival Outcomes of Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: A Cross-analysis of a Population-based Registry and a Tertiary Care Center. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2021 Jul; 21 (7):451-460.e2 Epub 2021 Feb 17
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  23. Vandergaast R, Carey T, Reiter S, Lathrum C, Lech P, Gnanadurai C, Haselton M, Buehler J, Narjari R, Schnebeck L, Roesler A, Sevola K, Suksanpaisan L, Bexon A, Naik S, Brunton B, Weaver SC, Rafael G, Tran S, Baum A, Kyratsous CA, Peng KW, Russell SJ. IMMUNO-COV v2.0: Development and Validation of a High-Throughput Clinical Assay for Measuring SARS-CoV-2-Neutralizing Antibody Titers. mSphere. 2021 Jun 30; 6 (3):e0017021 Epub 2021 June 02
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  24. Concilio SC, Russell SJ, Peng KW. A brief review of reporter gene imaging in oncolytic virotherapy and gene therapy. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2021 Jun 25; 21:98-109 Epub 2021 Mar 10
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  25. Muchtar E, Dispenzieri A, Gertz MA, Kumar SK, Buadi FK, Leung N, Lacy MQ, Dingli D, Ailawadhi S, Bergsagel PL, Fonseca R, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Grogan M, Abou Ezzeddine OF, Rosenthal JL, Mauermann M, Siddiqui M, Gonsalves WI, Kourelis TV, Larsen JT, Reeder CB, Warsame R, Go RS, Murray DL, McPhail ED, Dasari S, Jevremovic D, Kyle RA, Lin Y, Lust JA, Russell SJ, Hwa YL, Fonder AL, Hobbs MA, Rajkumar SV, Roy V, Sher T. Treatment of AL Amyloidosis: Mayo Stratification of Myeloma and Risk-Adapted Therapy (mSMART) Consensus Statement 2020 Update. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Jun; 96(6):1546-1577.
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  26. Budzik KM, Nace RA, Ikeda Y, Russell SJ. Oncolytic Foamy Virus - generation and properties of a nonpathogenic replicating retroviral vector system that targets chronically proliferating cancer cells. J Virol. 2021 Apr 26; 95 (10) Epub 2021 Mar 10
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  27. Munoz-Alia MA, Nace RA, Zhang L, Russell SJ. Serotypic evolution of measles virus is constrained by multiple co-dominant B cell epitopes on its surface glycoproteins. Cell Rep Med. 2021 Apr 20; 2 (4):100225 Epub 2021 Mar 30
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  28. Drosou ME, Vaughan LE, Muchtar E, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Dispenzieri A, Fonder AL, Gertz MA, Go RS, Gonsalves WI, Hayman SR, Hobbs MA, Hwa YL, Kapoor P, Kourelis T, Kumar S, Kyle RA, Lacy MQ, Lin Y, Lopez CL, Lust JA, Rajkumar SV, Russell SJ, Sidana S, Siddiqui MA, Sidiqi MH, Warsame R, Leung N. Comparison of the current renal staging, progression and response criteria to predict renal survival in AL amyloidosis using a Mayo cohort. Am J Hematol. 2021 Apr 01; 96(4):446-454. Epub 2021 Jan 28.
