Peter J. Dyck, M.D., directs the Peripheral Nerve Research Laboratory. He is an authority on peripheral neuropathy, having been involved in the original description of some varieties of neuropathy (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and inherited polyneuropathies), edited 12 textbooks on the subject of peripheral neuropathies, and been involved in pivotal trials of treatment of peripheral neuropathies.

Focus areas

Dr. Dyck is extensively involved in epidemiological and treatment trials of diabetic polyneuropathy, amyloid polyneuropathy, hereditary sensorimotor polyneuropathy and uremic neuropathies. He has extensively studied the endpoints that can be used to measure response to therapy in peripheral neuropathy.

In addition, Dr. Dyck is extensively involved in study of methodologies to discover the neuropathological basis of the various neuropathies mentioned above. He continues to do pivotal studies of experimental neuropathies.

Significance to patient care

The activities listed in the preceding section provide evidence that research relates to differential diagnosis, natural history and response to treatment of most major varieties of human and experimental polyneuropathies.

Professional highlights

  • Roy E. and Merle Meyer Professor of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, 1988-present
  • Founding Member and President — PNS, PNAA and PNS (peripheral nerve societies)
  • Founding Member and President, Quantitative Sensation Testing Society, 2004-present
  • Neurodiab Lifetime Achievement Award in Diabetic Neuropathy, 2009
  • Associate Editor, Diabetes, 2011-present


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