
  1. Anazco D, Espinosa MA, Cifuentes L, Kassmeyer B, Schmidt TM, Fansa S, Campos A, Tama E, Harmsen WS, Hurtado MD, Hensrud DD, Acosta A. Efficacy of in-person versus digital enhanced lifestyle interventions in adults with overweight and obesity. Obes Pillars. 2024 Dec; 12:100133. Epub 2024 Oct 16.
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  2. Hensrud DD, Thompson WG, Rieck TM, West CP, Jenkins SM, Ferguson JA, Clark MM. Impact of a Participatory Wellness Continuing Medical Education Program on Physician Burnout and Well-Being. J Occup Environ Med. 2024 Oct 1; 66 (10):e487-e492 Epub 2024 July 16
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  3. Acosta A, Cifuentes L, Anazco D, O'Connor T, Hurtado M, Ghusn W, Campos A, Fansa S, McRae A, Madhusudhan S, Kolkin E, Ryks M, Harmsen W, Abu Dayyeh B, Hensrud D, Camilleri M. Unraveling the Variability of Human Satiation: Implications for Precision Obesity Management. Res Sq 2024 May 23
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  4. Keller AS, Hurt RT, Schroeder DR, DeJesus RS, Ganesh R, Fokken SC, Mundi MS, Bonnes SL, Lawson DK, Njeru JW, Vincent A, Ebbert JO, Ghosh K, Abu Lebdeh HS, Hensrud DD, Nanda S, Croghan IT. Perceived Health Concerns and Barriers to Care in Persons With Overweight and Obesity: A Patient Survey. J Prim Care Community Health. 2024 Jan-Dec; 15:21501319241303608
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  5. Biggs BK, Vickers KS, Hathaway JC, Hofschulte DR, Clark MM, Mapes MD, Murad AL, Peterson NW, Prigge B, Kumar S, Cunningham ML, Hensrud DD. Acceptability of a brief, intensive adolescent obesity intervention with wellness coaching. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2023 Jun; 11 (2):206-16
  6. Cifuentes L, Ghusn W, Feris F, Campos A, Sacoto D, De la Rosa A, McRae A, Rieck T, Mansfield S, Ewoldt J, Friend J, Grothe K, Lennon RJ, Hurtado MD, Clark MM, Camilleri M, Hensrud DD, Acosta A. Phenotype tailored lifestyle intervention on weight loss and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with obesity: a single-centre, non-randomised, proof-of-concept study. EClinicalMedicine. 2023 Apr; 58:101923 Epub 2023 Mar 24
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  7. Hurtado MD, Cifuentes L, Campos A, De La Rosa A, Kapoor E, Faubion SS, Hensrud DD, Camilleri M, Acosta A. Sex as an independent variable in the measurement of satiation: a retrospective cohort study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2022 Dec; 46 (12):2156-2162 Epub 2022 Oct 13
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  8. Cifuentes L, Campos A, Silgado MLR, Kelpin S, Stutzman J, Hurtado MD, Grothe K, Hensrud DD, Clark MM, Acosta A. Association between anxiety and eating behaviors in patients with obesity. Obes Pillars. 2022 Sep; 3:100021 Epub 2022 May 17
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  9. Campos A, Cifuentes L, Hashem A, Busebee B, Hurtado-Andrade MD, Ricardo-Silgado ML, McRae A, De la Rosa A, Feris F, Bublitz JT, Hensrud D, Camilleri M, Kellogg TA, Eckel-Passow JE, Olson J, Acosta A. Effects of Heterozygous Variants in the Leptin-Melanocortin Pathway on Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Outcomes: a 15-Year Case-Control Study. Obes Surg. 2022 Aug; 32 (8):2632-2640 Epub 2022 June 03
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  10. Hart J, Katz DL, Kushner RF, Frates B, Hensrud DD. Roundtable discussion: COVID-19 and obesity—implications and integrative management Alternative & Complementary Therapies. 2021; 27 (2):57-63
  11. Hasan B, Thompson WG, Almasri J, Wang Z, Lakis S, Prokop LJ, Hensrud DD, Frie KS, Wirtz MJ, Murad AL, Ewoldt JS, Murad MH. The effect of culinary interventions (cooking classes) on dietary intake and behavioral change: a systematic review and evidence map. BMC Nutr. 2019; 5:29 Epub 2019 May 10
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  12. Mikhail DS, Jensen TB, Wade TW, Myers JF, Frank JM, Wieland M, Hensrud D, McMahon MM, Collazo-Clavell ML, Abu-Lebdeh H, Kennel KA, Hurley DL, Grothe K, Jensen MD. Methodology of a multispecialty outpatient Obesity Treatment Research Program. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2018 Jun; 10:36-41 Epub 2018 Mar 09
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  13. Abu Dabrh AM, Gorty A, Jenkins SM, Murad MH, Hensrud DD. Health Habits of Employees in a Large Medical Center: Time Trends and Impact of a Worksite Wellness Facility. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 11; 6:20804.
