A Study of Personalized Molecular Markers to Transform Treatment of High Grade Endometrial Cancer
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to characterize a landscape of DNA alterations, RNA transcripts, and microbiome changes in resected tumors and body fluids of patients that have been diagnosed with aggressive endometrial cancer (Grade 3 and Type II) in order to identify molecular targets for which therapeutic drugs may exist.
Comparison of Acute Toxicities Between Patients Treated With Protons or Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy After Surgery for the Treatment of Endometrial or Cervical Cancer
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN; Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether proton radiation therapy (proton RT) reduces acute gastrointestinal toxicities at the end of treatment compared to intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT).
A Study to Isolate and Culture Bacteria from the Uterus that have been Connected to Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to anaerobically (completely without oxygen) isolate and culture the bacteria species from the uterus that are believed to be associated with endometrial (the lining of the uterus) cancer. This will allow further tests to assess interactons between the bacteria, and between the bacteria and the host cells.
Paclitaxel and Carboplatin With or Without Metformin Hydrochloride in Treating Patients With Stage III, IV, or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
This randomized phase II/III trial studies how well paclitaxel, carboplatin, and metformin hydrochloride works and compares it to paclitaxel, carboplatin, and placebo in treating patients with endometrial cancer that is stage III, IV, or has come back. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as paclitaxel and carboplatin, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Metformin hydrochloride may help paclitaxel and carboplatin work better by making cancer cells more sensitive to the drugs. It is not yet known whether paclitaxel and carboplatin ...
Endometrial Cancer/Endometrial Atypical Hyperplasia with an AI-based Classifier in Transvaginal Ultrasound in Patients with Post-Menopausal Bleeding
Rochester, MN; Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to prospectively validate a new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based model developed by our team to analyze TVUS images for early EC detection.
Targeting Inflammation for Endometrial Cancer Prevention
Jacksonville, FL; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ
The purpose of this study is to develop a unique data and specimen model for a biobank that can be expanded across the Mayo Enterprise and implemented at extramural collaborative sites, including underserved populations. The targeted demographic will be African American and white women undergoing hysterectomy for benign conditions or endometrial cancer (EC).
A Study to Develop Early Detection Test to Reduce Racial Disparities in Endometrial Cancer (EC) Mortality
Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to reduce disparities in endometrial cancer (EC) mortality among African American women (AAW) by developing an understanding of what may be needed to increase awareness of signs of EC and advance efforts to introduce early detection of EC using a novel tampon based test.
Three-Dimensional Ultrasound in the Determination of Tumor Volume and Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of 3D ultrasound in the assessment of tumor diameter and myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer in a pre-operative setting. This research is aiming to avoid the performance of sentinel node biopsy in patients at low risk of lymphatic spread.
Efficacy of PET/MRI in Detecting Metastatic Disease in Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of PET/MRI (Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to give physicians preoperative information about specific sites in the body that the endometrial cancer may be present. If the PET/MRI is accurate and successful in providing this information, then women in the future may be able to have less extensive surgery for their endometrial cancer after evaluation with PET/MRI.
A Study of Three-dimensional (3-D) Tissue Models in Patients with Serous Endometrial Cancer Planning to Undergo Surgery
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this research study is to learn more about serous endometrial cancer by creating three-dimensional (3-D) tissue models in the laboratory setting. The tissue models will provide scientists with a reliable, sensitive method to test biomarkers and cellular responses to treatment for endometrial cancer.
A Study to Evaluate DS-8201a Combined with Olaparib in HER2-Expressing Cancers with Expansion in Endometrial Cancer Patients
Testing the Combination of DS-8201a and Olaparib in HER2-Expressing Cancers With Expansion in Patients With Endometrial Cancer
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of the combination of DS-8201a in combination with olaparib, and to determine the recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) 1.1.2 To evaluate the safety and tolerability of this combination in a dose expansion cohort in patients with uterine serous carcinoma.
Endometrial Cancer Testing with Vaginal and Endometrial Cell Samples
Rochester, MN
- Endometrial cancer is one of the most common gynecologic cancers. If it is caught at an early stage, it can be treated more easily. Women who have this type of cancer often have a history of irregular menstrual bleeding. They may also have abnormal findings during gynecologic exams. Pap smears and cervical cell collection may be able to collect cell samples for cancer testing. However, samples from the vagina or endometrium may produce more accurate results. Researchers want to collect vaginal and endometrial cell samples to improve their tests for and understanding of endometrial cancer.
