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Clinical Studies
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Closed for Enrollment
Closed for Enrollment
Cerebral Iron Quantification Using MRI
Rochester, Minn.
This proposal includes evaluation of brain iron quantification method using MR imaging and will operate within the NSR guidelines for data acquisition established by the FDA/CDRH. The significant testing by vendor and Mayo staff prior to in vivo use, assure the safety of these studies and overall system stability.
The result of these studies will be used to validate new technology to determine the iron level in the brain and correlate the iron deposit with age, gender, and pathology.
Evaluation of a compact 3T MRI scanner for subjects with MR conditional implanted devices
Rochester, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of a compact, 3T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner for patients with MR conditional implanted devices, including MR conditional spinal cord stimulators.