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  29. Nandakumar B, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Lacy MQ, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Siddiqui M, Go RS, Jevremovic D, Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Rajkumar SV, Gonsalves WI. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Primary Plasma Cell Leukemia in the Era of Novel Agent Therapy. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar; 96 (3):677-687
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  30. Muchtar E, Gertz MA, Kumar SK, Lacy MQ, Leung N, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Hayman SR, Go RS, Kapoor P, Gonsalves W, Kourelis TV, Warsame R, Hwa YL, Lisa Hwa Y, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Russell S, Lust JA, Siddiqui M, Vincent Rajkumar S, Kyle RA, Dispenzieri A. Characterization and prognostic implication of delayed complete response in AL amyloidosis. Eur J Haematol. 2021 Mar; 106 (3):354-361 Epub 2020 Dec 04
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  31. Munoz-Alia MA, Nace RA, Tischer A, Zhang L, Bah ES, Auton M, Russell SJ. MeV-Stealth: A CD46-specific oncolytic measles virus resistant to neutralization by measles-immune human serum. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Feb; 17 (2):e1009283 Epub 2021 Feb 03
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  32. Concilio SC, Suksanpaisan L, Pham L, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Improved Noninvasive In Vivo Tracking of AAV-9 Gene Therapy Using the Perchlorate-Resistant Sodium Iodide Symporter from Minke Whale. Mol Ther. 2021 Jan 6; 29 (1):236-243 Epub 2020 Sept 30
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  33. Cook J, Acosta-Medina AA, Peng KW, Lacy M, Russell S. Oncolytic virotherapy - Forging its place in the immunomodulatory paradigm for Multiple Myeloma. Cancer Treat Res Commun. 2021; 29:100473 Epub 2021 Oct 09
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  34. Jin DK, Nesbitt DJ, Yang J, Chen H, Horowitz J, Jones M, Vandergaast R, Carey T, Reiter S, Russell SJ, Kyratsous C, Hooper A, Hamilton J, Ferreira M, Deng S, Straus D, Baras A, Hillyer CD, Luchsinger LL. Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a cohort of New York City metro blood donors using multiple SARS-CoV-2 serological assays: Implications for controlling the epidemic and "Reopening". PLoS One. 2021; 16 (4):e0250319 Epub 2021 Apr 28
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  35. Packiriswamy N, Upreti D, Zhou Y, Khan R, Miller A, Diaz RM, Rooney CM, Dispenzieri A, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Oncolytic measles virus therapy enhances tumor antigen-specific T-cell responses in patients with multiple myeloma. Leukemia. 2020 Dec; 34 (12):3310-3322 Epub 2020 Apr 23
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  36. Muchtar E, Gertz MA, Lacy MQ, Leung N, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Hayman SR, Go RS, Kapoor P, Gonsalves W, Kourelis TV, Warsame R, Hwa YL, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Russell S, Lust JA, Siddiqui M, Rajkumar SV, Kyle RA, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A. Refining amyloid complete hematological response: Quantitative serum free light chains superior to ratio. Am J Hematol. 2020 Nov; 95 (11):1280-1287 Epub 2020 Aug 24
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  37. Tschautscher MA, Jevremovic D, Buadi FK, Lacy MQ, Gertz MA, Dispenzieri A, Kapoor P, Dingli D, Hwa L, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hayman S, Lust J, Russell SJ, Leung N, Go RS, Lin Y, Gonsalves W, Kourelis T, Warsame R, Kyle RA, Vincent Rajkumar S, Kumar S. Utility of repeating bone marrow biopsy for confirmation of complete response in multiple myeloma. Blood Cancer J 2020 Oct 2; 10 (10):95 Epub 2020 Oct 02
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  38. Bah ES, Nace RA, Peng KW, Munoz-Alia MA, Russell SJ. Retargeted and Stealth-Modified Oncolytic Measles Viruses for Systemic Cancer Therapy in Measles Immune Patients. Mol Cancer Ther. 2020 Oct; 19 (10):2057-2067 Epub 2020 Aug 26
