AI web-like network Collaborative AI and informatics

The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics (AI&I) is a research department that supports Mayo Clinic's artificial intelligence and informatics strategies.


Mayo Clinic's Department of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics includes clinical and research faculty, as well as operational staff who engage in the use of informatics and digital technology to improve human health.

The department promotes collaborative research for advancing the methods, applications and infrastructure in digital medicine with the emphasis on the synergy of people, processes and technology, representing a multidisciplinary unification based on biomedical, computational and social sciences.

The goals of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics include:

  • Facilitating the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and developing the best-in-class AI education, training, research and translational programs that deliver real return on investment.
  • Making access to cutting-edge informatics and AI technology a standard practice.
  • Increasing visibility to expertise in the area of AI and informatics.
  • Strengthening AI capabilities to provide new and impactful insights into health and disease and applied informatics capabilities to translate discoveries into the practice.
  • Facilitating the recruitment, orientation, ongoing performance expectations and retention of research faculty in AI.
  • Providing a primary and secondary academic home supporting shared infrastructure, knowledge diffusion and professional development.
  • Offering graduate education.
  • Increasing academic and industry partnerships in AI.


The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics is affiliated with several other Mayo Clinic research areas: