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  2. Tyson M, Andrews P, Cheney S, Humphreys M. Single Incision Robotic Cystectomy and Hybrid Orthotopic Neobladder Reconstruction: A Step by Step Description. Urology. 2021 Oct; 156:285-288 Epub 2021 July 15
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  3. Faraj KS, Mi L, Eversman S, Singh R, DeLucia NM, Blodgett G, Swanson SK, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Humphreys MR, Castle EP, Tyson MD 2nd. The effect of urinary diversion on long-term kidney function after cystectomy. Urol Oncol. 2020 Oct; 38 (10):796.e15-796.e21 Epub 2020 May 30
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  4. Nevo A, Navaratnam A, Andrews P. Prostate cancer and the role of biomarkers. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2020 Jul; 45 (7):2120-2132
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  5. Abdul-Muhsin H, Critchlow W, Navaratnam A, Gnecco J, Tay K, Girardo M, Andrews P, Cheney S, Humphreys M. Feasibility of holmium laser enucleation of the prostate as a 1-day surgery. World J Urol. 2020 Apr; 38 (4):1017-1025 Epub 2019 June 13
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  6. Blaine SA, Abdul-Muhsin HM, Jakob NJ, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Cha SS, Golshani A, Silva AC, Kawashima A, Humphreys MR. MRI - ultrasound fusion guided biopsy of the prostate: lesion volume as a predictor of cancer in patients with repeat biopsies. Indian J Urol. 2019 Jul-Sep; 35 (3):208-212
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  7. Faraj K, Chang YH, Neville MR, Blodgett G, Etzioni DA, Habermann EB, Andrews PE, Castle EP, Humphreys MR, Tyson MD. Robotic vs. open cystectomy: How length-of-stay differences relate conditionally to age. Urol Oncol. 2019 Jun; 37 (6):354.e1-354.e8 Epub 2019 Feb 13
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  8. Barrett MT, Lenkiewicz E, Malasi S, Stanton M, Slack J, Andrews P, Pagliaro L, Bryce AH. Clonal analyses of refractory testicular germ cell tumors. PLoS One. 2019; 14 (3):e0213815 Epub 2019 Mar 14
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  9. Abdul-Muhsin HM, Jakob NJ, Kawashima A, Silva AC, Stanton ML, Moshero G, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR. Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Partial Prostatectomy: A Real-time Image-guided Focal Extirpative Feasibility Study. Urology. 2017 Sep; 107:262-266 Epub 2017 May 24
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  10. Patton MW, Salevitz DA, Tyson MD 2nd, Andrews PE, Ferrigni EN, Nateras RN, Castle EP. Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy for complex renal masses. J Robot Surg. 2016 Mar; 10 (1):27-31 Epub 2015 Dec 24
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  11. Abdul-Muhsin HM, Tyson MD, Andrews PE, Castle EP, Ferrigni RG, Wolter CE, Swanson SK, McLemore RY, Humphreys MR. Analysis of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients' Perspective Through a Third Party-administered Survey. Urology. 2016 Feb; 88:155-60.
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  12. Tyson MD 2nd, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RF, Humphreys MR, Parker AS, Castle EP. Radical Prostatectomy Trends in the United States: 1998 to 2011. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Jan; 91 (1):10-6
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  13. Wisenbaugh ES, Tyson MD 2nd, Castle EP, Humphreys MR, Andrews PE. Massive renal size is not a contraindication to a laparoscopic approach for bilateral native nephrectomies in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). BJU Int. 2015 May; 115(5):796-801. Epub 2014 Aug 16.
