Motor neuron disease

Displaying 10 studies

  • DNA, Blood, and Skin Cell Repository for Research on ALS and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders at Mayo Clinic Florida Jacksonville, FL

    This study is intended to obtain clinical information and establish a repository of DNA, RNA, peripheral blood monocyte, lymphocyte and skin tissue samples from people with ALS and related neurodegenerative motor neuron diseases, people with a family history of these conditions, and healthy people with no family history of these disorders. The samples will be used in future research to learn about how these disorders affect people, what causes these conditions, and how the investigators can tell when someone has this kind of disease. Future research may also include the generation of stem cells from stored blood cell and skin ...

  • HEALEY ALS Platform Trial Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN; Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of investigational products for the treatment of ALS.

  • Hirayama Disease Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to determine the long-term progression and outcomes in patients who have the diagnosis of Hirayama disease.

  • A Biospecimen Repository for Neurodegenerative Disease Research in Cooperation with the National Cell Repository for Alzheimer Disease Jacksonville, FL

    The purpose of this study is to collect clinical data, serial blood samples for plasma, serum, DNA and RNA extraction, and a single time blood sample for peripheral blood monocytes for the preparation of stem cell lines and lymphocytes for the preparation of lymphoblastoid cell lines. There will also be a single time skin biopsy sample for tissue examination and preparation of skin fibroblasts from patients who have familial or sporadic ALS, ALS-FTD or similar neurodegenerative motor neuron disorders, and are participating in NINDS funded research projects in the Mayo Clinic ALS Center.

  • Development of a PLS-Specific Clinical Rating Scale, Capable of Evaluating the Clinical Functional State of Patients with PLS in Multi-Site Study Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to assess the internal consistency and construct validity of the scale, assess test-retest reliability, intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability, reliability between in-person and telephone administration of the scale, to determine the sensitivity of the scale to detect changes over time.

  • Biospecimen Collection to Investigate the Causes of ALS Jacksonville, FL

    The purpose of this study is to collect and study blood samples that can be used in current and future research studies to identify genetic risk factors in ALS and identify potential biomarkers in blood collected in ALS patients. Biomarkers are non-genetic elements in your blood that may help us diagnose and monitor ALS more easily. There are no readily available sources of longitudinal DNA, RNA, monocytes, serum or plasma from people with ALS, ALS-FTD or similar neurodegenerative disorders or their family members for use in the identification of potential changes in gene structure over time or biomarkers in ALS. ...

  • Mayo Clinic Florida Tissue Repository for Research on ALS and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders Jacksonville, FL

    This study is intended to obtain clinical information and establish a repository of DNA, RNA, peripheral blood monocyte, lymphocyte and skin tissue samples from people with ALS and related neurodegenerative motor neuron diseases, people with a family history of these conditions, and healthy people with no family history of these disorders. The samples will be used in future research to learn about how these disorders affect people, what causes these conditions, and how the investigators can tell when someone has this kind of disease. Future research may also include the generation of stem cells from stored blood cell and skin ...

  • Gene Analysis in Families with Probable Inclusion Body Myositis with or without and ALS Rochester, MN

    This study proposes to identify the molecular defect in families with a clinical phenotype of “probable Inclusion Body Myositis” (“probable IBM”) but affecting  more than one family members, with or without family history of ALS.

  • A Study to Assess FLX-787 in Subjects With Motor Neuron Disease Experiencing Muscle Cramps Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The COMMEND Study will assess the safety and effectiveness of FLX-787 in men and women with Motor Neuron Disease [including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) or Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)] experiencing muscle cramps. Participants will be asked to take two study products during the course of the study. One of these study products will be a placebo. Approximately 120 participants in approximately 30 study centers across the United States are expected to take part. Participants will be in the study for approximately 3 months and visit the study clinic 3 times.

  • A Study to Assess FLX-787 in Subjects With Motor Neuron Disease Experiencing Muscle Cramps. No Locations

    The COMMEND Study will assess the safety and effectiveness of FLX-787 in men and women with Motor Neuron Disease [including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) or Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)] experiencing muscle cramps. Participants will be asked to take two study products during the course of the study. One of these study products will be a placebo. Approximately 120 participants in approximately 30 study centers across the United States are expected to take part. Participants will be in the study for approximately 3 months and visit the study clinic 3 times.


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