A Study to Detect Progression of Mass Effect from Unilateral Brain Lesions


About this study

The purposes of this study are to determine if the Braincare monitor can identify progression of mass effect from non-traumatic hemispheric brain lesions through continuous analysis of the ICP waveform and comparison of changes in ICP waveform from side to side, and to evaluate if changes in ICP curve indicative of progression of mass effect occur earlier than clinical changes that would routinely lead to repeat brain imaging.



Participation eligibility

Participant eligibility includes age, gender, type and stage of disease, and previous treatments or health concerns. Guidelines differ from study to study, and identify who can or cannot participate. There is no guarantee that every individual who qualifies and wants to participate in a trial will be enrolled. Contact the study team to discuss study eligibility and potential participation.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Adult patients with non-traumatic hemispheric brain lesions deemed at risk for progression of mass effect and possible subfalcine and/or uncal herniation.
  • Patients admitted the Neuroscience ICU for serial neurological monitoring.
  • Patients whose care is not expected to include immediate surgical decompression.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients under the age of 18.
  • Patients who are unable to provide consent due to neurologic deficit and does not have a surrogate decision maker available to provide consent.

Participating Mayo Clinic locations

Study statuses change often. Please contact the study team for the most up-to-date information regarding possible participation.

Mayo Clinic Location Status

Rochester, Minn.

Mayo Clinic principal investigator

Alejandro Rabinstein, M.D.

Closed for enrollment

More information


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