Pharmacogenomics: RIGHT 10K Study
In the Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Time: Using Genomic Data to Individualize Treatment (RIGHT 10K) Study, Mayo Clinic collaborated with Baylor College of Medicine to sequence 77 pharmacogenes from Mayo Clinic Biobank samples from more than 10,000 participants who are long-term patients at Mayo Clinic. Results from a subset of the 77 pharmacogenes were placed into the electronic health record (EHR) along with an interpretive report and best-practice alerts for 19 different drug-gene pairs.
With the specific genotypes loaded into the EHR, Mayo Clinic can not only improve participants' health care by using the best-practice alerts for clinical decision support, but also can systematically evaluate the clinical and fiscal impact of those alerts. The study team is also conducting retrospective analysis of EHR data to determine how the presence of genetic information might have altered patient outcomes.
Both patient and provider education and bioethics activities were incorporated into the RIGHT 10K study. The study team also identified and continues to study variants of unknown significance in these important pharmacogenes.
Patients, referring physicians and research collaborators can obtain information about the RIGHT protocol by calling 855-678-0741.
You can also contact the Center for Individualized Medicine for information on clinical studies and trials.