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  14. Steffen M, Kuhle C, Hensrud D, Erwin PJ, Murad MH. The effect of coffee consumption on blood pressure and the development of hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hypertens. 2012 Dec; 30 (12):2245-54
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  15. Kermott CA, Kuhle CS, Faubion SS, Johnson RE, Hensrud DD, Murad MH. The diagnostic yield of the first episode of a periodic health evaluation: a descriptive epidemiology study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012 May 30; 12:137
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  16. Murad MH, Elamin KB, Abu Elnour NO, Elamin MB, Alkatib AA, Fatourechi MM, Almandoz JP, Mullan RJ, Lane MA, Liu H, Erwin PJ, Hensrud DD, Montori VM. Clinical review: The effect of vitamin D on falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Oct; 96 (10):2997-3006 Epub 2011 July 27
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  17. Elamin MB, Abu Elnour NO, Elamin KB, Fatourechi MM, Alkatib AA, Almandoz JP, Liu H, Lane MA, Mullan RJ, Hazem A, Erwin PJ, Hensrud DD, Murad MH, Montori VM. Vitamin D and cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jul; 96 (7):1931-42 Epub 2011 June 15
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  18. Singh S, Somers VK, Clark MM, Vickers K, Hensrud DD, Korenfeld Y, Lopez-Jimenez F. Physician diagnosis of overweight status predicts attempted and successful weight loss in patients with cardiovascular disease and central obesity. Am Heart J. 2010 Nov; 160 (5):934-42
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  19. Lee JH, O'Keefe JH, Bell D, Hensrud DD, Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency an important, common, and easily treatable cardiovascular risk factor? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Dec 9; 52(24):1949-56.
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  20. Santosa S, Hensrud DD, Votruba SB, Jensen MD. The influence of sex and obesity phenotype on meal fatty acid metabolism before and after weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Oct; 88 (4):1134-41
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  21. Varkey P, Karlapudi SP, Hensrud DD. The impact of a quality improvement program on employee satisfaction in an academic microsystem. Am J Med Qual. 2008 May-Jun; 23(3):215-21.
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  22. McAlpine DA, Manohar CU, McCrady SK, Hensrud D, Levine JA. An office-place stepping device to promote workplace physical activity. Br J Sports Med. 2007 Dec; 41(12):903-7. Epub 2007 May 18.
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  23. Kullo IJ, Khaleghi M, Hensrud DD. Markers of inflammation are inversely associated with VO2 max in asymptomatic men. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2007 Apr; 102(4):1374-9. Epub 2006 Dec 14.
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  24. Hensrud DD, Klein S. Extreme obesity: a new medical crisis in the United States. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Oct; 81 (10 Suppl):S5-10
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  25. Binder J, Bailey KR, Seward JB, Squires RW, Kunihiro T, Hensrud DD, Kullo IJ. Aortic augmentation index is inversely associated with cardiorespiratory fitness in men without known coronary heart disease. Am J Hypertens. 2006 Oct; 19 (10):1019-24
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  26. Hensrud DD. Overweight and obesity: a clinician's perspective. N C Med J. 2006 Jul-Aug; 67(4):273-7.
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  27. Smith AM, Lopez-Jimenez F, McMahon MM, Thomas RJ, Wellik MA, Jensen MD, Hensrud DD. Action on obesity: report of a mayo clinic national summit. Mayo Clin Proc. 2005 Apr; 80 (4):527-32
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  28. Nielsen S, Guo Z, Johnson CM, Hensrud DD, Jensen MD. Splanchnic lipolysis in human obesity. J Clin Invest. 2004 Jun; 113 (11):1582-8
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  29. Hensrud DD. Diet and obesity. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2004 Mar; 20 (2):119-24
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  30. Hensrud DD. Tackling obesity in a 15-minute office visit. Physicians can start patients on an effective weight-loss program, despite time constraints. Postgrad Med. 2004 Jan; 115: (1)59-61.
