
Contact the Center for Advanced Imaging Research (CAIR) with questions about research projects or to receive more information about graduate or postdoctoral education opportunities.

Stephen J. Riederer, Ph.D.

  • Center for Advanced Imaging Research
  • Mayo Clinic
    Opus Imaging Research Building, Room 2-133
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Phone: 507-284-9780
  • Email:

To discuss a possible research project using CAIR facilities, please contact:

Corey C. Woxland, R.T.(R)(MR)

  • Lead MR Technologist
  • Opus Imaging Research Building, Room 1-123
    Mayo Clinic
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Phone: 507-538-4362
  • Email: