Featured conditions Brain tumor, breast cancer, colon cancer, congenital heart disease, heart arrhythmia. See more conditions.
Featured conditions
(for at least one location)
Jacksonville, FL
Describes the nature of a clinical study. Types include:
The purpose of this study is to culture human mammary cells to identify cellular characteristics associated with lobular involution status.
Study statuses change often. Please contact us for help.
Open for enrollment
Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ, Jacksonville, FL, Rochester, MN
Researchers at Mayo Clinic are developing a Biobank of adult stem cell-rich breast organoids, a new research resource to facilitate normal and cancer stem cell research. Subjects in the Biobank will provide samples of excess breast tissue, complete a health questionnaire, and allow access to medical records now and in the future. The Biobank serves as a library for researchers; instead of having to look for volunteers for each new project, researchers can use samples from the Biobank as well as share information already collected.
Closed for enrollment
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to compare the cosmetic outcome of Superomedial and Inferior Pedical Breast Reduction.
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