
The Hospital Medicine Innovation Laboratory combines expertise in data science, informatics, machine learning and artificial intelligence to develop new tools and practices that advance the care of people at Mayo Clinic. Focus areas and accomplishments include:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning feasibility assessment, development and validation — the laboratory developed Mayo's first in-house machine learning model to predict the need for hospital admission.
  • Implementation science and study design for artificial intelligence, machine learning and informatics tools.
  • Clinical software application development.
  • Integration and analysis of multi-omics datasets.
  • Electronic health record (EHR) optimization, including clinical decision support tool creation and evaluation.
  • EHR data structures and queries.
  • Cloud computing for data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Virtual care and telemedicine.
  • Health policy analysis.
  • Infectious diseases modeling and tracking technologies — the team helped design a leading privacy-preserving COVID-19 tracking software platform.
  • Financial analysis of technological initiatives.
  • Creation of organizational culture that embraces innovation and digital transformation.

Within these domains, our team brings unique clinical, scientific and managerial expertise from multiple top healthcare institutions and the leading EHR vendor, as well as a variety of formal and informal training in informatics and data science. Accordingly, members of our team have published, won funding and received leadership appointments in these spaces intramurally and extramurally. We also have served as collaborators on projects across a variety of medical specialties, and we welcome additional opportunities for collaboration.