
Displaying 2 studies

  • A Study to Evaluate Base-in Prism Spectacles for Intermittent Exotropia Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to compare spectacles with relieving prism to spectacles without prism to determine whether to proceed to a full-scale, longer-term randomized trial. This decision will be based primarily on assessing the initial (8-week) response to prism by comparing treatment groups on the following outcomes: 

    • Mean distance intermittent exotropia (IXT) control score (the mean of 3 control scores) (primary outcome);
    • The proportion of participants demonstrating a "treatment response," defined as ≥ 1 point improvement in the mean distance IXT control score without spontaneous exotropia during control testing (secondary outcome);
    • The proportion of participants ...

  • Outcome Measures for Clinical Trials in Pediatric Eye Care and Strabismus Rochester, MN

    This study is being done to:

    - Assess what children with different eye conditions experience in everyday life

    - Improve our understanding of the difficulties that children with eye problems experience

    - Improve reporting of how parents see their child’s eye condition affecting them

    - Assess what parents of children with different eye conditions experience in their own everyday life

    - Improve the way we assess the benefits of treatment


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