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  31. Heimburger DC, Allison DB, Goran MI, Heini AF, Hensrud DD, Hunter GR, Klein S, Kumanyika SK, Kushner RF, Rolls BJ, Schoeller D, Schutz Y. A festschrift for Roland L. Weinsier: Nutrition scientist, educator, and clinician. Obes Res. 2003 Oct; 11(10):1246-62.
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  32. Finnie SB, Wheeldon TJ, Hensrud DD, Dahm DL, Smith J. Weight lifting belt use patterns among a population of health club members. J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Aug; 17 (3):498-502
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  33. Kullo IJ, Hensrud DD, Allison TG. Relation of low cardiorespiratory fitness to the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged men. Am J Cardiol. 2002 Oct 1; 90 (7):795-7
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  34. Kullo IJ, Hensrud DD, Allison TG. Comparison of numbers of circulating blood monocytes in men grouped by body mass index (<25, 25 to <30, > or =30). Am J Cardiol. 2002 Jun 15; 89 (12):1441-3
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  35. Morrey MA, Finnie SB, Hensrud DD, Warren BA. Screening, staffing, and emergency preparedness at worksite wellness facilities. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Feb; 34 (2):239-44
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  36. Pruthi S, Allison TG, Hensrud DD. Vitamin E supplementation in the prevention of coronary heart disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001 Nov; 76(11):1131-6.
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  37. Hensrud DD. Dietary treatment and long-term weight loss and maintenance in type 2 diabetes. Obes Res. 2001 Nov; 9 Suppl 4:348S-353S.
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  38. Suwaidi JA, Wright RS, Grill JP, Hensrud DD, Murphy JG, Squires RW, Kopecky SL. Obesity is associated with premature occurrence of acute myocardial infarction. Clin Cardiol. 2001 Aug; 24 (8):542-7
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  39. Finnie SB, Hensrud DD. Health promotion for medical center employees. Occup Clin North Am. 2001; 1:423-37.
  40. Weinsier RL, Nagy TR, Hunter GR, Darnell BE, Hensrud DD, Weiss HL. Do adaptive changes in metabolic rate favor weight regain in weight-reduced individuals? An examination of the set-point theory. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Nov; 72 (5):1088-94
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  41. Nielsen S, Hensrud DD, Romanski S, Romanski S, Levine JA, Burguera B, Jensen MD. Body composition and resting energy expenditure in humans: role of fat, fat-free mass and extracellular fluid. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Sep; 24 (9):1153-7
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  42. Balsiger BM, Kennedy FP, Abu-Lebdeh HS, Collazo-Clavell M, Jensen MD, O'Brien T, Hensrud DD, Dinneen SF, Thompson GB, Que FG, Williams DE, Clark MM, Grant JE, Frick MS, Mueller RA, Mai JL, Sarr MG. Prospective evaluation of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as primary operation for medically complicated obesity. Mayo Clin Proc. 2000 Jul; 75: (7)673-80.
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  43. Hensrud DD. Clinical preventive medicine in primary care: background and practice: 3. Delivering preventive screening services. Mayo Clin Proc. 2000 Apr; 75(4):381-5.
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  44. Hensrud DD. Pharmacotherapy for obesity. Med Clin North Am. 2000 Mar; 84 (2):463-76
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  45. Hensrud DD. Clinical preventive medicine in primary care: background and practice: 2. Delivering primary preventive services. Mayo Clin Proc. 2000 Mar; 75(3):255-64.
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  46. Hensrud DD. Clinical preventive medicine in primary care: background and practice: 1. Rationale and current preventive practices. Mayo Clin Proc. 2000 Feb; 75(2):165-72.
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  47. Hensrud DD, Connolly HM, Grogan M, Miller FA, Bailey KR, Jensen MD. Echocardiographic improvement over time after cessation of use of fenfluramine and phentermine. Mayo Clin Proc. 1999 Dec; 74: (12)1191-7.
