
Mayo Clinic's research core facilities are supported by institutional funds and governed by the Research Core Subcommittee at Mayo's campus in Rochester, Minnesota.

The Research Core Subcommittee coordinates and facilitates the development and operation of state-of-the-art institutional research cores in support of Mayo investigators.

The charge of the Mayo Clinic Research Core Subcommittee is to:

  • Oversee and manage research cores
  • Work with the Office of Research Policy Management Services to review existing policies and procedures, develop new policies and procedures if needed, and apply common approaches for research across Mayo Clinic

The subcommittee's main focus is to ensure scientific excellence of research cores, facilitate new services and advances within the cores, and maintain fiscal and regulatory compliance with Mayo policy and federal mandates. The Research Core Subcommittee works closely with individual researchers, research leadership, the Office of Research Policy Management Services and Research Finance.

Mayo Clinic core facilities annually serve more than 700 Mayo investigators, which is greater than 80 percent of its researchers. Through focused attention to quality, competitive marketplace pricing and customer surveys, the cores are continually evolving to provide Mayo investigators with a competitive advantage for their extramural grant applications.

The services provided by Mayo Clinic core facilities make possible the technological advancements and discoveries that are translated into medical practice to improve patient care.