Featured conditions Brain tumor, breast cancer, colon cancer, congenital heart disease, heart arrhythmia. See more conditions.
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Terry D. Schneekloth, M.D., specializes in transplant and addiction psychiatry. Dr. Schneekloth evaluates and treats psychiatric and substance use disorders in patients undergoing solid organ and bone marrow transplants, and organ donors. He pursues research on the optimal care of organ recipients before and after a transplant to improve survival and quality of life after a transplant.
Transplant preparation and the recovery process are very stressful life events for organ recipients and their family members. Psychiatric and substance use disorders that occur at the same time as a transplant may worsen the distress and the likelihood of positive outcomes after a transplant. This includes full recovery. Dr. Schneekloth pursues research that improves assessment before a transplant, better manages substance use and psychiatric disorders, and better treats these disorders long term. His goal is to improve patients' quality of life and survival after a transplant.
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