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Clinical Studies


Closed for Enrollment

  • Defining Blood Loss during Pancreaticoduodenectomy Rochester, Minn.

    The prupose of this study is to compare estimated blood loss and measured blood loss in pancreaticoduodenectomies.

  • Intraoperative Endoscopy Using a Thin, Single-Use, Flexible Cholangiopancreatoscope Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to document the clinical utility of diagonostic and/or therapeutic intraoperative endoscopy using a thin, single-use, flexible cholangiopancreatoscope, and to indentify specifical surgical procedures in which intraoperative use of a thin, single-use, flexible choloangiopancreatoscope suggests clinically meaningful benefit and generate a hypthesis for possible subsequent claims-support study.