A Study to Assess Endometrial Cancer Recurrence in Patients After 36 Months
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to assess the 36-month incidence of pelvic/non-vaginal recurrence among patients with surgical stage I intermediate-risk endometrial cancer.
Eligible patients presenting with apparent uterine confined grade 1, 2, or 3 endometrioid endometrial cancer will undergo standard-of-care primary surgical treatment with a cervical injection of indocyanine green (ICG) dye for SLN mapping, a total hysterectomy, removal of the adnexae and staging with sentinel node mapping and pelvic washings.
The final assessment for inclusion in the follow-up part of the study will be determined from the results of the final hysterectomy and staging pathology report to ensure bilaterally negative pelvic sentinel ...
A Study to Evaluate the Incidence and Psychological Impact of Vaginal Cuff Dehiscence After Different Types of Hysterectomy
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to compare the incidence of cuff dehiscence in patients who have undergone total robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy vs. total vaginal hysterectomy, to identify risk factors for cuff dehiscence, and to study the impact of cuff dehiscence on a patient’s psychological well-being.
Remote Intervention for Strength Training in Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to positively impact endometrial cancer (EC) survivorship through a fully remote home-based exercise program. We believe this type of survivorship care will be accessible, sustainable, and scalable. We seek to design and implement a telehealth strength-based exercise intervention in rural EC survivors, a group currently overlooked in most survivorship studies.
Outcomes of low-risk endometrial cancer with isolated tumor cells in the sentinel lymph nodes: a prospective multicenter single-arm observational study
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to prospectively evaluate the prognostic role of ITC versus negative nodes in patients with low-risk endometrial cancer who undergo SLN biopsy.
Use of Hormone Replacement Therapy After Risk Reducing Salpingo-oophorectomy and Risk of Malignancy in Genetic Mutation Carriers
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine if an increase risk of malignancy occurs in these patients if they use hormonal replacement therapies after a risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy
Understanding the Patient Experience in Progesterone Management for Endometrial Cancer and Complex Atypical Hyperplasia
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the specific patient experience for women undergoing progesterone management for early-stage endometrial cancer and complex atypical hyperplasia due to morbid obesity (BMI ≥ 40).
Leveraging Methylated DNA Markers (MDMs) in the Detection of Endometrial Cancer and Cervical Cancer: a Phase II Clinical Study
Rochester, MN; Jacksonville, FL; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ
The purpose of this study is to develop a pan-gynecologic cancer detection test using gynecologic (unique endometrial, cervical, and ovarian cancer) cancer-specific methylated DNA markers and high-risk human papilloma virus (HR-HPV) detected in vaginal fluid and/or plasma.
A Study to Test the Addition of the Immunotherapy Drug Pembrolizumab to the Usual Chemotherapy Treatment (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin) in Stage III-IV or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine how well the combination of pembrolizumab, paclitaxel and carboplatin works compared with paclitaxel and carboplatin alone in treating patients with endometrial cancer that is stage III or IV, or has come back (recurrent). Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as pembrolizumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Paclitaxel and carboplatin are chemotherapy drugs used as part of the usual treatment approach for this type of cancer. This study aims to assess if adding immunotherapy to these drugs ...
Cabozantinib and Nivolumab in Treating Patients With Advanced, Recurrent or Metastatic Endometrial Cancer
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine how well cabozantinib and nivolumab work in treating patients with endometrial cancer that has come back or spread to other places in the body.
VSV-hIFNbeta-NIS in Treating Patients With Stage IV or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
This phase I trial studies the side effects and best dose of vesicular stomatitis virus-human interferon beta-sodium iodide symporter (VSV-hIFNbeta-NIS) in treating patients with stage IV endometrial cancer or endometrial cancer that has come back. The study virus, VSV-hIFNbeta-NIS, has been changed so that it has restricted ability to spread to tumor cells and not to healthy cells. It also contains a gene for a protein, NIS, which helps the body concentrate iodine making it possible to track where the virus goes. VSV-hIFNbeta-NIS may be able to kill tumor cells without damaging normal cells.