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  48. Hensrud DD. Nutrition screening and assessment. Med Clin North Am. 1999 Nov; 83 (6):1525-46
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  49. Morrey MA, Hensrud DD. Risk of medical events in a supervised health and fitness facility. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1999 Sep; 31 (9):1233-6
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  50. Guo Z, Hensrud DD, Johnson CM, Johnson CM, Jensen MD. Regional postprandial fatty acid metabolism in different obesity phenotypes. Diabetes. 1999 Aug; 48 (8):1586-92
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  51. Hensrud DD, Engle DD, Scheitel SM. Underreporting the use of dietary supplements and nonprescription medications among patients undergoing a periodic health examination. Mayo Clin Proc. 1999 May; 74 (5):443-7
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  52. Jensen MD, Hensrud D, Hensrud D, O'Brien PC, Nielsen S. Collection and interpretation of plasma leptin concentration data in humans. Obes Res. 1999 May; 7 (3):241-5
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  53. Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC. Diet, nutrients, and gastrointestinal cancer. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 1998 Jun; 27 (2):325-46
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  54. Connolly HM, Crary JL, McGoon MD, Hensrud DD, Edwards BS, Edwards WD, Schaff HV. Valvular heart disease associated with fenfluramine-phentermine. N Engl J Med. 1997 Aug 28; 337: (9)581-8.
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  55. Hark LA, Iwamoto C, Melnick DE, Young EA, Morgan SL, Kushner R, Hensrud DD. Nutrition coverage on medical licensing examinations in the United States. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Feb; 65(2):568-71.
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  56. Cooper C, Atkinson EJ, Hensrud DD, Wahner HW, O'Fallon WM, Riggs BL, Melton LJ 3rd. Dietary protein intake and bone mass in women. Calcif Tissue Int. 1996 May; 58 (5):320-5
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  57. Hensrud DD, Burritt MF, Hall LG. Stability of heparin anticoagulant activity over time in parenteral nutrition solutions. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1996 May-Jun; 20: (3)219-21.
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  58. ChrisAnderson D, Heimburger DC, Morgan SL, Geels WJ, Henry KL, Conner W, Hensrud DD, Thompson G, Weinsier RL. Metabolic complications of total parenteral nutrition: effects of a nutrition support service. JPEN: Journal of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition. 1996 May-Jun; 20(3):206-10.
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  59. Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL, Darnell BE, Hunter GR. Relationship of co-morbidities of obesity to weight loss and four-year weight maintenance/rebound. Obes Res. 1995 Sep; 3 Suppl 2:217s-222s
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  60. Weinsier RL, Nelson KM, Hensrud DD, Darnell BE, Hunter GR, Schutz Y. Metabolic predictors of obesity. Contribution of resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of food, and fuel utilization to four-year weight gain of post-obese and never-obese women. J Clin Invest. 1995 Mar; 95(3):980-5.
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  61. Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL, Darnell BE, Hunter GR. A prospective study of weight maintenance in obese subjects reduced to normal body weight without weight-loss training. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994 Nov; 60(5):688-94.
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  62. Tan GH, Farnell GF, Hensrud DD, Litin SC. Acute Wernicke's encephalopathy attributable to pure dietary thiamine deficiency. Mayo Clin Proc. 1994 Sep; 69 (9):849-50
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  63. Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC, Chen J, Parpia B. Antioxidant status, erythrocyte fatty acids, and mortality from cardiovascular disease and Keshan disease in China. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1994 Jul; 48(7):455-64.
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  64. Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC. Antioxidant status, fatty acids, and cardiovascular disease. Nutrition. 1994 Mar-Apr; 10(2):170-5.
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  65. Hensrud DD, Heimburger DC, Chen J, Ming L, Gonghao W. Intake and sources of ascorbic acid in China. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 1994; 3:41-4.
  66. Heber D, Halsted CH, Brooks CM, Chesney RW, DiGirolamo M, Heimburger DC, Hensrud DD, Mark DA, Sitrin MD, Tillman HH. Biennial survey of physician clinical-nutrition training programs. Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 Apr; 57(4):463-9.
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  67. Hensrud DD, Sprafka JM. The smoking habits of Minnesota physicians. Am J Public Health. 1993 Mar; 83 (3):415-7
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  68. Hensrud DD, Sprafka JM, Connett J, Leon AS. Physical activity in Minnesota physicians. Prev Med. 1992 Jan; 21 (1):120-6
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