Understanding Reasons for Emergence and Persistence of Inflammation


About this study

The purpose of this study is to understand the forces responsible for the emergence and persistence of inflammation.

Participation eligibility

Participant eligibility includes age, gender, type and stage of disease, and previous treatments or health concerns. Guidelines differ from study to study, and identify who can or cannot participate. There is no guarantee that every individual who qualifies and wants to participate in a trial will be enrolled. Contact the study team to discuss study eligibility and potential participation.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Male or female ≥ 18 years.
  • Provision of signed and dated informed consent form (may be completed by legal authorized representative [LAR] for those patients unable to provide consent; i.e., sedation/intubation).
  • Stated willingness to comply with all study procedures and availability for the duration of the study, including follow-up assessments.
  • Cardiac illness with planned intervention requiring cardiopulmonary bypass use or PCI at Mayo Clinic Rochester

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Likelihood of not being able to return for follow-up visits and complete surveys; i.e., not expected to survive hospitalization, visual impairment or blindness, non-English speaking, unable to make follow-up appointments, dementia or other severe cognitive impairments, prisoner.
  • Planned off-pump CABG.
  • Emergent cases (either CABG or PCI).
  • Planned or known procedures to occur in the upcoming year that will involve any spinal or general anesthesia (will be withdrawn if this occurs).
    • Note: if subject undergoes this during current hospitalization, okay to remain in study).
  • Chronic renal disease (any stage) receiving dialysis.
  • Medication use with epigenetic properties (hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, 5-azacitidine, valproate, or levofloxacin) at time of enrollment or prior 3 weeks.
  • Known pre-existing inherited dyslipidemias as defined by ICD-10 codes.
  • Any cancer diagnosis received within the prior 5 years that has required chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment.
  • Any systemic immunosuppressive medications in the equivalent of 5mg of prednisone within last 6 months.
  • Pregnant individuals. A woman of child-bearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test performed prior to enrollment (either clinically or directed by the study).

Note: Other protocol defined Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria may apply.

Eligibility last updated 2/27/2025. Questions regarding updates should be directed to the study team contact.

Participating Mayo Clinic locations

Study statuses change often. Please contact the study team for the most up-to-date information regarding possible participation.

Mayo Clinic Location Status Contact

Rochester, Minn.

Mayo Clinic principal investigator

Krzysztof Laudanski, M.D., Ph.D.

Open for enrollment

Contact information:

Krzysztof Laudanski M.D., Ph.D.

(507) 422-0662


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