
Jacksonville, Florida




The research of Hugo Guerrero Cazares, M.D., Ph.D., within Mayo Clinic's Department of Neurosurgery, is focused on the study of brain tumors and the interaction brain tumors have with neurogenesis.

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive tumor in the brain. Among GBMs, those that are located near the neurogenic areas of the brain have the worst prognosis. Researchers in Dr. Guerrero Cazares' Neurogenesis and Brain Tumors Laboratory seek to understand the mechanisms behind the poor prognosis for GBMs in these neurogenic areas.

Dr. Guerrero Cazares' research is funded by the National Cancer Institute.

Focus areas

  • Interaction of neurogenesis and brain tumors
  • Architecture of the human subventricular zone
  • Neural progenitor and brain tumor cell migration

Significance to patient care

Dr. Guerrero Cazares' research aims to increase the understanding of brain tumor invasion and malignancy. The ultimate goal of his work is to translate newly generated knowledge into novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with brain tumors.

Professional highlights

  • Adjunct professor, Anahuac University, Mexico City, 2016-present
  • Co-vice chair, Department of Neurosurgery Research, Mayo Clinic, 2016-present
  • Member, National System of Researchers, Mexico, 2007-present


Administrative Appointment

  1. Associate Consultant I-Research, Department of Neurosurgery
  2. Associate Consultant I-Research, Department of Neuroscience
  3. Associate Consultant I-Research, Department of Cancer Biology

Academic Rank

  1. Associate Professor of Neurosurgery


  1. Ph.D. - Neuroscience Universidad de Guadalajara
  2. MD Universidad de Guadalajara

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