
  1. Sytsma TT, Krause DA, Hollman JH, Leep Hunderfund AN, Newcomer KL. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of an interprofessional workshop between physical therapy and medical students. J Interprof Care. 2021 Jan-Feb; 35 (1):145-148 Epub 2019 Dec 21
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  2. Rosenberg CJ, Nanos KN, Newcomer KL. The "Near-Peer" Approach to Teaching Musculoskeletal Physical Examination Skills Benefits Residents and Medical Students. PM R. 2017 Mar; 9 (3):251-257 Epub 2016 June 10
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  3. Sole JS, Wisniewski SJ, Newcomer KL, Maida E, Smith J. Sonographic evaluation of the extensor carpi ulnaris in asymptomatic tennis players. PM R. 2015 Mar; 7: (3)255-63.
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  4. Krause DA, Hollman JH, Pawlina W, Newcomer KL. Interprofessional education: collaboration or competition? A tale of two experiences. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2014 Sep-Oct; 13 (5):291-2
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  5. Newcomer KL, Laskowski ER, Grande JP, Dyrbye LN. The physiatrists' crucial role in the development and implementation of a longitudinal musculoskeletal physical examination curriculum in a medical school. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Jan; 92: (1)84-9.
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  6. Newcomer KL, Shelerud RA, Vickers Douglas KS, Larson DR, Crawford BJ. Anxiety levels, fear-avoidance beliefs, and disability levels at baseline and at 1 year among subjects with acute and chronic low back pain. PM R. 2010 Jun; 2 (6):514-20
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  7. Mayer RS, Baima J, Bloch R, Braza D, Newcomer K, Sherman A, Sullivan W. Musculoskeletal education for medical students. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Oct; 88(10):791-7.
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  8. Newcomer KL, Vickers Douglas KS, Shelerud RA, Long KH, Crawford B. Is a videotape to change beliefs and behaviors superior to a standard videotape in acute low back pain? A randomized controlled trial. Spine J. 2008 Nov-Dec; 8 (6):940-7 Epub 2007 Nov 26
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  9. Smith J, Dahm DL, Newcomer-Aney KL. Role of sonography in the evaluation of unstable os acromiale. J Ultrasound Med. 2008 Oct; 27 (10):1521-6
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  10. Krause DA, Newcomer KL. Femoral neck stress fracture in a male runner. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2008 Aug; 38: (8)517.
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  11. Martinez-Silvestrini JA, Newcomer KL, Gay RE, Schaefer MP, Kortebein P, Arendt KW. Chronic lateral epicondylitis: comparative effectiveness of a home exercise program including stretching alone versus stretching supplemented with eccentric or concentric strengthening. J Hand Ther. 2005 Oct-Dec; 18: (4)411-9, quiz 420.
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  12. Newcomer KL, Martinez-Silvestrini JA, Schaefer MP, Gay RE, Arendt KW. Sensitivity of the Patient-rated Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire in lateral epicondylitis. J Hand Ther. 2005 Oct-Dec; 18: (4)400-6.
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  13. Wisniewski SJ, Newcomer K, Stanson AW. Intramuscular hemangioma of the foot: a diagnostic dilemma. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2005 Oct; 37 (10):1655-7
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  14. Smith J, Laskowski ER, Newcomer-Aney KL, Thompson JM, Schaefer MP, Morfe EG. Implementation of formal learning objectives during a physical medicine and rehabilitation sports medicine rotation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2005 Apr; 84 (4):287-93
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  15. Finnoff JT, Newcomer K, Laskowski ER. A valid and reliable method for measuring the kicking accuracy of soccer players. J Sci Med Sport. 2002 Dec; 5 (4):348-53
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  16. Newcomer KL, Jacobson TD, Gabriel DA, Larson DR, Brey RH, An KN. Muscle activation patterns in subjects with and without low back pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002 Jun; 83 (6):816-21
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  17. Newcomer KL, Laskowski ER, Idank DM, McLean TJ, Egan KS. Corticosteroid injection in early treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Clin J Sport Med. 2001 Oct; 11 (4):214-22
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  18. Newcomer K, Laskowski ER, Yu B, Johnson JC, An KN. The effects of a lumbar support on repositioning error in subjects with low back pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001 Jul; 82 (7):906-10
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  19. Laskowski ER, Moutvic M, Smith J, Smith J, Newcomer-Aney K, Showalter CJ. Integration of physical medicine and rehabilitation into a medical school curriculum: musculoskeletal evaluation and rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2000 Nov-Dec; 79 (6):551-7
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  20. Newcomer KL, Laskowski ER, Yu B, Johnson JC, An KN. Differences in repositioning error among patients with low back pain compared with control subjects. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2000 Oct 1; 25 (19):2488-93
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  21. Laskowski ER, Newcomer-Aney K, Smith J. Proprioception. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2000 May; 11(2):323-40, vi.
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  22. Newcomer K, Newcomer K, Laskowski ER, Yu B, Larson DR, An KN. Repositioning error in low back pain. Comparing trunk repositioning error in subjects with chronic low back pain and control subjects. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2000 Jan 15; 25 (2):245-50
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  23. Laskowski ER, Newcomer-Aney K, Smith J. Refining rehabilitation with proprioception training: expediting return to play. Phys Sportsmed. 1997 Oct; 25 (10):89-104
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  24. Newcomer K, Sinaki M, Wollan PC. Physical activity and four-year development of back strength in children. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1997 Jan-Feb; 76 (1):52-8
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  25. Newcomer K, Newcomer K, Sinaki M. Low back pain and its relationship to back strength and physical activity in children. Acta Paediatr. 1996 Dec; 85 (12):1433-9
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  26. Newcomer K, Jurisson ML. Rheumatoid arthritis: the role of physical therapy. J Musculoskeletal Med. 1994 Nov; 11:14-16, 19-20, 25-6.
  27. Newcomer KL, Krug HE, Mahowald ML. Validity and reliability of the timed-stands test for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic diseases. J Rheumatol. 1993 Jan; 20(1):21-7.
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