
  1. Husmann DA, Pappas TN, Preminger GM. Nephrolithiasis on the National Stage: The Kidney Stones of President Lyndon B. Johnson. Urology. 2024 Dec; 194:362-366 Epub 2024 Sept 16
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  2. Houston Thompson R, Lohse CM, Leibovich BC, Gettman MT, Husmann DA, Viers BR. Predictors of Excellent Urology Residents at the Time of the Urology Match. Urology. 2024 Jan; 183:17-24 Epub 2023 Oct 21
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  3. Bearrick EN, Husmann DA. Screening for Zinner Syndrome in Patients With a Congenitally Solitary Kidney: Lessons Learned. J Urol. 2023 Dec; 210 (6):888-898 Epub 2023 Sept 27
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  4. Hagedorn J, Coutinho K, Robertson K, D'anna K, Chevli K, Aube-Peterkin M, Cantril C, Ehlert M, Te A, Delong J, Brandes S, Schalifer A, DeSouza E, Erickson J, Husmann D, Morey A, Olsson C, Virasoro R, Elliott S. Sexual Function and Andrology Parameters after Treatment of Anterior Urethral Strictures with the Optilume Drug Coated Balloon The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2023; 20(Supplement 1). Epub 2023 May 22.
  5. Szymanski KM, Adams CM, Alkawaldeh MY, Austin PF, Bowman RM, Castillo H, Castillo J, Chu DI, Estrada CR, Fascelli M, Frimberger DC, Gargollo PC, Hamdan DG, Hecht SL, Hopson B, Husmann DA, Jacobs MA, MacNeily AE, McLeod DJ, Metcalfe PD, Meyer T, Misseri R, O'Neil J, Rensing AJ, Routh JC, Rove KO, Sawin KJ, Schlomer BJ, Shamblin I, Sherlock RL, Slobodov G, Stout J, Tanaka ST, Weiss DA, Wiener JS, Wood HM, Yerkes EB, Blount J. Causes of death among people with myelomeningocele: A multi-institutional 47-year retrospective study. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2023; 16 (4):605-619
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  6. Elliott S, DeLong J, Coutinho K, Robertson K, D'Anna R, Chevli K, Carrier S, Aube-Peterkin M, Cantrill C, Ehlert M, Te A, Dann J, Brandes S, Hagedorn J, Levin R, Schlaifer A, Desourza F, Dimarco D, Erickson B, Natale R, Husmann D, Morey A, Olsson C, Virasoro R. The Optilume drug coated ballon for recurrent anterior urethral strictures ROBUST III study 2 year results European Urology Open Science. 2022; 44:S259-260.
  7. Elliott SP, Coutinho K, Robertson KJ, D'Anna R, Chevli K, Carrier S, Aube-Peterkin M, Cantrill CH, Ehlert MJ, Te AE, Dann J, DeLong JM, Brandes SB, Hagedorn JC, Levin R, Schlaifer A, DeSouza E, DiMarco D, Erickson BA, Natale R, Husmann DA, Morey A, Olsson C, Virasoro R. One-Year Results for the ROBUST III Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Optilume((R)) Drug-Coated Balloon for Anterior Urethral Strictures. J Urol. 2022 Apr; 207 (4):866-875 Epub 2021 Dec 02
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  8. Husmann DA. Cryptorchidism: What Are the Risks of Infertility? What Do We Tell the Parents? How Do We Manage the Child? J Urol 2022 Mar; 207 (3):498-499 Epub 2021 Dec 09
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  9. El-Arabi AM, Alam SM, Dai J, Thompson J, Baden M, Siculietano J, Kerley P, Englert S, Nitti VW, Hussman DA, Thrasher JB, Brannigan RE, Sandlow JI, Nangia AK. Impact of Fellowship-Trained Andrology and Sexual Medicine Specialists on Performance on the Annual American Urological Association In-Service Examination. Urology. 2021 Nov; 157:51-56 Epub 2021 June 27
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  10. Rosen DP, Husmann DA, Mynderse LA, Kelly TF Jr, Alizad A, Fatemi M. Detrusor overactivity assessment using ultrasound bladder vibrometry. Physiol Meas. 2021 Oct 29; 42(10).
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  11. Beck L, Veith D, Linde M, Gill M, Calvert J, Grahn P, Garlanger K, Husmann D, Lavrov I, Sayenko D, Strommen J, Lee K, Zhao K. Impact of long-term epidural electrical stimulation enabled task-specific training on secondary conditions of chronic paraplegia in two humans. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021 Sep; 44 (5):800-805 Epub 2020 Mar 23
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  12. Husmann DA, Terris MK, Lee CT, Thrasher JB. The American Board of Urology: In Pursuit of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Urol Pract. 2021 Sep; 8(5):583-588. Epub 2021 Jul 21.
