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  1. Antwi, Samuel O. Ph.D.
    1. Antwi.Samuel@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Publications
  2. Austin, Jessica D. Ph.D.
    1. Austin.Jessica2@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Publications
  3. Couch, Fergus J. Ph.D.
    1. Couch.Fergus@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
    3. Publications
  4. Ehlers, Diane K. Ph.D.
    1. Ehlers.Diane@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Publications
  5. Fan, Fred W. Ph.D.
    1. Fan.Jung-wei@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
    3. Publications
  6. Festic, Emir M.D., M.S.
    1. Professor of Medicine
    2. Publications
  7. Foran, James M. M.D.
    1. Foran.James@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Oncology
    3. Professor of Medicine
  8. Gades, Naomi M. D.V.M., M.S.
    1. Gades.Naomi@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Publications
  9. Krieger, Janice Ph.D.
    1. Krieger.Janice@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Clinical Translational Science
    3. Publications
  10. Myasoedova, Elena M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Myasoedova.Elena@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Medicine
    3. Associate Professor of Epidemiology
    4. Publications
  11. Olson, Janet E. Ph.D.
    1. olsonj@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Publications
  12. Philpot, Lindsey M. Ph.D., M.P.H.
    1. Philpot.Lindsey@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Health Services Research
    3. Publications
  13. Rocca, Walter A. M.D., M.P.H.
    1. rocca@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Professor of Neurology
    4. Publications
  14. Rutten, Lila J. Ph.D.
    1. Rutten.Lila@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Health Services Research
    3. Publications
  15. Sherman, Mark E. M.D.
    1. Sherman.Mark@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Epidemiology
    3. Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
    4. Publications
  16. Thiel, David D. M.D.
    1. Thiel.David@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Urology
  17. Yost, Kathleen J. Ph.D.
    1. Yost.Kathleen@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Health Services Research
    3. Publications