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  14. Salevitz DA, Patton MW, Tyson MD 2nd, Nunez-Nateras R, Ferrigni EN, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR, Castle EP. The impact of ischemia on long-term renal function after partial nephrectomy in the two kidney model. J Endourol. 2015 Apr; 29 (4):474-8 Epub 2014 Nov 05
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  15. Cheney SM, Andrews PE, Leibovich BC, Castle EP. Robot-assisted retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: technique and initial case series of 18 patients. BJU Int. 2015 Jan; 115 (1):114-20 Epub 2014 Aug 16
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  16. Tyson MD, Castle EP, Humphreys MR, Andrews PE. Venous thromboembolism after urological surgery. J Urol. 2014 Sep; 192 (3):793-7 Epub 2014 Mar 02
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  17. Grimsby GM, Andrews PE, Castle EP, Nunez R, Mihalik LA, Chang YH, Humphreys MR. Long-term renal function after donor nephrectomy: secondary follow-up analysis of the randomized trial of ketorolac vs placebo. Urology. 2014 Jul; 84(1):78-81.
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  18. Wisenbaugh ES, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Schild SE, Keole SR, Wong WW, Vora SA. Proton beam therapy for localized prostate cancer 101: basics, controversies, and facts. Rev Urol. 2014; 16 (2):67-75
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  19. Nunez-Nateras R, Castle EP, Protheroe CA, Stanton ML, Ocal TI, Ferrigni EN, Ochkur SI, Jacobsen EA, Hou YX, Andrews PE, Colby TV, Lee NA, Lee JJ. Predicting response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) in patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder. Urol Oncol. 2014 Jan; 32 (1):45.e23-30 Epub 2013 Sept 18
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  20. Tyson MD, Wisenbaugh ES, Andrews PE, Castle EP, Humphreys MR. Simultaneous kidney transplantation and bilateral native nephrectomy for polycystic kidney disease. J Urol. 2013 Dec; 190(6):2170-4. Epub 2013 May 30.
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  21. Vora SA, Wong WW, Schild SE, Ezzell GA, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Swanson SK. Outcome and toxicity for patients treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer. J Urol. 2013 Aug; 190 (2):521-6 Epub 2013 Feb 13
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  22. Tyson MD, Humphreys MR, Parker AS, Thiel DD, Joseph RW, Andrews PE, Castle EP. Age-period-cohort analysis of renal cell carcinoma in United States adults. Urology. 2013 Jul; 82 (1):43-7 Epub 2013 May 22
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  23. Nunez-Nateras R, Hurd KJ, Ferrigni EN, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR. Athermal nerve sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: initial experience with microporous polysaccharide hemospheres as a topical hemostatic agent. World J Urol. 2013 Jun; 31 (3):523-7 Epub 2011 Dec 25
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  24. Tyson MD, Andrews PE, Etzioni DA, Ferrigni RG, Humphreys MR, Swanson SK, Castle EK. Marital status and prostate cancer outcomes. Can J Urol. 2013 Apr; 20 (2):6702-6
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  25. Martin AD, Mekeel KL, Castle EP, Vaish SS, Martin GL, Moss AA, Mulligan DC, Heilman RL, Reddy KS, Andrews PE. Laparoscopic bilateral native nephrectomies with simultaneous kidney transplantation. BJU Int. 2012 Dec; 110(11 Pt C):E1003-7. Epub 2012 Aug 09.
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  26. Grimsby GM, Conley SP, Trentman TL, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Mihalik LA, Hentz JG, Humphreys MR. A double-blind randomized controlled trial of continuous intravenous Ketorolac vs placebo for adjuvant pain control after renal surgery. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Nov; 87 (11):1089-97 Epub 2012 Oct 08
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  27. Humphreys MR, Castle EP, Andrews PE. Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic radical prostatectomy (NOTES RP): the evolution of the technique. Arch Esp Urol. 2012 Apr; 65(3):407-14.
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  28. Tyson MD, Etzioni DA, Wisenbaugh ES, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR, Ferrigni RG, Swanson SK, Castle EP. Anatomic site-specific disparities in survival outcomes for penile squamous cell carcinoma. Urology. 2012 Apr; 79 (4):804-8 Epub 2012 Mar 03
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  29. Tyson MD, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Heilman RL, Moss AA, Mulligan DC, Reddy KS. Ureteral stricture formation in laparoscopically procured living donor kidney transplantation. Can J Urol. 2012 Apr; 19(2):6188-92.
