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Outcomes of Pectoralis Minor and Brachial Plexus Release
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to to assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients who have undergone shoulder arthroplasty.
Outcomes of Rotator Cuff Repair
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is evaluate the outcomes and complications in patients who underwent a rotator cuff repair.
Outcomes of Shoulder Arthroplasty
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes and complications in patients who have received a hemiarthroplasty, anatomic total shoulder, or reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Closed for Enrollment
Genetic Variation in Arthrofibrosis
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to learn why there are differences between those who develop stiff joints and those who do not by examining the genes responsible for joint contractures in people who have had total joint surgery.
Intraoperative Complications and Clinical Outcomes in Arthroplasty After Previous Surgical Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fracture
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to describe the complications that occur during a shoulder arthroplasty surgery and the outcomes after, due to the altered anatomy or damage from a previous surgery to fix a fracture.
Outcome and Complications of Glenohumeral Capsular Plication in Patients with Ehler-Danlos Syndrome
Rochester, Minn.
This study aims to elucidate the mechanisms behind successful and unsuccessful outcomes after surgical stabilization of recurrent multidirectional shoulder instability in patients with Ehler-Danlos Syndrome.
Outcomes of Modern Bone Preserving Shoulder Arthroplasty System
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes and complications of anatomic total shoulder and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty systems using bone preserving shoulder arthroplasty system.
Outcomes of Shoulder Surgery in Patients with Upper Extremity Lymphedema
Rochester, Minn.
The correlation between lymphedema and shoulder arthroplasty will be analyzed using medical records for all patients that came to the Mayo Clinic with a diagnosis of lymphedema within the time period of 1979-2016.
We will use multiple variables to analyze the associations between lymphedema and multiple other factors, including infection, recurrence of disease, implant failure, etc.
Outcomes of Surgical Procedures to Restore Forearm Rotation
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of surgical procedures that will restore the patient’s rotation of the forearms.
Outcomes of Total Elbow Arthroplasty with Allograft-Prosthesis Composite for Revision of Catastrophic Failure of Ulnar Component
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of patients who received an Allograft-Prosthesis Composite for Revision of Catastrophic Failure of Ulnar Component of Total Elbow Arthroplasty.
Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty versus Open Reduction Internal Fixation of 3 and 4-Part Proximal Humerus Fractures. A Randomized Prospective Study
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to compare shoulder replacement (reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, RTSA) to shoulder repair (open reduction and internal fixation, ORIF) in patients who suffer complex humerus fractures to see which has better functional outcomes.
Shared Decision Making for Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether a diagnostic reconciliation conversation aid can assist a shared decision-making conversation between patients and clinicians to reach a consensual diagnostic plan of care and confirm that patients and clinicians have the same understanding of its goals, nature (including patient experience), and downstream consequences (including implications for further testing and treatment).
TORNIER PERFORM™ Stemless Reverse IDE Study (TORNIER PERFORM™ Stemless Reverse IDE Study)
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety and efficacy and show non-inferiority of the investigational PERFORM Stemless Reverse device to the control PERFORM Stem Reverse device in subjects who are candidates for the treatment of noninflammatory degenerative joint disease (i.e., osteoarthritis), avascular necrosis, pseudoparalysis or anterior superior escape, rotator cuff tear arthropathy, correction of functional deformity, and post-traumatic arthritis.