Dose of Labeled Cholesterol for Kinetics: A Pilot Study
Rochester, MN
This is a pilot study to determine the optimum time and dose to draw blood samples using a tracer for HDL kinetics.
Randomized Clinical Trial of Bococizumab (PF-04950615; RN316) in Subjects Who Are Intolerant to Statins
Rochester, MN
This study is a multicenter, double blinded, active and placebo controlled randomized clinical trial to demonstrate a superior lipid lowering effect of Bococizumab (PF-04950615; RN316) compared to placebo in subjects who are statin intolerant.
Study of Awareness and Detection of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (CASCADE-FH)
Rochester, MN
The CASCADE Familial Hypercholesterolemia Registry will track therapy, clinical outcomes, and patient-reported outcomes over time aiming to increase familial hypercholesterolemia awareness, promote optimal disease management, and improve outcomes. This study is not recruiting family members of FH patients at this time.
A Study Validating the "Foods for Health" Portfolio of Functional Food Products, for People Unable to take Statin Drugs
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of a range of new, easy to use, proprietary food based products to affect cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors by positively impacting blood cholesterol levels in statin intolerant and/or statin unwilling participants.
A Study to Develop a Biobank of Samples from Patients Undergoing Therapy with PCSK9 Inhibitors
Rochester, MN
Develop a biobank of samples from patients undergoing therapy with PCSK9 inhibitors (FDA- approved in 2015, therapeutics for hypercholesterolemia) with the goal of developing laboratory tests which may help identify best candidates for these therapies and aid in monitoring therapy efficacy.
A Study to Develop A Familial Hypercholesterolemia Identification REgistry (FHIRE)
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to develop a registry of molecularly confirmed Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) cases in conjunction with the retrospective FHIRE study (IRB# 18-009654) in order to identify and offer genetic testing to Mayo Clinic patients with suspected FH.
Inclisiran for Participants With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Elevated Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
Rochester, MN
This is a Phase III, placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized study in participants with ASCVD and elevated LDL-C despite maximum tolerated dose of LDL-C lowering therapies to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of subcutaneous (SC) inclisiran injection(s). The study will be a multicenter study in the United States.
A Study to Improve the Use of Genetic Testing in Disease Prevention and Clinical Care and to Further Understand Types of Genetic Differences that May Cause Disease
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ
The purpose of this study is to form processes to get findings from targeted gene sequencing that can be acted on using two common actionable genetic disorders–familial hyperlipidemia and familial colorectal cancer.