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  39. Muchtar E, Gertz MA, Kourelis TV, Sidana S, Go RS, Lacy MQ, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Gonsalves W, Warsame R, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Zeldenrust S, Rajkumar SV, Kyle RA, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A. Correction: Bone marrow plasma cells 20% or greater discriminate presentation, response, and survival in AL amyloidosis. Leukemia. 2020 Oct; 34 (10):2819
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  40. Maroun JW, Penza V, Weiskittel TM, Schulze AJ, Russell SJ. Collateral Lethal Effects of Complementary Oncolytic Viruses. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Sep 25; 18:236-246 Epub 2020 June 24
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  41. Nagalo BM, Breton CA, Zhou Y, Arora M, Bogenberger JM, Barro O, Steele MB, Jenks NJ, Baker AT, Duda DG, Roberts LR, Russell SJ, Peng KW, Borad MJ. Oncolytic Virus with Attributes of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Measles Virus in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Cancers. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Sep 25; 18:546-555 Epub 2020 Aug 19
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  42. Paquin A, Visram A, Kumar SK, Gertz MA, Cantwell H, Buadi FK, Lacy MQ, Dispenzieri A, Dingli D, Hwa L, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hayman SR, Lust JA, Russell SJ, Leung N, Kapoor P, Go RS, Lin Y, Gonsalves WI, Kourelis T, Warsame R, Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV. Characteristics of exceptional responders to autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. Blood Cancer J. 2020 Aug 28; 10 (8):87
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  43. Abdallah N, Sidana S, Dispenzieri A, Lacy M, Buadi F, Hayman S, Kapoor P, Leung N, Dingli D, Hwa YL, Lust J, Russell S, Gonsalves W, Go R, Hogan W, Kyle R, Rajkumar SV, Gertz M, Kumar S. Outcomes with early vs. deferred stem cell transplantation in light chain amyloidosis. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2020 Jul; 55 (7):1297-1304 Epub 2020 June 09
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  44. Elsedawy NB, Nace RA, Russell SJ, Schulze AJ. Oncolytic Activity of Targeted Picornaviruses Formulated as Synthetic Infectious RNA. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Jun 26; 17:484-495 Epub 2020 May 19
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  45. Evans LA, Jevremovic D, Nandakumar B, Dispenzieri A, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Lacy MQ, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Go R, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Siddiqui M, Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Rajkumar SV, Kumar SK, Gonsalves WI. Utilizing multiparametric flow cytometry in the diagnosis of patients with primary plasma cell leukemia. Am J Hematol. 2020 Jun; 95 (6):637-642 Epub 2020 Mar 26
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  46. Vandergaast R, Khongwichit S, Jiang H, DeGrado TR, Peng KW, Smith DR, Russell SJ, Suksanpaisan L. Enhanced noninvasive imaging of oncology models using the NIS reporter gene and bioluminescence imaging. Cancer Gene Ther. 2020 Apr; 27 (3-4):179-188 Epub 2019 Jan 24
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  47. Muchtar E, Gertz MA, Kourelis TV, Sidana S, Go RS, Lacy MQ, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Lisa Hwa Y, Gonsalves W, Warsame R, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Zeldenrust S, Rajkumar SV, Kyle RA, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A. Bone marrow plasma cells 20% or greater discriminate presentation, response, and survival in AL amyloidosis. Leukemia. 2020 Apr; 34 (4):1135-1143 Epub 2019 Nov 22
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  48. Eckert EC, Nace RA, Tonne JM, Evgin L, Vile RG, Russell SJ. Generation of a Tumor-Specific Chemokine Gradient Using Oncolytic Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Encoding CXCL9. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Mar 27; 16:63-74 Epub 2019 Dec 14