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  13. Beck L, Veith D, Linde M, Gill M, Calvert J, Grahn P, Garlanger K, Husmann D, Lavrov I, Sayenko D, Strommen J, Lee K, Zhao K. Potential impact of epidural stimulation on neurogenic bladder function and the value of urodynamic studies throughout usage. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021 Jul; 44 (4):515-516
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  14. Zhang X, Husmann DA, Mynderse LA, Alizad A, Fatemi M. Non-invasive assessment of urinary bladder compliance using ultrasound: first validation study based on clinical urodynamic study. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Apr; 9 (7):547
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  15. Husmann DA. Erectile dysfunction in patients undergoing multiple attempts at hypospadias repair: Etiologies and concerns. J Pediatr Urol. 2021 Apr; 17 (2):166.e1-166.e7 Epub 2020 Dec 05
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  16. Bole R, Linder BJ, Gopalakrishna A, Kuang R, Boon AL, Habermann EB, Ziegelmann MJ, Gettman MT, Husmann DA, Viers BR, Enterprise-wide, Value-based, Evaluation of Notable Therapies in Urologic Surgery (EVENTUS) working group. Malpractice Litigation in Iatrogenic Ureteral Injury: a Legal Database Review. Urology. 2020 Dec; 146:19-24 Epub 2020 Sept 09
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  17. Hebert KJ, Joseph J, Boswell T, Andrews J, Husmann DA, Viers BR. Enhanced ambulatory male urethral surgery: a pathway to successful outpatient urethroplasty. Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Feb; 9 (1):23-30
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  18. Husmann DA, Montgomery BD, Viers BR. Pelvic fracture urethral injuries associated with rectal injury: a review of acute and definitive urologic and bowel management with long term outcomes. Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Feb; 9 (1):106-114
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  19. Husmann DA, Viers BR. Neurogenic bladder: management of the severely impaired patient with complete urethral destruction: ileovesicostomy, suprapubic tube drainage or urinary diversion-is one treatment modality better than another? Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Feb; 9 (1):132-141
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  20. Bayat M, Adabi S, Kumar V, Gregory A, Webb J, Denis M, Kim B, Singh A, Mynderse L, Husmann D, Alizad A, Fatemi M. Acoustoelasticity Analysis of Transient Waves for Non-Invasive In Vivo Assessment of Urinary Bladder. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 21; 9 (1):2441
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  21. Husmann DA. Cancer screening in the pediatric cancer patient: a focus on genitourinary malignancies, and why does a urologist need to know about this? J Pediatr Urol. 2019 Feb; 15 (1):5-11 Epub 2018 Oct 24
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  22. Mahmoud A, Manka M, Lipworth R, Heslop D, Sharma V, Husmann D, Westerman ME. Alteplase Instillation for Upper Urinary Tract Clot Dissolution. J Endourol Case Rep. 2019; 5 (1):16-18 Epub 2019 Mar 16
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  23. Thompson RH, Lohse CM, Husmann DA, Leibovich BC, Gettman MT. Predictors of Urology Resident Surgical Skills, Clinical Communication Skills, Common Sense and In-Service Scores. Urol Pract. 2019 Jan; 6 (1):52-57 Epub 2017 Dec 29
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  24. Thompson RH, Lohse CM, Husmann DA, Leibovich BC, Gettman MT. Predictors of Scholarly Productivity, Pursuit of Fellowship, and Academic Practice Among Urology Residents Using Medical Student Application Materials. Urology. 2018 Oct; 120:49-55 Epub 2018 July 19
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  25. Husmann DA. Lessons learned from the management of adults who have undergone augmentation for spina bifida and bladder exstrophy: Incidence and management of the non-lethal complications of bladder augmentation. Int J Urol. 2018 Feb; 25 (2):94-101 Epub 2017 Aug 03
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  26. Thompson RH, Lohse CM, Husmann DA, Leibovich BC, Gettman MT. Predictors of a Successful Urology Resident Using Medical Student Application Materials. Urology. 2017 Oct; 108:22-28 Epub 2017 July 24
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  27. Rove KO, Husmann DA, Wilcox DT, Vricella GJ, Higuchi TT. Systematic review of bladder cancer outcomes in patients with spina bifida. J Pediatr Urol. 2017 Oct; 13 (5):456.e1-456.e9 Epub 2017 June 01
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  28. Husmann DA. Mortality following augmentation cystoplasty: A transitional urologist's viewpoint. J Pediatr Urol. 2017 Aug; 13 (4):358-364 Epub 2017 June 03
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  29. Bayat M, Kumar V, Denis M, Webb J, Gregory A, Mehrmohammadi M, Cheong M, Husmann D, Mynderse L, Alizad A, Fatemi M. Correlation of ultrasound bladder vibrometry assessment of bladder compliance with urodynamic study results. PLoS One. 2017; 12 (6):e0179598 Epub 2017 June 16
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  30. Cheong M, Denis M, Kumar V, Mehrmohammadi M, Gregory A, Nenadic I, Husmann D, Mynderse L, Alizad A, Fatemi M. Clinical results of ultrasound bladder vibrometry for assessment of bladder compliance Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2016; 139(4 pt 2):2176.
