The Patient-Centered Network of Learning Health Systems (LHSNet) was a clinical data research network funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Funded between 2015 and 2019, LHSNet built infrastructure to:

  • Facilitate patient-centered outcomes research
  • Support large pragmatic clinical trials and observational and interventional comparative effectiveness research studies embedded within health care systems
  • Enable dissemination, implementation and evaluation of clinical and community efforts to improve population health

LHSNet touched 13 states and brought together diverse institutions, including academic medical centers, health care systems, a public health department and private health plans. Its clinical research was focused on patients living with heart failure, osteogenesis imperfecta and obesity.

As a partner in the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet), LHSNet participated in seven research studies, building and populating a common data model that incorporated more than 15 million patients.

Read selected publications generated from Mayo Clinic's collaboration with LHSNet:

During the five years of funding, LHSNet participating organizations and investigators built relationships and systems to enable continued connectivity in the future. Read more about LHSNet, its findings and continued legacy on the PCORI website.

The Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery coordinated Mayo Clinic's involvement in LHSNet.