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  49. Zhekova HR, Sakuma T, Johnson R, Concilio SC, Lech PJ, Zdravkovic I, Damergi M, Suksanpaisan L, Peng KW, Russell SJ, Noskov S. Mapping of Ion and Substrate Binding Sites in Human Sodium Iodide Symporter (hNIS). J Chem Inf Model. 2020 Mar 23; 60 (3):1652-1665 Epub 2020 Mar 12
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  50. Tschautscher M, Jevremovic D, Buadi FK, Lacy MQ, Gertz MA, Dispenzieri A, Kapoor P, Dingli D, Hwa L, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hayman S, Lust J, Russell S, Leung N, Go R, Lin Y, Gonsalves W, Kourelis T, Warsame R, Kyle RA, Rajkumar V, Kumar S. Implications and outcomes of MRD-negative multiple myeloma patients with immunofixation positivity. Am J Hematol 2020 Mar; 95 (3):E60-E62 Epub 2019 Dec 30
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  51. Gonsalves WI, Jevremovic D, Nandakumar B, Dispenzieri A, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Lacy MQ, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Go RS, Siddiqui MA, Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Rajkumar SV, Kumar SK. Enhancing the R-ISS classification of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma by quantifying circulating clonal plasma cells. Am J Hematol. 2020 Mar; 95 (3):310-315 Epub 2020 Jan 08
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  52. Muchtar E, Dispenzieri A, Jevremovic D, Dingli D, Buadi FK, Lacy MQ, Gonsalves W, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Go RS, Zeldenrust S, Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV, Kumar SK, Gertz MA. Survival impact of achieving minimal residual negativity by multi-parametric flow cytometry in AL amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2020 Mar; 27 (1):13-16 Epub 2019 Sept 23
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  53. Dispenzieri A, Arendt B, Dasari S, Kohlhagen M, Kourelis T, Kumar SK, Leung N, Muchtar E, Buadi FK, Warsame R, Kyle RA, Lacy MQ, Dingli D, Kapoor P, Gonsalves WI, Go RS, Hayman SR, Hwa YL, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Jevremovic D, Lust JA, Zeldenrust S, Russell SJ, Rajkumar SV, Gertz MA, Murray D. Blood mass spectrometry detects residual disease better than standard techniques in light-chain amyloidosis. Blood Cancer J. 2020 Feb 25; 10 (2):20
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  54. Warsame R, LaPlant B, Kumar SK, Laumann K, Perez Burbano G, Buadi FK, Gertz MA, Kyle RA, Lacy MQ, Dingli D, Leung N, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Hwa YL, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Gonsalves WI, Kourelis T, Lust J, Russell SJ, Zeldenrust S, Lin Y, Muchtar E, Go RS, Vincent Rajkumar S, Dispenzieri A. Long-term outcomes of IMiD-based trials in patients with immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis: a pooled analysis. Blood Cancer J. 2020 Jan 8; 10 (1):4 Epub 2020 Jan 08
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  55. Concilio SC, Zhekova HR, Noskov SY, Russell SJ. Inter-species variation in monovalent anion substrate selectivity and inhibitor sensitivity in the sodium iodide symporter (NIS). PLoS One. 2020; 15 (2):e0229085 Epub 2020 Feb 21
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  56. Nandakumar B, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Lacy MQ, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Muchtar E, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Go RS, Siddiqui M, Zeldenrust S, Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Rajkumar SV, Gonsalves WI. Cytogenetic Features and Clinical Outcomes of Patients With Non-secretory Multiple Myeloma in the Era of Novel Agent Induction Therapy. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2020 Jan; 20 (1):53-56 Epub 2019 Oct 09
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  57. Zhang L, Suksanpaisan L, Jiang H, DeGrado TR, Russell SJ, Zhao M, Peng KW. Dual-Isotope SPECT Imaging with NIS Reporter Gene and Duramycin to Visualize Tumor Susceptibility to Oncolytic Virus Infection. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2019 Dec 20; 15:178-185 Epub 2019 Oct 10
