
Mayo Clinic's Flow Cytometry Core in Arizona offers benchtop flow cytometry services to researchers.

Benchtop flow cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Core has three benchtop instruments capable of exciting dyes that require 355nm, 405nm, 488nm 560nm or 633nm lasers:

  • BD Biosciences LSRFortessa flow cytometer
  • BD Biosciences Symphony A3 flow cytometer
  • Cytek Aurora Full Spectrum flow cytometer

Typical applications include apoptosis, cell cycle, immunophenotyping and protein expression.

Cell sorting

The core has a BD Biosciences FACSAria III cell sorter. It is contained within a Baker biological safety cabinet to allow sterile sorting of both human and nonhuman cells. The cell sorter is equipped with an automatic cell deposition unit to enable sorting into various size plates, as well as glass slides and tubes. Four distinct populations can be sorted at one time.