Purple-gloved researcher wearing lab goggles is inspecting contents of petri dishes.

Office of Translation to Practice

Facilitating product translation through bilateral collaboration

The CCaTS Office of Translation to Practice facilitates translation of research discoveries into practice, affording Mayo Clinic new and unique opportunities to develop innovative medicines and devices that benefit our patients and patients worldwide.

The office provides Mayo Clinic investigators and collaborators new resources and modes of operation to identify and enable research that, through team science, can be translated into practice as the products of translational research.

The Office of Translation to Practice creates multidisciplinary teams that involve key stakeholders at different stages throughout the product development process, maximizing the likelihood that products will have clinical utility.

Products may align with any technology that directly impacts patient care. Such products include, but are not limited to:

  • Drugs and drug candidates
  • Monitoring devices
  • Prosthetics
  • Implantable medical devices
  • Information technology and augmented intelligence

Guiding innovation into product development

The Office of Translation to Practice facilitates the translation of novel products that have a strong impact on clinical practice. To do so, the office enables bidirectional interactions between strategic academic and industry collaborators and Mayo Clinic researchers.

Previously, Mayo Clinic investigators who wished to develop products had to forge their own product development pathways to commercialize their research. However, few investigators have the complete skills, resources, or multifunctional and multidisciplinary teams needed to oversee a product from inception through development and testing to implementation. The Office of Translation to Practice provides researchers with the skills and resources they need.

Enabling collaborations to best impact practice

Mayo Clinic's pool of skilled researchers and physician-scientists regularly invent novel treatments and tools — but they often need assistance to realize the full potential of their work.

Possible academic and commercial strategic collaborators are often unaware of Mayo Clinic's technology and resource scope. They don't always connect with the appropriate investigators or clinicians when they need expert guidance for their products or when seeking to license or co-develop products.

The Office of Translation to Practice facilitates partnerships to help researchers bring their ideas to fruition and help collaborators best meet their development needs. Then, when research products emerge as good candidates for commercialization, the Office of Translation to Practice collaborates with Mayo Clinic Ventures to create development and commercialization plans.

Office of Translation to Practice technology development flow chart

The Office of Translation to Practice's technology development process


To schedule a consultation with the CCaTS Office of Translation to Practice or for more information about available services and resources, contact:

Office of Translation to Practice

  • Mayo Clinic
    Plummer Building, Third Floor
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Email: otp@mayo.edu