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  58. Muchtar E, Gertz MA, Lacy MQ, Go RS, Buadi FK, Dingli D, Grogan M, AbouEzzeddine OF, Hayman SR, Kapoor P, Leung N, Fonder A, Hobbs M, Hwa YL, Gonsalves W, Warsame R, Kourelis TV, Russell S, Lust JA, Lin Y, Zeldenrust S, Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV, Kumar SK, Dispenzieri A. Ten-year survivors in AL amyloidosis: characteristics and treatment pattern. Br J Haematol. 2019 Dec; 187 (5):588-594 Epub 2019 July 12
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  59. Russell L, Peng KW, Russell SJ, Diaz RM. Oncolytic Viruses: Priming Time for Cancer Immunotherapy. BioDrugs. 2019 Oct; 33 (5):485-501
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  60. Russell SJ, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Bexon A, Cattaneo R, Dingli D, Dispenzieri A, Deyle DR, Federspiel MJ, Fielding A, Galanis E, Lacy MQ, Leibovich BC, Liu MC, Munoz-Alia M, Miest TC, Molina JR, Mueller S, Okuno SH, Packiriswamy N, Peikert T, Raffel C, Van Rhee F, Ungerechts G, Young PR, Zhou Y, Peng KW. Oncolytic Measles Virotherapy and Opposition to Measles Vaccination. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Sep; 94 (9):1834-1839 Epub 2019 June 22
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  61. Munoz-Alia MA, Russell SJ. Probing Morbillivirus Antisera Neutralization Using Functional Chimerism between Measles Virus and Canine Distemper Virus Envelope Glycoproteins. Viruses. 2019 Jul 27; 11 (8) Epub 2019 July 27
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  62. Lakshman A, Painuly U, Rajkumar SV, Ketterling RP, Kapoor P, Greipp PT, Dispenzieri A, Gertz MA, Buadi FK, Lacy MQ, Dingli D, Fonder AL, Hayman SR, Hobbs MA, Gonsalves WI, Hwa YL, Leung N, Go RS, Lin Y, Kourelis TV, Warsame R, Lust JA, Russell SJ, Zeldenrust SR, Kyle RA, Kumar SK. Impact of acquired del(17p) in multiple myeloma. Blood Adv. 2019 Jul 09; 3(13):1930-1938.
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  304. Allen C, Paraskevakou G, Iankov I, Giannini C, Schroeder M, Sarkaria J, Puri RK, Russell SJ, Galanis E. Interleukin-13 Displaying Retargeted Oncolytic Measles Virus Strains Have Significant Activity Against Gliomas With Improved Specificity. Mol Ther. 2008 Sep; 16 (9):1556-1564 Epub 2016 Dec 08
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  310. Blechacz B, Russell SJ. Measles virus as an oncolytic vector platform. Curr Gene Ther. 2008 Jun; 8 (3):162-75
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  321. Myers RM, Greiner SM, Harvey ME, Griesmann G, Kuffel MJ, Buhrow SA, Reid JM, Federspiel M, Ames MM, Dingli D, Schweikart K, Welch A, Dispenzieri A, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Preclinical pharmacology and toxicology of intravenous MV-NIS, an oncolytic measles virus administered with or without cyclophosphamide. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Dec; 82(6):700-10. Epub 2007 Oct 31.
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  323. Goel A, Carlson SK, Classic KL, Greiner S, Naik S, Power AT, Bell JC, Russell SJ. Radioiodide imaging and radiovirotherapy of multiple myeloma using VSV(Delta51)-NIS, an attenuated vesicular stomatitis virus encoding the sodium iodide symporter gene. Blood. 2007 Oct 1; 110 (7):2342-50 Epub 2007 May 21
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  330. Carlson SK, Classic KL, Bender CE, Russell SJ. Small animal absorbed radiation dose from serial micro-computed tomography imaging. Mol Imaging Biol. 2007 Mar-Apr; 9 (2):78-82
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  336. Iankov ID, Blechacz B, Liu C, Schmeckpeper JD, Tarara JE, Federspiel MJ, Caplice N, Russell SJ. Infected cell carriers: a new strategy for systemic delivery of oncolytic measles viruses in cancer virotherapy. Mol Ther. 2007 Jan; 15 (1):114-22
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  343. Peng KW, Hadac EM, Anderson BD, Myers R, Harvey M, Greiner SM, Soeffker D, Federspiel MJ, Russell SJ. Pharmacokinetics of oncolytic measles virotherapy: eventual equilibrium between virus and tumor in an ovarian cancer xenograft model. Cancer Gene Ther. 2006 Aug; 13(8):732-8. Epub 2006 Mar 10.
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  348. Goel A, Dispenzieri A, Geyer SM, Greiner S, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Synergistic activity of the proteasome inhibitor PS-341 with non-myeloablative 153-Sm-EDTMP skeletally targeted radiotherapy in an orthotopic model of multiple myeloma. Blood. 2006 May 15; 107 (10):4063-70 Epub 2006 Jan 19
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  370. Doran PM, Turner RT, Chen D, Facteau SM, Ludvigson JM, Khosla S, Riggs BL, Russell SJ. Native osteoprotegerin gene transfer inhibits the development of murine osteolytic bone disease induced by tumor xenografts. Exp Hematol. 2004 Apr; 32: (4)351-9.
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  371. Dingli D, Peng KW, Harvey ME, Greipp PR, O'Connor MK, Cattaneo R, Morris JC, Russell SJ. Image-guided radiovirotherapy for multiple myeloma using a recombinant measles virus expressing the thyroidal sodium iodide symporter. Blood. 2004 Mar 1; 103 (5):1641-6 Epub 2003 Nov 06
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  372. Nakamura T, Peng KW, Vongpunsawad S, Harvey M, Mizuguchi H, Hayakawa T, Cattaneo R, Russell SJ. Antibody-targeted cell fusion. Nat Biotechnol. 2004 Mar; 22 (3):331-6 Epub 2004 Feb 15
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  373. Dingli D, Russell SJ, Morris JC 3rd. In vivo imaging and tumor therapy with the sodium iodide symporter. J Cell Biochem. 2003 Dec 15; 90 (6):1079-86
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  377. Khare PD, Rosales AG, Bailey KR, Russell SJ, Federspiel MJ. Epitope selection from an uncensored peptide library displayed on avian leukosis virus. Virology. 2003 Oct 25; 315 (2):313-21
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  378. Schneider RM, Medvedovska Y, Hartl I, Voelker B, Chadwick MP, Russell SJ, Cichutek K, Buchholz CJ. Directed evolution of retroviruses activatable by tumour-associated matrix metalloproteases. Gene Ther. 2003 Aug; 10(16):1370-80.
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  379. Dingli D, Diaz RM, Bergert ER, O'Connor MK, Morris JC, Russell SJ. Genetically targeted radiotherapy for multiple myeloma. Blood. 2003 Jul 15; 102 (2):489-96 Epub 2003 Mar 20
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  380. Phuong LK, Allen C, Peng KW, Giannini C, Greiner S, TenEyck CJ, Mishra PK, Macura SI, Russell SJ, Galanis EC. Use of a vaccine strain of measles virus genetically engineered to produce carcinoembryonic antigen as a novel therapeutic agent against glioblastoma multiforme. Cancer Res. 2003 May 15; 63 (10):2462-9
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  381. Johnson KJ, Peng KW, Allen C, Russell SJ, Galanis E. Targeting the cytotoxicity of fusogenic membrane glycoproteins in gliomas through protease-substrate interaction. Gene Ther. 2003 May; 10(9):725-32.
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  382. Caplice NM, Bunch TJ, Stalboerger PG, Wang S, Simper D, Miller DV, Russell SJ, Litzow MR, Edwards WD. Smooth muscle cells in human coronary atherosclerosis can originate from cells administered at marrow transplantation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Apr 15; 100 (8):4754-9 Epub 2003 Mar 28
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  383. Peng KW, Donovan KA, Schneider U, Cattaneo R, Lust JA, Russell SJ. Oncolytic measles viruses displaying a single-chain antibody against CD38, a myeloma cell marker. Blood. 2003 Apr 1; 101 (7):2557-62 Epub 2002 Nov 14
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  384. Khurana VG, Weiler DA, Witt TA, Smith LA, Kleppe LS, Parisi JE, Simari RD, O'Brien T, Russell SJ, Katusic ZS. A direct mechanical method for accurate and efficient adenoviral vector delivery to tissues. Gene Ther. 2003 Mar; 10(5):443-52.
