DNA Submission Criteria

To submit DNA to the Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomics Core, follow the instructions outlined.

Note that these are the core's standard DNA submission guidelines. Project requirements may vary and require different instructions.

DNA extraction

The core typically accepts only extracted DNA from outside sources. If sending blood or other tissue, contact the core for instructions. DNA should be high quality.

DNA concentration

3.5 mcg of dsDNA at 50-100 ng/mcL, as measured by a fluorometric assay, such as Qubit, and diluted in TE buffer

Shipping instructions

Send the DNA sample overnight via a next-day delivery service. The sample can be shipped at room temperature or with a cold pack. The core accepts shipments only Monday through Friday.

Shipping address

  • Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomics Core
  • Mayo Clinic Pirnie Translational Polycystic Kidney Disease Center
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Stabile Building, Seventh Floor, Room 7-03
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905


Email us for more information about DNA submission.