Cancer Risk Assessment, Early Detection and Interception Research Program

Research in the Cancer Risk Assessment, Early Detection and Interception Research Program of Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center focuses on accelerating the development of targeted early detection and data-driven prevention strategies for clinically significant cancer precursors and early-stage cancers.
Program investigators are conducting pioneering transdisciplinary research that is changing cancer practices in the United States and worldwide, benefiting Mayo Clinic patients in the Cancer Center's catchment areas and beyond.
The program leverages Mayo Clinic's strengths in building unique patient cohorts that have led to crucial discoveries in defining genetic and nongenetic cancer risk factors, novel methods for early cancer detection, and pioneering work in cancer interception.
Research aims
The Cancer Risk Assessment, Early Detection and Interception Research Program has three research aims:
Aim 1: Precision risk assessment. The purpose of this aim is to achieve precision risk assessment in individuals and within populations by discovering novel risk factors and integrating them with known risk exposures. This work builds on accomplishments in defining risks of genetic variants, advancing radiological imaging, and elucidating the pathobiology of cancers in different populations and clinical contexts.
Aim 2: Detection of clinically significant cancer precursors and early cancers. This aim focuses on discovery and validation of molecular markers and radiological imaging. Investigators are testing a range of specimen types using novel collection methods and integrating diverse techniques in genetics, radiology and pathology. Their research on the biology of cancer precursors and early cancers seeks to distinguish lesions that require treatment from lesions than can be monitored and to develop interventions that achieve maximal net benefit.
Aim 3: Cancer interception. This aim builds on the ability to identify cancer precursors and people at risk of developing cancer. Investigators are advancing the ability to determine who is at the highest risk of progression to cancer and providing a risk-adapted intervention strategy that encompasses chemoprevention, immunoprevention, targeted ablation and innovative agent delivery methods.
Program leadership
Ajit H. Goenka, M.D.
Dr. Goenka is a diagnostic radiologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and a professor of radiology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He is also co-chair of Nuclear Radiology Research and director of PET/MRI Clinical Practice, Research and Development at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Dr. Goenka oversees the development of novel radiotracers and novel hybrid imaging for cancer detection. He has established a multidisciplinary artificial intelligence and molecular imaging research initiative focused on risk assessment, early cancer detection and interception.
Shaji Kumar, M.D.
Dr. Kumar is a hematologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in Rochester, Minnesota. He is the Mark and Judy Mullins Professor of Hematologic Malignancies and a professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He is also chair of research for the Division of Hematology in the Department of Internal Medicine. Dr. Kumar researches myeloma biology, specifically focusing on the risk factors for progression from precursor stages of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering myeloma to myeloma and other related disorders, and on developing novel treatment approaches.
Mark E. Sherman, M.D.
Dr. Sherman is a pathologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in Jacksonville, Florida, and a professor of epidemiology and of laboratory medicine and pathology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Dr. Sherman's research focuses on breast cancer risk, early detection and interception.
Email: Ajit H. Goenka, M.D.
Email: Shaji Kumar, M.D.
Email: Mark E. Sherman, M.D.
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