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Clinical Studies


  • Knee Biologic Preservation: Functional and Clinical Outcome Rochester, Minn.

    The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes of patients undergoing biologic knee preservation surgery. Secondary purpose is to identify possible correlation between outcome and pre-operative radiological findings (i.e. bony abnormalities such as mal-alignment, size of cartilage defect).

  • Molecular Characterization of Musculoskeletal Tissues Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this investigation is to characterize the genetic and epigenetic characteristics of different musculoskeletal tissues, as well as their associated disease states. Epigenetic markers represent promising therapeutic targets, as well as diagnostic biomarkers with important clinical utility.


  • STABILITY 2: ACL Reconstruction +/- Lateral Tenodesis with Patellar vs. Quad Tendon Rochester, Minn.

    The overall primary objective of this 21-site international randomized trial is to determine if graft type (QT, BPTB or HT) with or without a lateral extra-articular tenodesis (LET) will affect the rate of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) clinical failure 2 years after surgery.

Closed for Enrollment
