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Clinical Studies
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Closed for Enrollment
Closed for Enrollment
A Single-Center, Observational, Intraluminal Imaging Study of Duodenal Layer Morphometry in Patients with and without Type 2 Diabetes Undergoing Endoscopy of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
Jacksonville, Fla.
This observational study is conducted to determine how the duodenal layer thicknesses (mucosa, submucosa, and muscularis) vary with several factors in patients with and without type 2 diabetes.
Bio Specimen Resource (Bio bank) for Biliary Tract Disorders
Jacksonville, Fla.
The aims of this proposal are to establish a Biorepository of specimens collected from patients with biliary tract disorders undergoing endoscopic procedures such as ERCP, which would allow development of research studies aimed at investigating molecular biomarkers and changes in the biliary composition and microbiome in patients with biliary tract diseases. Ultimately, the goal would be to identify biomarkers that would guide clinicians toward an improved ability to more effectively diagnosis or treat these conditions.
Prospective Registry for Trans-Orifice Endoscopic Suturing Applications
Jacksonville, Fla.
The purpose of this study is to determine patient outcomes (survival, additional endoscopic or surgical procedures) with an endoscopic suturing technique at predetermined intervals compared to historical controls when applicable. To evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and durability of trans-orifice endoscopic suturing therapy for revision of bariatric procedures as well as study the safety, efficacy, and durability of preventative fixation of GI endoprosthetics.