A Study of Trans Sexualities
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to qualitatively examine and describe the ways in which trans people experience sexuality (desire, eroticism), and to explore how trans individuals describe the connections between gender and sexuality.
A Study to Assess Kidney Function Markers in Transgender Individuals Receiving Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine how cystatin C, creatinine, and microalbuminuira change with gender affirming hormone therapy initiation. Blood draws and urine testing will be done at time 0, 3 months, and 6 months of hormone therapy. The results will determine how to best interpret lab values in transgender individuals receiving gender affirming hormone therapy.
An Evaluation of Gender-Affirming Treatments on Pulmonary Function in Transgender and Gender Diverse (TGD) Patients
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal changes in lung volumes and spirometry parameters, after both masculinizing and feminizing hormone therapy in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) patients. Also, to determine the time of “gender adjustment” of PFT’s (pulmonary function test) normative values (PFTs results correlate most closely with patient’s gender than with their sex-assigned at birth) in response to gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) patients. Additionally, to implement a personalized approach to PFT interpretation using gender-appropriate normative values in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) patients, during the transition period and after ...
A Study to Assess Transgender Volumetric Bone Density in Cross Sex Hormone Therapy
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to monitor short term changes in bone microarchitecture, with the initiation of cross sex hormone therapy in transgender men and transgender women – during this time, there is a large flux in hormonal status.
Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Care in Transgender and Gender Diverse Patient Population Perceptions and Experiences
Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to understand patient perceptions of barriers in receiving care pertaining to reproductive health and family planning for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) patients. Additionally, to examine patient attitudes towards fertility preservation and reproductive health topics following the initiation of gender affirming care, and to examine how experiences of gender affirmation and fertility preservation differ based on location, socioeconomic status, age, and type of gender-affirming intervention.
A Study to Evaluate The Effect of Transgender Hormone Therapy on Adipose Tissue Biology and Distribution
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to determine if cardiometabolic risk correlates with the estradiol (E) to testosterone (T) ratio or circulating concentrations, cross sex hormone duration or route, and to determine if changes in the E/T ratio are associated with changes in insulin sensitivity, body composition and adipose tissue fatty acid metabolism in transgender women.
A Study to Analyze Gender Congruence After Gender Confirmation Surgery
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to assess the success and effectiveness of gender confirmation surgeries on eliminating gender incongruence and improving life satisfaction, and compare patient’s status with the preoperative results.
A Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Transgender Children and Youth
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is:
- Specific Aim 1: To determine the prevalence of obesity, cardiometabolic risk factors and mental health diagnoses among transgender children and adolescents evaluated at the Mayo clinic Transgender and Intersex Specialty Care Clinic (TISCC)
- Specific Aim 2: To measure adipokines related to energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in transgender children and adolescents and compare with those in cisgender age and gender matched controls.