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MA.39, TAILOR RT: A Randomized Trial of Regional Radiotherapy in Biomarker Low Risk Node Positive Breast Cancer (TAILOR RT)
Jacksonville, Fla.
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects on low-risk breast cancer receiving usual care that includes regional radiation therapy, with receiving no regional radiation therapy. Researchers want to see if not giving this type of radiation treatment works as well at preventing breast cancer from coming back.
NRG-BR007, A Phase III Clinical Trial Evaluating De-Escalation of Breast Radiation for Conservative Treatment of Stage I, Hormone Sensitive, HER-2 Negative, Oncotype Recurrence Score Less Than or Equal to 18 Breast Cancer (DEBRA)
La Crosse, Wis.,
Mankato, Minn.,
Albert Lea, Minn.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether breast conservation surgery and endocrine therapy results in a non-inferior rate of invasive or non-invasive ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) compared to breast conservation with breast radiation and endocrine therapy.
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Closed for Enrollment
A Phase 1b Study of Berzosertib in Combination With Radiation Therapy to Overcome Therapeutic Resistance in Chemotherapy Resistant Triple Negative and Estrogen and/or Progesterone Receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer
Rochester, Minn.,
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
The purpose of this study is to determine the recommended Phase 2 dose twice weekly of berzosertib administered concurrently with conventionally fractionated radiation therapy to the breast/chest wall and regional nodes.
A Phase II Study of Accelerated 3 Fraction Photon and Proton Partial Breast External Beam Radiotherapy and Partial Breast Brachytherapy for Early Invasive and Noninvasive Breast Cancer
Rochester, Minn.,
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
This is an open label phase II study to determine the safety and efficacy of a novel 3 fraction daily dosing regimen for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) for early invasive and noninvasive breast cancer. The three techniques utilized are recognized as standard options for the delivery of APBI, and there is no evidence that either technique is superior or inferior to any other. The APBI technique utilized will be at the physician's discretion and will be based on technical considerations, availability at the treating radiation facility, insurance coverage, as well as patient preference.
A Phase II Trial of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy to the Whole Breast Alone After Breast Conserving Surgery (MC1635)
Rochester, Minn.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
The optimal dose and fractionation regimen for whole breast irradiation, whole breast and regional nodal irradiation, and postmastectomy radiotherapy remains unknown. The goal of this phase II randomized controlled trial is to determine whether the hypofractionated proton regimens proposed are non-inferior compared with standard fractionated proton radiotherapy and therefore worthy of further investigation.
A Pilot/Phase II Trial of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy to the Whole Breast Alone before Breast Conserving Surgery
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
The purpose of this trial is to determine the patient's pathological response after hypofractionated radiotherapy to the whole breast based on a specimen after surgery. The analysis of tumor mutation may lead to a better understanding of the effect of radiotherapy in breast cancer.
A Prospective Biobank for Patients Receiving Definitive Radiotherapy at Mayo Clinic Florida
Jacksonville, Fla.
The purpose of this study is to establish a prospective cohort of patients treated with external beam radiotherapy at Mayo Clinic Florida and to establish a biobank of blood samples for future studies.
A Randomized Phase III Clinical Trial Evaluating Post-Mastectomy Chestwall and Regional Nodal XRT and Post-Lumpectomy Regional Nodal XRT in Patients With Positive Axillary Nodes Before Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Who Convert to Pathologically Negative Axillary Nodes After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Mankato, Minn.,
Rochester, Minn.,
Jacksonville, Fla.,
La Crosse, Wis.,
Albert Lea, Minn.
This randomized phase III trial studies standard or comprehensive radiation therapy in treating patients with early-stage breast cancer who have undergone surgery. Radiation therapy uses high-energy x rays to kill tumor cells. It is not yet known whether comprehensive radiation therapy is more effective than standard radiation therapy in treating patients with breast cancer.
Determining Molecular Drivers of Radiation Dermatitis
Jacksonville, Fla.
The purpose of this study is to collect (i) pre-treatment (at the time of breast cancer surgery) normal skin and (ii) on-treatment (around the third week of treatment with breast radiation) irradiated skin with clinical hallmarks of radiation dermatitis (erythema and/or dry desquamation, documented by a photograph and graded by clinical criteria).
MC1935: A Phase III Trial of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy to the Whole Breast or Post-mastectomy Chest Wall Including Regional Nodal Irradiation
Rochester, Minn.,
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
The purpose of this study is to determine the safety of 5 fraction vs. 25 fraction radiation to the whole breast or post-mastectomy chest wall/reconstructed chest with regional nodal radiation.
NRG-BR002, A Phase IIR/III Trial of Standard of Care Therapy with or without Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) and/or Surgical Ablation for Newly Oligometastatic Breast Cancer
Rochester, Minn.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
This randomized phase II/III trial studies how well standard of care therapy with stereotactic radiosurgery and/or surgery works and compares it to standard of care therapy alone in treating patients with breast cancer that has spread to one or two locations in the body (limited metastatic) that are previously untreated. Standard of care therapy comprising chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and others may help stop the spread of tumor cells. Radiation therapy and/or surgery is usually only given with standard of care therapy to relieve pain; however, in patients with limited metastatic breast cancer, stereotactic radiosurgery, also known as stereotactic body radiation therapy, may be able to send x-rays directly to the tumor and cause less damage to normal tissue and surgery may be able to effectively remove the metastatic tumor cells. It is not yet known whether standard of care therapy is more effective with stereotactic radiosurgery and/or surgery in treating limited metastatic breast cancer.
NRG-BR007, A Phase III Clinical Trial Evaluating De-Escalation of Breast Radiation for Conservative Treatment of Stage I, Hormone Sensitive, HER-2 Negative, Oncotype Recurrence Score Less Than or Equal to 18 Breast Cancer (DEBRA)
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether breast conservation surgery and endocrine therapy results in a non-inferior rate of invasive or non-invasive ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) compared to breast conservation with breast radiation and endocrine therapy.
Phase III Randomized Trial of Hypofractionated Post Mastectomy Radiation With Breast Reconstruction
Rochester, Minn.,
Mankato, Minn.,
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Eau Claire, Wis.
This randomized phase III trial studies how well hypofractionated radiation therapy works in preventing recurrence in patients with stage IIa-IIIa cancer who have undergone mastectomy. Hypofractionated radiation therapy delivers higher doses of radiation therapy over a shorter period of time and may kill more tumor cells that remain after surgery and have fewer side effects.
Pilot Study of PROS Monitoring
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Rochester, Minn.,
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
The purpose of this study is to determine the ability to capture PROs during patients’ radiation and during 3 months after.
Additionally, the study plans to conduct a retrospective chart review of prospectively accrued patients and ask subjects to complete a questionnaire.
Pragmatic Phase III Randomized Trial of Proton vs. Photon Therapy for Patients with Non-metastatic Breast Cancer Receiving Comprehensive Nodal Radiation: A Radiotherapy Comparative Effectiveness (RADCOMP) Consortium Trial (RADCOMP)
Jacksonville, Fla.
The purpose of this study to assess the effectiveness of proton vs. photon therapy in reducing major cardiovascular events (MCE), defined as atherosclerotic coronary heart disease or other heart disease death, myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or hospitalization for major cardiovascular event (heart failure, valvular disease, arrhythmia, or unstable angina or other major cardiovascular event) in patients with locally-advanced breast cancer.