
Led by Dr. Vachon, the Mayo Mammography Health Study team collaborates with both Mayo Clinic research experts and external research experts in mammography, radiology, internal medicine, cancer, epidemiology and biostatistics.

Mayo Clinic Collaborators

We currently collaborate with these Mayo Clinic researchers:

  • Karthik Ghosh, M.D., professor of medicine and chair of the Division of General Internal Medicine
  • Beth A. Schueler, Ph.D., professor of medical physics and associate professor of radiology

External collaborators

We currently collaborate with these external researchers:

  • John Heine, Ph.D.
    • H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
    • Tampa, Florida
  • Karla Kerlikowske, M.D.
    • Professor of Medicine
    • University of California San Francisco
    • San Francisco, California
  • John Shepherd, Ph.D.
    • University of California San Francisco
    • San Francisco, California
  • Rulla M. Tamimi, Sc.D.
    • Harvard School of Public Health
    • Boston, Massachusetts