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  385. Sandrin V, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Targeting retroviral and lentiviral vectors. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2003; 281:137-78.
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  389. Peng KW, TenEyck CJ, Galanis E, Kalli KR, Hartmann LC, Russell SJ. Intraperitoneal therapy of ovarian cancer using an engineered measles virus. Cancer Res. 2002 Aug 15; 62 (16):4656-62
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  390. Sanz L, Kristensen P, Blanco B, Facteau S, Russell SJ, Winter G, Alvarez-Vallina L. Single-chain antibody-based gene therapy: inhibition of tumor growth by in situ production of phage-derived human antibody fragments blocking functionally active sites of cell-associated matrices. Gene Ther. 2002 Aug; 9(15):1049-53.
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  391. Rajkumar SV, Mesa RA, Fonseca R, Schroeder G, Plevak MF, Dispenzieri A, Lacy MQ, Lust JA, Witzig TE, Gertz MA, Kyle RA, Russell SJ, Greipp PR. Bone marrow angiogenesis in 400 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, multiple myeloma, and primary amyloidosis. Clin Cancer Res. 2002 Jul; 8(7):2210-6.
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  392. Peng KW, Facteau S, Wegman T, O'Kane D, Russell SJ. Non-invasive in vivo monitoring of trackable viruses expressing soluble marker peptides. Nat Med. 2002 May; 8 (5):527-31
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  393. Maurice M, Verhoeyen E, Salmon P, Trono D, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Efficient gene transfer into human primary blood lymphocytes by surface-engineered lentiviral vectors that display a T cell-activating polypeptide. Blood. 2002 Apr 1; 99(7):2342-50.
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  394. Larochelle A, Peng KW, Russell SJ. Lentiviral vector targeting. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2002; 261:143-63
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  395. Sanz L, Kristensen P, Russell SJ, Ramirez Garcia JR, Alvarez-Vallina L. Generation and characterization of recombinant human antibodies specific for native laminin epitopes: potential application in cancer therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2001 Dec; 50(10):557-65.
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  396. Galanis E, Russell S. Cancer gene therapy clinical trials: lessons for the future. Br J Cancer. 2001 Nov 16; 85 (10):1432-6
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  397. Lavillette D, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Retargeting gene delivery using surface-engineered retroviral vector particles. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2001 Oct; 12(5):461-6.
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  398. Peng KW, Pham L, Ye H, Zufferey R, Trono D, Cosset FL, Russell SJ. Organ distribution of gene expression after intravenous infusion of targeted and untargeted lentiviral vectors. Gene Ther. 2001 Oct; 8 (19):1456-63
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  399. Peng KW, Ahmann GJ, Pham L, Greipp PR, Cattaneo R, Russell SJ. Systemic therapy of myeloma xenografts by an attenuated measles virus. Blood. 2001 Oct 1; 98 (7):2002-7
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  400. Russell SJ, Dunbar CE. Gene therapy approaches for multiple myeloma. Semin Hematol. 2001 Jul; 38 (3):268-75
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  401. Grote D, Russell SJ, Cornu TI, Cattaneo R, Vile R, Vile R, Poland GA, Fielding AK. Live attenuated measles virus induces regression of human lymphoma xenografts in immunodeficient mice. Blood. 2001 Jun 15; 97 (12):3746-54
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  402. Galanis E, Vile R, Vile R, Russell SJ. Delivery systems intended for in vivo gene therapy of cancer: targeting and replication competent viral vectors. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2001 Jun; 38 (3):177-92
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  403. Galanis E, Bateman A, Johnson K, Diaz RM, James CD, Vile R, Russell SJ. Use of viral fusogenic membrane glycoproteins as novel therapeutic transgenes in gliomas. Hum Gene Ther. 2001 May 1; 12(7):811-21.
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  404. DasGupta SF, Rapoport SI, Gerschenson M, Murphy E, Fiskum G, Russell SJ, Chandrasekaran K. ATP synthesis is coupled to rat liver mitochondrial RNA synthesis. Mol Cell Biochem. 2001 May; 221(1-2):3-10.
