Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Database
The Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) National Database is a prospective, multicenter database and the largest longitudinal traumatic brain injury (TBI) database in the world, funded by National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). It includes data on pre-injury, injury, acute care, rehabilitation and outcomes at one, two and five years post-injury and every five years thereafter with information 30-plus years post-injury so far. The TBIMS National Database has been used to inform research, treatment and policy to benefit individuals with TBI and their families.
NIDILRR funds the TBIMS National Data and Statistical Center, located at Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colorado, to store and manage the TBIMS National Database.
The overall focus of the TBIMS National Data and Statistical Center is to:
- Serve as a central resource for researchers and data collectors.
- Advance medical rehabilitation by increasing the rigor and efficiency of scientific efforts.
- Assess the experience of individuals with TBI over the very long term.
- Provide technical assistance, training and methodological consultation to all 16 TBI Model System centers, where research is conducted for TBI evidence-based rehabilitation interventions.