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  30. Martin GL, Warner JN, Nateras RN, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR, Castle EP. Comparison of total, selective, and nonarterial clamping techniques during laparoscopic and robot-assisted partial nephrectomy. J Endourol. 2012 Feb; 26(2):152-6. Epub 2012 Jan 04.
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  31. Humphreys MR, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Lingeman JE. Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic radical prostatectomy. Ther Adv Urol. 2012 Feb; 4(1):33-43.
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  32. Polcari AJ, Allen JC, Nunez-Nateras R, Mmeje CO, Andrews PE, Milner JE, Castle EP, Woods ME. Multicenter experience with robot-assisted radical prostatectomy in renal transplant recipients. Urology. 2012; 80(6):1267-72.
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  33. Nakamura LY, Martin GL, Fox JC, Andrews PE, Humphreys M, Castle EP. Comparing the portable laparoscopic trainer with a standardized trainer in surgically naive subjects. J Endourol. 2012 Jan; 26: (1)67-72.
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  34. Humphreys MR, Sauer JS, Ryan AR, Leslie KO, Castle EP, Lingeman JE, Andrews PE. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic radical prostatectomy: initial perioperative and pathologic results. Urology. 2011 Dec; 78(6):1211-7. Epub 2011 Oct 11.
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  35. Warner JN, Nunez RN, Mmeje CO, Colby TV, Ferrigni RG, Humphreys MR, Andrews PE, Castle EP. Impact of margin status at 37 months after robot assisted radical prostatectomy. Can J Urol. 2011 Dec; 18(6):6043-9.
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  36. Grimsby GM, Andrews PE, Castle EP, Wolter CE, Patel BM, Humphreys MR. Urologic surgical simulation: an endoscopic bladder model. Simul Healthc. 2011 Dec; 6(6):352-5.
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  37. Nakamura LY, Nunez RN, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Humphreys MR, Swanson SK, Wolter CE, Castle EP. Older age does not impact perioperative complications after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. J Robot Surg. 2011 Sep; 5 (3):201-8 Epub 2011 Feb 05
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  38. Nunez R, Hurd KJ, Noble BN, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR. Incidental prostate cancer revisited: early outcomes after holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. Int J Urol. 2011 Jul; 18 (7):543-7 Epub 2011 May 18
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  39. Tyson MD, Castle EP, Ko EY, Andrews PE, Heilman RL, Mekeel KL, Moss AA, Mulligan DC, Reddy KS. Living donor kidney transplantation with multiple renal arteries in the laparoscopic era. Urology. 2011 May; 77(5):1116-21. Epub 2010 Dec 08.
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  40. Nakamura LY, Nunez RN, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR. Different approaches to an inguinal hernia repair during a simultaneous robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. J Endourol. 2011 Apr; 25: (4)621-4.
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  41. Hellenthal NJ, Hussain A, Andrews PE, Carpentier P, Castle E, Dasgupta P, Kaouk J, Khan S, Kibel A, Kim H, Manoharan M, Menon M, Mottrie A, Ornstein D, Palou J, Peabody J, Pruthi R, Richstone L, Schanne F, Stricker H, Thomas R, Wiklund P, Wilding G, Guru KA. Lymphadenectomy at the time of robot-assisted radical cystectomy: results from the International Robotic Cystectomy Consortium. BJU Int. 2011 Feb; 107(4):642-6.
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  42. Tyson MD, Castle EP, Ko EY, Andrews PE, Heilman RL, Mekeel KL, Moss AA, Mulligan DC, Reddy KS. Living donor kidney transplantation with multiple renal arteries in the laparoscopic era. International Braz J Urol. 2011; 37(3):401.
