Careers and Education

If you're interested in research education or career opportunities within the Knowledge and Evaluation Research Unit, email your curriculum vitae, a bibliography, a brief statement of your research interests, and the names of two or three references to

Postdoc research fellows

Postdoctoral research fellows in the Knowledge and Evaluation Research Unit work on designing, testing and evaluating interventions to promote shared decision-making and patient-centered care. They also participate in knowledge syntheses of evidence-based medicine.

Examples of current areas of focus include:

  • User centered design methods
  • Development and testing of practice level interventions
  • Measurement and evaluation of interventions
  • Clinical research informatics
  • Artificial intelligence and shared decision-making
  • Clinical practice redesign

A research background in applied psychology, health policy or health services is highly desired. Knowledge of health services and clinical research methodology, adequate written and oral communication skills, and a commitment to teamwork are required. A history of successfully funded grants is a plus.

Research trainees

Our research trainee program provides a solid mentored research experience with hands-on, one-on-one mentoring. This is a full-time, one-year program. Start dates are flexible. Research trainees are responsible for their own expenses; no stipend is provided.

Each trainee participates in and conducts a clinical research project, doable in the program time frame. Trainees have designated research space and a computer at the KER Unit, working with Dr. Montori and the rest of our team.

As part of the mentored research experience, trainees can develop skills to conduct knowledge synthesis research (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) or clinical trials associated with improving the quality of clinical decision-making. Trainees also receive formal instruction on literature searching and critical appraisal of the literature, and engage in teamwork with research professionals in the KER Unit.

Trainees can expect to participate in at least one manuscript and generate at least three abstracts as first authors. The KER Unit can cover travel and presentation expenses for accepted work at national conferences.

We present often at the annual meetings of professional organizations, and our collaborators have presented work conducted at the KER Unit at major national meetings. The experience includes individualized coaching for scientific writing and poster or podium presentations. Other authorship opportunities often are available.

Other benefits for trainees include access to seminars and lectures across Mayo Clinic and the opportunity to take classes at Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education.