  31. Husmann DA. Long-term complications following bladder augmentations in patients with spina bifida: bladder calculi, perforation of the augmented bladder and upper tract deterioration. Transl Androl Urol. 2016 Feb; 5 (1):3-11
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  32. Nenadic I, Mynderse L, Husmann D, Mehrmohammadi M, Bayat M, Singh A, Denis M, Urban M, Alizad A, Fatemi M. Noninvasive Evaluation of Bladder Wall Mechanical Properties as a Function of Filling Volume: Potential Application in Bladder Compliance Assessment. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (6):e0157818 Epub 2016 June 24
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  33. Mitchell CR, Mynderse LA, Lightner DJ, Husmann DA, Krambeck AE. Efficacy of holmium laser enucleation of the prostate in patients with non-neurogenic impaired bladder contractility: results of a prospective trial. Urology. 2014 Feb; 83(2):428-32. Epub 2013 Nov 12.
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  34. Mehrmohammadi M, Nenadic IZ, Urban MW, Greenleaf JF, Alizad A, Husmann DA, Mynderse LA, Fatemi M. Ultrasound bladder vibrometry for evaluation of bladder compliance: Preliminary in vivo results. J Acoust Soc Am. 2013 Nov; 134(5):4011.
  35. Knoedler J, Han L, Granberg C, Kramer S, Chow G, Gettman M, Kimball B, Moriarty J, Kim S, Husmann D. Population-based comparison of laparoscopic and open pyeloplasty in paediatric pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction. BJU Int. 2013 Jun; 111(7):1141-7. Epub 2013 Mar 19.
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  36. Dwyer ME, Husmann DA, Rathbun SR, Weight CJ, Kramer SA. Febrile urinary tract infections after ureteroneocystostomy and subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid for vesicoureteral reflux--do choice of procedure and success matter? J Urol. 2013 Jan; 189: (1)275-82.
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  37. Higuchi TT, Fox JA, Husmann DA. Annual endoscopy and urine cytology for the surveillance of bladder tumors after enterocystoplasty for congenital bladder anomalies. J Urol. 2011 Nov; 186(5):1791-5. Epub 2011 Sep 25.
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  38. Husmann DA, Routh JC, Hagerty JA, Cannon GM, Gomez P, Cheng EY, Skoog S. Evaluation of the United States pediatric urology workforce and fellowships: a series of surveys performed in 2006-2010. J Pediatr Urol. 2011 Aug; 7 (4):446-53 Epub 2011 Feb 15
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  39. Fox JA, Rathbun SR, Husmann DA. Development of late, symptomatic abdominopelvic lymphoceles more than 10 years following pediatric reconstructive urologic procedures. J Pediatr Urol. 2011 Jun; 7 (3):383-8 Epub 2011 Apr 27
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  40. Higuchi TT, Granberg CF, Fox JA, Husmann DA. Augmentation cystoplasty and risk of neoplasia: fact, fiction and controversy. J Urol. 2010 Dec; 184(6):2492-6. Epub 2010 Oct 18.
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  41. Cervellione RM, Husmann DA, Bivalacqua TJ, Sponseller PD, Gearhart JP. Penile ischemic injury in the exstrophy/epispadias spectrum: new insights and possible mechanisms. J Pediatr Urol. 2010 Oct; 6(5):450-6. Epub 2010 Jun 11.
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  42. Lee PA, Houk CP, Husmann DA. Should male gender assignment be considered in the markedly virilized patient With 46,XX and congenital adrenal hyperplasia? J Urol. 2010 Oct; 184(4 Suppl):1786-92. Epub 2010 Aug 21.
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  43. Fox JA, Husmann DA. Continent urinary diversion in childhood: complications of alcohol abuse developing in adulthood. J Urol. 2010 Jun; 183(6):2342-6. Epub 2010 Apr 18.
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  44. Umbreit EC, Routh JC, Husmann DA. Nonoperative management of nonvascular grade IV blunt renal trauma in children: meta-analysis and systematic review. Urology. 2009 Sep; 74 (3):579-82 Epub 2009 July 09
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  45. Husmann DA. Testicular descent: a hypothesis and review of current controversies. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2009 Jun; 6(4):491-5.
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  46. Husmann DA. Malignancy after gastrointestinal augmentation in childhood. Ther Adv Urol. 2009 Apr; 1 (1):5-11
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  47. Routh JC, Tollefson MK, Ashley RA, Husmann DA. Iatrogenic ureteral injury: can adult repair techniques be used on children? J Pediatr Urol. 2009 Feb; 5(1):53-5. Epub 2008 Oct 21.
