
Rochester, Minnesota


Cummins.Nathan@mayo.edu Clinical Profile


The research conducted by Nathan W. Cummins, M.D., aims to improve the health and well-being of individuals with infectious diseases, particularly in those who have weakened immune systems. Dr. Cummins' research spans the translation spectrum, from basic scientific research to preclinical translational research, early-stage clinical trials and genomic analyses on a population scale.

Focus areas

  • HIV cure. Dr. Cummins partners with a multidisciplinary team of researchers searching for a cure for HIV. His research focuses on modifying host cell-death pathways to encourage specific death of HIV-infected cells in order to clear the infection.
  • Improving health for people with chronic HIV infection. Dr. Cummins aims to improve the current health of those with chronic HIV infection by investigating improvements in the HIV care continuum and optimizing antiviral therapy usage with pharmacogenetic testing.
  • Transplant infectious diseases. Dr. Cummins partners with other researchers at Mayo Clinic to improve the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in patients who have undergone transplantation, particularly solid organ transplants.

Significance to patient care

For patients with HIV infection, Dr. Cummins' research efforts aim to improve outcomes of treatment, including optimal selection of antiretroviral therapy leading to reduced adverse drug effects and improved long-term adherence and efficacy. For patients with organ transplants, Dr. Cummins' research efforts aim to improve the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of infectious complications of transplantation in order to improve long-term survival and quality of life in these patients.

Professional highlights

  • Appointed member, Research Committee Advisory Group, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2017-2018


Primary Appointment

  1. Consultant, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine

Academic Rank

  1. Associate Professor of Medicine


  1. MA - Bioethics Medical College of Wisconsin
  2. Certificate - Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences
  3. Fellow - Transplant Infectious Diseases Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  4. Fellow - Infectious Diseases University Hospital, Cincinnati
  5. Chief Resident - Internal Medicine University Hospital, Cincinnati
  6. Resident - Internal Medicine University Hospital, Cincinnati
  7. Internship - Internal Medicine University Hospital, Cincinnati
  8. MD University of Kentucky
  9. BA - Microbiology Miami University

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