
Led by principal investigator, Andres J. Acosta, M.D., Ph.D., the Precision Medicine for Obesity Laboratory at Mayo Clinic is addressing the escalating global obesity epidemic by developing novel individualized treatments for obesity.

Current strategies for treating human obesity rely on a "one-size-fits-all" approach despite significant pathophysiological heterogeneity among people with obesity. As a result, the response to obesity pharmacotherapy as well as diet and lifestyle interventions continues to be a hit-or-miss phenomenon with highly variable efficacies and outcomes.

The Precision Medicine for Obesity Lab focuses on understanding and characterizing the complex heterogeneity within human obesity. Recent studies have identified several unique sub groups of human obesity, also known as obesity-related phenotypes, each of which possesses distinctive pathophysiological abnormalities, and are associated with differential responses to obesity pharmacotherapy.

Dr. Acosta's research team strives to understand these unique obesity-related phenotypes, and further elucidate the intricate pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of each distinct phenotype, to introduce novel individualized interventions for obesity that enhance the efficacy of pharmacotherapies for weight loss.

About Dr. Acosta

Dr. Acosta is a physician-scientist at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, specializing in bariatric surgery, upper endoscopy, nutrition and obesity. He is also an assistant professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. As a practicing gastroenterologist, Dr. Acosta translates his knowledge and research experience with patients with obesity at Mayo Clinic's weight-loss clinic, and nonsurgical weight loss program. His research is focused on gastrointestinal physiology to understand the complexity of food intake regulation and obesity.