Cell Culture

Cytogenetics Core cell culture services include setup, culturing, harvesting, slide preparation and slow freezing. These services are available to assist investigators with any culture project or goal. The core can culture a variety of tissue types and animal models using numerous culture systems.


Cell culture services can be used to produce the appropriate material for cytogenetic analysis from the investigator's original specimen or sample. For example, the core can produce metaphases for cytogenetic analysis or karyotypes from an investigator's cell line of interest. In addition, the core can initiate the culturing of raw specimens, such as tumors, without subsequent cytogenetic analysis for the investigator.

A range of tissues, animal models and culture systems are commonly used by the Cytogenetics Core.

Tissue types

  • Whole blood
  • Bone marrow
  • Lymph node
  • Tissue (any)
  • Tumor
  • Spleen
  • Tail or ear
  • Cell lines

Animal models

  • Human
  • Mouse
  • Dog
  • Rat
  • Pig

Culture systems

  • Suspension
  • Monolayer
  • Feeder layer
  • In situ chemotaxis assay (ISCA)
  • Direct preparation