  43. Hayn MH, Hellenthal NJ, Hussain A, Andrews PE, Carpentier P, Castle E, Dasgupta P, Davis R, Thomas R, Khan S, Kibel A, Kim H, Manoharan M, Menon M, Mottrie A, Ornstein D, Peabody J, Pruthi R, Palou Redorta J, Vira M, Schanne F, Stricker H, Wiklund P, Wilding G, Guru KA. Does previous robot-assisted radical prostatectomy experience affect outcomes at robot-assisted radical cystectomy? Results from the International Robotic Cystectomy Consortium. Urology. 2010 Nov; 76(5):1111-6. Epub 2010 Aug 14.
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  44. Tyson M, Castle E, Andrews P, Heilman R, Mekeel K, Moss A, Mulligan D, Reddy K. Early graft function after laparoscopically procured living donor kidney transplantation. J Urol. 2010 Oct; 184(4):1434-9. Epub 2010 Aug 19.
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  45. Krambeck AE, Humphreys MR, Andrews PE, Lingeman JE. Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery: radical prostatectomy in the canine model. J Endourol. 2010 Sep; 24: (9)1493-6.
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  46. Hayn MH, Hussain A, Mansour AM, Andrews PE, Carpentier P, Castle E, Dasgupta P, Rimington P, Thomas R, Khan S, Kibel A, Kim H, Manoharan M, Menon M, Mottrie A, Ornstein D, Peabody J, Pruthi R, Palou Redorta J, Richstone L, Schanne F, Stricker H, Wiklund P, Chandrasekhar R, Wilding GE, Guru KA. The learning curve of robot-assisted radical cystectomy: results from the International Robotic Cystectomy Consortium. Eur Urol. 2010 Aug; 58(2):197-202. Epub 2010 Apr 23.
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  47. Hellenthal NJ, Hussain A, Andrews PE, Carpentier P, Castle E, Dasgupta P, Kaouk J, Khan S, Kibel A, Kim H, Manoharan M, Menon M, Mottrie A, Ornstein D, Palou J, Peabody J, Pruthi R, Richstone L, Schanne F, Stricker H, Thomas R, Wiklund P, Wilding G, Guru KA. Surgical margin status after robot assisted radical cystectomy: results from the International Robotic Cystectomy Consortium. J Urol. 2010 Jul; 184(1):87-91. Epub 2010 May 15.
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  48. Martin AD, Nunez RN, Pacelli A, Woods ME, Davis R, Thomas R, Andrews PE, Castle EP. Robot-assisted radical cystectomy: intermediate survival results at a mean follow-up of 25 months. BJU Int. 2010 Jun; 105 (12):1706-9 Epub 2009 Nov 09
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  49. Martin AD, Nunez RN, Andrews JR, Martin GL, Andrews PE, Castle EP. Outpatient prostatectomy: too much too soon or just what the patient ordered. Urology. 2010 Feb; 75: (2)421-4.
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  50. Nunez-Nateras R, Andrews JR, Martin GL, Andrews PE, Humphreys MR, Ferrigni RG, Eversman WG, Castle EP. Accuracy of ultrasound in estimation of prostate weight: comparison of urologists and radiologists. Can J Urol. 2010 Feb; 17: (1)4985-8.
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  51. Nunez-Nateras R, Ko EY, Andrews JR, Humphreys MR, Castle EP, Andrews PE. Nephrobronchial fistula secondary to xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis Current Urology. 2010; 4: (1)45-8.
  52. Mekeel KL, Daley SM, Andrews PE, Moss AA, Heilman RL, Mazur MJ, Chakkera HA, Hamawi K, Mulligan DC, Sudhakar Reddy K. Successful transplantation of a split crossed fused ectopic kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease. J Transplant. 2010; 2010:383972 Epub 2010 Mar 25
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  53. Wong WW, Vora SA, Schild SE, Ezzell GA, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Swanson SK. Radiation dose escalation for localized prostate cancer: intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus permanent transperineal brachytherapy. Cancer. 2009 Dec 1; 115 (23):5596-606
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  54. Martin GL, Nunez RN, Humphreys MD, Martin AD, Ferrigni RG, Andrews PE, Castle EP. Interval from prostate biopsy to robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: effects on perioperative outcomes. BJU Int. 2009 Dec; 104(11):1734-7. Epub 2009 Jun 22.