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  405. Lavillette D, Boson B, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Activation of membrane fusion by murine leukemia viruses is controlled in cis or in trans by interactions between the receptor-binding domain and a conserved disulfide loop of the carboxy terminus of the surface glycoprotein. J Virol. 2001 Apr; 75(8):3685-95.
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  406. Hammond AL, Plemper RK, Zhang J, Schneider U, Russell SJ, Cattaneo R. Single-chain antibody displayed on a recombinant measles virus confers entry through the tumor-associated carcinoembryonic antigen. J Virol. 2001 Mar; 75 (5):2087-96
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  407. Pham L, Ye H, Cosset FL, Russell SJ, Peng KW. Concentration of viral vectors by co-precipitation with calcium phosphate. J Gene Med. 2001 Mar-Apr; 3(2):188-94.
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  408. Doran PM, Russell SJ. Gene therapy and women's health - A review. Postgraduate Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2001; 21(26):1-8.
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  410. Grote D, Cornu T, Cattaneo R, Russell S, Fielding A. Live attenuated measles virus as a replicating virus therapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Blood. 2000 Nov 16; 96(11 Part 1):212a.
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  412. Diaz RM, Bateman A, Emiliusen L, Fielding A, Trono D, Russell SJ, Vile RG. A lentiviral vector expressing a fusogenic glycoprotein for cancer gene therapy. Gene Ther. 2000 Oct; 7(19):1656-63.
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  413. Fielding AK, Chapel-Fernandes S, Chadwick MP, Bullough FJ, Cosset FL, Russell SJ. A hyperfusogenic gibbon ape leukemia envelope glycoprotein: targeting of a cytotoxic gene by ligand display. Hum Gene Ther. 2000 Apr 10; 11 (6):817-26
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  414. Alvarez-Vallina L, Yanez R, Blanco B, Gil M, Russell SJ. Pharmacologic suppression of target cell recognition by engineered T cells expressing chimeric T-cell receptors. Cancer Gene Ther. 2000 Apr; 7(4):526-9.
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  415. Bateman A, Bullough F, Murphy S, Emiliusen L, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Cattaneo R, Russell SJ, Vile RG. Fusogenic membrane glycoproteins as a novel class of genes for the local and immune-mediated control of tumor growth. Cancer Res. 2000 Mar 15; 60(6):1492-7.
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  416. Hatziioannou T, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Incorporation of simian virus 5 fusion protein into murine leukemia virus particles and its effect on the co-incorporation of retroviral envelope glycoproteins. Virology. 2000 Feb 1; 267(1):49-57.
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  417. Lavillette D, Ruggieri A, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Activation of a cell entry pathway common to type C mammalian retroviruses by soluble envelope fragments. J Virol. 2000 Jan; 74(1):295-304.
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  418. Vile RG, Russell SJ, Lemoine NR. Cancer gene therapy: hard lessons and new courses. Gene Ther. 2000 Jan; 7 (1):2-8
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  422. Maurice M, Mazur S, Bullough FJ, Salvetti A, Collins MK, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Efficient gene delivery to quiescent interleukin-2 (IL-2)-dependent cells by murine leukemia virus-derived vectors harboring IL-2 chimeric envelope glycoproteins. Blood. 1999 Jul 15; 94(2):401-10.
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  423. Hatziioannou T, Delahaye E, Martin F, Russell SJ, Cosset FL. Retroviral display of functional binding domains fused to the amino terminus of influenza hemagglutinin. Hum Gene Ther. 1999 Jun 10; 10(9):1533-44.
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  431. Hatziiouannou T, Valsesia-Wittmann S, Russell SJ, Cosset F-L. Incorporation of fowl plague virus haemagglutinin into murine leukemia virus particles and analysis of the infectivity of thepseudotyped retroviruses. J Virol. 1998; 72:5313-7.
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