
The Women's Health Research Center works closely with centers and programs across Mayo Clinic.

Center for Biomedical Discovery

The Mayo Clinic Center for Biomedical Discovery investigates the origins of disease and how cellular mistakes lead to illness. By focusing on biological processes such as aging, metabolism and immunity, biomedical discovery researchers learn about complex diseases such as cancer, fibrosis and diabetes. This knowledge fuels development of breakthrough therapies and critical advances in patient care.

Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCaTS)

CCaTS' Community-Engaged Research Program engages people and communities in research to promote health equity and reduce health disparities. The program does this by developing collaborative partnerships between academic researchers and community members. These community-academic teams work together to design, conduct and disseminate research that improves the health of the community. This includes research on sex, gender and sex differences in health and healthcare.

Center for Individualized Medicine

The Center for Individualized Medicine is transforming patient care through advanced genetic tests and individualized treatments. Researchers study how each person's unique genes, proteins, metabolites and other molecules work together to impact health and disease. Personalized medicine research addresses patients' unmet needs by finding accurate diagnoses earlier, providing safer drug therapies and customizing treatment plans based on each patient's unique genetic makeup.

Specialized Center of Research Excellence (SCORE) on Sex Differences

The Mayo Clinic SCORE on Sex Differences promotes interdisciplinary approaches to advance translational research on sex differences in health and disease. Research spans from basic science projects to clinical studies. The SCORE also serves as a vital hub to teach and share innovative sex-based and sex-informed translational research methods and best practices. The SCORE is a local and national leader in developing and promoting standards and policies for considering sex differences in biomedical research.