A Study of Endometrial Cancer Testing With Vaginal and Endometrial Cell Samples
Jacksonville, FL; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to collect vaginal and endometrial cell samples to study endometrial cancer.
Risk Factors for Recurrence in Endometrial Cancer Patients
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to identify those clinical, immunochemical, or molecular risk factors associated with an increased risk of distant recurrence in “high-intermediate” risk endometrial cancer patients.
Ovarian and Uterine Cancer Patients' Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment-Related Characteristics from Medical Records
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to extract ovarian and uterine cancer patients' phenotypes at diagnosis and cancer treatments (side-effects, symptoms and clinical test values) from medical records using medical informatics approaches.
NRG-GY012 “A Randomized Phase II Study Comparing Single-Agent Olaparib, Single Agent Cediranib, and the Combinations of Cediranib/Olaparib, Olaparib/Durvalumab (MEDI4736), Cediranib/Durvalumab (MEDI4736), Olaparib/AZD5356 (Capivasertib) in Women with Recurrent, Persistent or Metastatic Endometrial Cancer. A Multi-Arm Trial for Women with Recurrent or Persistent Endometrial Cancer”
Eau Claire, WI; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this randomized phase II trial study is to determine how well olaparib, cediranib maleate, and Week 1 inhibitor AZD1775 work in treating patients with endometrial cancer that has come back, does not respond to treatment, or has spread to other places in the body. Olaparib, cediranib maleate, and Wee1 inhibitor AZD1775 may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth.
Circulating Tumor DNA in Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The goal of this study is to identify circulating tumor DNA in the preoperative blood samples of endometrial cancer patients and detect changes in the quantity and tumor-specific mutations and chromosomal rearrangements in circulating tumor DNA of patients with endometrial cancer.
Cancer of the Uterus and Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Rochester, MN
Concurrent treatment of endometrial cancer and SUI may improve QOL, emotional and physical health and decrease costs for both patients and the health care system. At the time of endometrial cancer diagnosis, not only are women evaluated by a gynecologist and/or a gynecologic oncologist, but the majority will undergo surgery within weeks of their diagnosis. Thus, urinary incontinence could easily be identified, a referral made, and concurrent surgery performed. This would spare the patient two surgeries, decrease the emotional distress associated with SUI symptoms, decrease the costs associated with SUI for the patient and possibly improve overall quality of life. ...
A Study of Tazemetostat in Treating Patients With Recurrent Ovarian, Primary Peritoneal, or Endometrial Cancer
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this trial is to study how well tazemetostat works in treating patients with ovarian, primary peritoneal, or endometrial cancer that has come back. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as tazemetostat, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading.
A Study of Ultrasound Imaging of Microscopic Blood Vessels as a Biomarker for Uterine Pathologies
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to investigate the value of ultrasound imaging of microscopic blood vessels as a new biomarker for identifying the difference between benign and cancerous uterine pathologies, and to compare ultrasound imaging to the diagnostics of MRI and (if available), surgical pathology.
A Study to Evaluate LY3484356 Alone or Combined with Anticancer Therapies to Treat Patients with Breast or Endometrial Cancer
Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to identify the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) of LY3484356 administered as monotherapy and in combination with other anticancer therapies in patients with locally advanced or metastatic ER+ breast cancer or ER+ recurrent, persistent, or metastatic endometrial endometrioid cancer (EEC).
Novel Technique for Cell Cultures in Gynecologic Oncology
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to develop cell cultures specifically for the study of gynecological carcinomas using in vivo zebrafish tissue modeling, and to establish a robust and reliable assay for predicting response to treatment on an individualized basis for Mayo Clinic cancer patients.
Combination of Serabelisib and Insulin Suppressing Diet in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors with PIK3CA Mutations
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of optimizing the safety and tolerability of serabelisib when combined with an Insulin Suppressing Diet (ISD) with a goal of reducing side effects and enhancing anticancer activity.
A Safety to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosolized Chemotherapy in Ovarian, Uterine, Colorectal, and Gastric Cancer Patients
Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) in 2 groups of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC), either due to primary ovarian, uterine, or gastric carcinoma (Arm 1) or to primary colorectal carcinoma (Arm 2), based on treatment-related adverse events reported by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 5.0.
