A Study to Develop Liquid Biopsy for Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to confirm detection of the H3K27M mutation in patient biofluids (CSF, blood, urine, saliva) and uncover the molecular histone (alkaline protein) profile of H3K trimethylation and H3S phosphorylation in the circulating nucleosomes isolated from the biofluids of patients with H3K27M tumors.
Digital Biomarker and Omics-Based Assessment of Surgical Resiliency in Children Undergoing Solid Tumor Resection
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate 1) feasibility of digital biomarker assessment using wearable in children with solid tumors who undergo surgery and 2) alterations in circulating proteins and metabolites indicative of a stressed state will persist postoperatively and correlate with clinical signs of recovery.
Dinutuximab With Chemotherapy, Surgery and Stem Cell Transplantation for the Treatment of Children With Newly Diagnosed High Risk Neuroblastoma
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this stduy tests how well adding dinutuximab to induction chemotherapy along with standard of care surgery radiation and stem cell transplantation works for treating children with newly diagnosed high risk neuroblastoma. Dinutuximab is a monoclonal antibody that binds to a molecule called GD2, which is found in greater than normal amounts on some types of cancer cells. This helps cells of the immune system kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs such as cyclophosphamide, topotecan, cisplatin, etoposide, vincristine, dexrazoxane, doxorubicin, temozolomide, irinotecan and isotretinoin, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing ...
Reducing Smoke Exposure in Children Facing Surgery
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this study is to see whether advice by clinicians to cigarette smokers who are parents of children undergoing elective surgery can reduce the exposure of these children to secondhand smoke in the time around surgery.