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  55. Martin AD, Desai PJ, Nunez RN, Martin GL, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Swanson SK, Pacelli A, Castle EP. Does a history of previous surgery or radiation to the prostate affect outcomes of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy? BJU Int. 2009 Jun; 103(12):1696-8. Epub 2008 Dec 23
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  56. Humphreys MR, Krambeck AE, Andrews PE, Castle EP, Lingeman JE. Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgical radical prostatectomy: proof of concept. J Endourol. 2009 Apr; 23: (4)669-75.
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  57. Martin GL, Nunez RN, Martin AD, Andrews PE, Castle EP. A novel and ergonomic patient position for laparoscopic kidney surgery. Can J Urol. 2009 Apr; 16 (2):4580-3
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  58. Castle EP, Nunez R, Desai PJ, Humphreys MR, Andrews PE, Eversman W. Ureteroarterial fistula following laser endopyelotomy. J Urol. 2009 Mar; 181(3):1343-4. Epub 2009 Jan 20.
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  59. Conley SP, Humphreys MR, Desai PJ, Castle EP, Dueck AC, Ferrigni RG, Andrews PE. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for very large renal tumors (> or =10 cm): is there a size limit? J Endourol. 2009 Jan; 23: (1)57-61.
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  60. Humphreys MR, Castle EP, Lohse CM, Sebo TJ, Leslie KO, Andrews PE. Renal ischemia time in laparoscopic surgery: an experimental study in a porcine model. Int J Urol. 2009 Jan; 16 (1):105-9
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  61. Ko EY, Castle EP, Desai PJ, Moss AA, Reddy KS, Mekeel KL, Mulligan DC, Andrews PE. Utility of the endovascular stapler for right-sided laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: a 7-year experience at Mayo Clinic. J Am Coll Surg. 2008 Dec; 207(6):896-903. Epub 2008 Aug 30.
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  62. Martin GL, Castle EP, Martin AD, Desai PJ, Lallas CD, Ferrigni RG, Andrews PE. Outcomes of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy in the setting of vena caval and renal vein thrombus: seven-year experience. J Endourol. 2008 Aug; 22: (8)1681-5.
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  63. Humphreys MR, Lingeman JE, Terry C, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Gettman MT, Ereth MH. Renal injury and the application of polysaccharide hemospheres: a laparoscopic experimental model. J Endourol. 2008 Jun; 22 (6):1375-81
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  64. Woods M, Thomas R, Davis R, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Cheng J, Castle EP. Robot-assisted extended pelvic lymphadenectomy. J Endourol. 2008 Jun; 22(6):1297-302.
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  65. Desai PJ, Castle EP, Daley SM, Swanson SK, Ferrigni RG, Humphreys MR, Andrews PE. Bilateral laparoscopic nephrectomy for significantly enlarged polycystic kidneys: a technique to optimize outcome in the largest of specimens. BJU Int. 2008 Apr; 101(8):1019-23. Epub 2008 Jan 10.
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  66. Desai PJ, Andrews PE, Ferrigni RG, Castle EP. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy at the Mayo Clinic Arizona: follow-up surveillance of positive margin disease. Urology. 2008 Feb; 71(2):283-6.
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  67. Granberg CF, Humphreys MR, Castle E, Slezak J, Gettman MT, Andrews PE. Thermal effects of laparoscopic saline-enhanced radiofrequency cautery on renal parenchyma in a porcine model. J Endourol. 2008 Jan; 22: (1)139-44.
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  68. Humphreys MR, Castle EP, Andrews PE, Gettman MT, Ereth MH. Microporous polysaccharide hemospheres for management of laparoscopic trocar injury to the spleen. Am J Surg. 2008 Jan; 195(1):99-103.
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