PET imaging with [18F]BF4
Rochester, MN
The objectives of the study are to determine the biodistribution of [18F]BF4 (TFB F 18 Injection) in patients with myeloma or endometrial cancer being treated with oncoviruses carrying the NIS reporter gene.
IRB#21-009968: Assessing the Sexual Health and Well-Being of Female Survivors of Pelvic Malignancies after Radiotherapy
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to quantify the extent of sexual dysfunction in our patients to explore if there is a need for a prospective intervention, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of our patients, with respect to sexual function.
A Study of SC‑004 in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors
Rochester, MN
This is a two-part study consisting of Part A (dose regimen finding) followed by Part B (dose expansion). Part A (dose regimen finding) will allow definition of the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) through dose escalation and possible dose interval modification. In Part B (dose expansion), potential therapeutic doses may be studied with SC-004 as monotherapy and SC-004 in combination with ABBV-181 in disease-specific cohorts.
Study of AMG 650 in Adult Participants With Advanced Solid Tumors
Rochester, MN
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of AMG 650 in adult participants and to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and/or recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D).
Ribociclib and Letrozole in Treating Patients With Relapsed ER Positive Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, Primary Peritoneal, or Endometrial Cancer
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
This phase II trial studies how well ribociclib and letrozole work in treating patients with estrogen receptor (ER) positive ovarian, fallopian tube, primary peritoneal, or endometrial cancer that has returned (come back) after a period of improvement. Ribociclib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some enzymes needed for cell growth. Cancer cells that are estrogen receptor positive may need estrogen to grow. Letrozole lowers the amount of estrogen made by the body and this may stop the growth of tumor cells that need estrogen to grow. Giving ribociclib together with letrozole may be an effective treatment in ...
Serum Bovine Immunoglobulin Protein Isolate in Improving Quality of Life and Post-Operative Recovery in Patients With Gynecological Cancer After Undergoing Surgery
Rochester, MN
This randomized pilot phase II trial studies how well serum bovine immunoglobulin protein isolate works in improving quality of life and post-operative recovery in patients with gynecological cancer after undergoing surgery. Serum bovine immunoglobulin supplementation may improve the quality of life of patients with gynecological cancer.
A Study to Determine the Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of an Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibody in Subjects With Advanced Malignancies
Rochester, MN
The primary purpose of this study is to assess the safety and tolerability of TAB001 in subjects with various advanced malignancies and to evaluate the recommended Phase 2 dose. The secondary objectives are to: 1) describe the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of TAB001, 2) evaluate antitumor activity of TAB001; 3) determine the immunogenicity of TAB001 , and 4) evaluate pharmacodynamic effects of TAB001 on its target receptor, programmed cell death 1 (PD-1), as well as effects on the immune system. The exploratory objectives are to: 1) evaluate biomarkers that may correlate with activity of TAB001, 2) evaluate the utility of PD-L1 & ...
Phase 2 Trial of Voyager V1 in Combination With Cemiplimab in Cancer Patients
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN; Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to determine the preliminary anti-tumor activity and confirm the safety of VV1 in combination with Cemiplimab. The study will concurrently enroll patients with four distinct advanced malignancies in 5 separate tumor cohorts. The four cancer types are: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and melanoma that are progressing on checkpoint inhibitor (CPI, generally refers to anti-PD(L)1 antibodies) treatment, CPI-naïve hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and treatment-naïve endometrioid endometrial cancer.
Temsirolimus and Bevacizumab in Treating Patients with Advanced Endometrial, Ovarian, Liver, Carcinoid, or Islet Cell Cancer
Rochester, MN; Jacksonville, FL; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ
This phase II trial studies how well temsirolimus and bevacizumab work in treating patients with advanced endometrial, ovarian, liver, carcinoid, or islet cell cancer. Temsirolimus may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Monoclonal antibodies, such as bevacizumab, can block tumor growth in different ways. Some block the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Others find tumor cells and help kill them or carry tumor-killing substances to them. Bevacizumab may also stop the growth of cancer by blocking blood flow to the tumor. Giving temsirolimus together with bevacizumab may ...
A Study of PY314 in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
A Phase 1a/1b Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of PY314 as a Single Agent and In Combination with Pembrolizumab in Subjects with Advanced Solid Tumors
Nab-Paclitaxel and Bevacizumab in Treating Patients With Unresectable Stage IV Melanoma or Gynecological Cancers
Rochester, MN; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL
This phase I trial studies the side effects and best dose of paclitaxel albumin-stabilized nanoparticle formulation and bevacizumab in treating patients with stage IV melanoma, gynecological cancers, or other malignancies that cannot be removed by surgery. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as paclitaxel albumin-stabilized nanoparticle formulation, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. Monoclonal antibodies, such as bevacizumab, can block tumor growth in different ways. Some block the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Others find tumor cells and help kill them or carry tumor-killing ...
A Study Evaluating MM-310 in Patients With Solid Tumors
Rochester, MN
MM-310 is a liposomal formulation of a docetaxel prodrug that targets the EphA2 receptor on cancer cells. Docetaxel is an approved chemotherapeutic drug.This study is a Phase 1 open-label study of MM-310 in patients with solid tumors. In the first part of the study, MM-310 will be assessed as a monotherapy until a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is established. After an MTD of MM-310 as a monotherapy is established, an expansion cohort and MM-310 in combination with other therapies will be assessed.
A Study of SGN-B7H4V in Advanced Solid Tumors
Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to test the safety and side effects of a drug called SGN-B7H4V in participants with solid tumors. A side effect is anything a drug does to the body besides treating the disease. Participants will have cancer that has spread in the body near where it started (locally advanced) and cannot be removed (unresectable) or has spread through the body (metastatic). This study will have three parts. Parts A and B of the study will find out how much SGN-B7H4V should be given to participants. Part C will use the dose found in Parts A ...
Mayo Clinic Cancer Genomics Service Line Biorepository
Eau Claire, WI; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
The goal of the study is to create a database of clinical information and a repository of biological specimens for genetic, molecular and microbiological research to better understand hereditary cancer and help develop new therapies and preventive strategies.
Gemini Study to Evaluate the Integration of Cancer Genetic Testing into a Cancer Clinical Practice at Mayo Clinic at Arizona
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL
The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of genetic mutations in cancer patients from various ethnic populations seeking care at Mayo Clinic cancer clinics.
cfDNA Assay Prospective Observational Validation for Early Cancer Detection and Minimal Residual Disease (CAMPERR)
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this multicenter prospective observational case-control study is to train and validate Adela’s cfMeDIP-seq based methylome profiling platform to detect and differentiate multiple cancer subtypes. In addition, this study includes longitudinal follow-up for a subset of participants to train and validate the methylome profiling platform to detect minimal residual disease and recurrence.
Study of E7386 in Participants With Selected Advanced Neoplasms
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety/tolerability profile of E7386 as a single agent administered orally in participants with selected advanced or recurrent neoplasms and to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and/or recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) of E7386.
Understanding the Challenges, Behavioral Patterns, and Preferences Towards Participation in Clinical Trials in Minority Patient Populations
Jacksonville, FL; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the challenges, behavioral patterns, and preferences of minority patient participation in clinical trials. Also, to develop and validate a personalized clinical trial educational platform to boost participation among underserved cancer patients.
Collecting Blood Samples From Patients With and Without Cancer to Evaluate Tests for Early Cancer Detection
Albert Lea, MN; Eau Claire, WI; La Crosse, WI; Mankato, MN
The purpose of this study is to collect blood and tissue samples from patients with and without cancer to evaluate laboratory tests for early cancer detection which may help researchers develop tests for the early detection of cancers.
The Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas Study
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
GRAIL is using deep sequencing of circulating cell-free nucleic acids (cfNAs) to develop assays to detect cancer early in blood. The purpose of this study is to collect biological samples from donors with a new diagnosis of cancer (blood and tumor tissue) and from donors who do not have a diagnosis of cancer (blood) in order to characterize the population heterogeneity in cancer and non-cancer subjects and to develop models for distinguishing cancer from non-cancer.
A Study to Evaluate Exercise for Cancer Patients at Risk of Falling
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to develop a data-driven approach that enables healthcare providers to “prescribe” exercise in the appropriate dose in a manner analogous to prescribing a drug.