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  48. Husmann DA, Rathbun SR. Long-term follow up of enteric bladder augmentations: the risk for malignancy. J Pediatr Urol. 2008 Oct; 4(5):381-5; discussion 386. Epub 2008 Jul 23.
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  49. Lebed B, Packer M, Husmann D, Zaontz M. Results and complications of adolescent varicocele repair with intraoperative sodium morrhuate sclerotherapy. J Urol. 2008 Oct; 180(4 Suppl):1837-41. Epub 2008 Aug 21.
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  50. Routh JC, Inman BA, Ashley RA, Vandersteen DR, Reinberg Y, Wolpert JJ, Kramer SA, Husmann DA. Unilateral vesicoureteral reflux: does endoscopic injection based on the cystoscopic appearance of the ureteral orifice decrease the incidence of de-novo contralateral reflux? J Pediatr Urol. 2008 Aug; 4: (4)260-4.
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  51. Routh JC, Ashley RA, Sebo TJ, Lohse CM, Husmann DA, Kramer SA, Kwon ED. B7-H1 expression in Wilms tumor: correlation with tumor biology and disease recurrence. J Urol. 2008 May; 179 (5):1954-9; discussion 1959-60 Epub 2008 Mar 20
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  52. Routh JC, Kramer SA, Inman BA, Ashley RA, Wolpert JJ, Vandersteen DR, Husmann DA, Reinberg Y. Utility of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid injection in setting of bladder and ureteral anomalies. Urology. 2008 Mar; 71: (3)435-8.
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  53. Ashley RA, Inman BA, Routh JC, Rohlinger AL, Husmann DA, Kramer SA. Urachal anomalies: a longitudinal study of urachal remnants in children and adults. J Urol. 2007 Oct; 178(4 Pt 2):1615-8. Epub 2007 Aug 16.
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  54. Tollefson MK, Ashley RA, Routh JC, Husmann DA. Traumatic obliterative urethral strictures in pediatric patients: failure of the cut to light technique at long-term followup. J Urol. 2007 Oct; 178(4 Pt 2):1656-8; discussion 1658. Epub 2007 Aug 17.
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  55. Routh JC, Reinberg Y, Ashley RA, Inman BA, Wolpert JJ, Vandersteen DR, Husmann DA, Kramer SA. Multivariate comparison of the efficacy of intraureteral versus subtrigonal techniques of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid injection. J Urol. 2007 Oct; 178: (4 Pt 2)1702-5; discussion 1705-6.
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  56. Ashley RA, Husmann DA. Artificial urinary sphincters placed after posterior urethral distraction injuries in children are at risk for erosion. J Urol. 2007 Oct; 178(4 Pt 2):1813-5. Epub 2007 Aug 17.
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  57. Routh JC, Husmann DA. Long-term continence outcomes after immediate repair of pediatric bladder neck lacerations extending into the urethra. J Urol. 2007 Oct; 178 (4 Pt 2):1816-8; discussion 1818 Epub 2007 Aug 17
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  58. Husmann DA, Rathbun SR, Rathburn SR, Driscoll DJ. Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: incidence and treatment of genitourinary sequelae. J Urol. 2007 Apr; 177 (4):1244-9
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  59. Krambeck AE, Gettman MT, BaniHani AH, Husmann DA, Kramer SA, Segura JW. Management of nephrolithiasis after Cohen cross-trigonal and Glenn-Anderson advancement ureteroneocystostomy. J Urol. 2007 Jan; 177 (1):174-8
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  60. Husmann DA, Rathbun SR. Long-term followup of visual internal urethrotomy for management of short (less than 1 cm) penile urethral strictures following hypospadias repair. J Urol. 2006 Oct; 176(4 Pt 2):1738-41.
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  61. Husmann DA. Use of sympathetic alpha antagonists in the management of pediatric urologic disorders. Curr Opin Urol. 2006 Jul; 16(4):277-82.
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  62. Husmann DA. Surgery Insight: advantages and pitfalls of surgical techniques for the correction of bladder exstrophy. Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2006 Feb; 3(2):95-100.
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  63. Husmann DA. Cryptorchidism and its relationship to testicular neoplasia and microlithiasis. Urology. 2005 Aug; 66 (2):424-6
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  64. Kramer SA, Rathbun SR, Elkins D, Karnes RJ, Husmann DA. Double-blind placebo controlled study of alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists (doxazosin) for treatment of voiding dysfunction in the pediatric population. J Urol. 2005 Jun; 173 (6):2121-4; discussion 2124
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  65. Gillett MD, Rathbun SR, Husmann DA, Clay RP, Kramer SA. Split-thickness skin graft for the management of concealed penis. J Urol. 2005 Feb; 173 (2):579-82
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  66. Husmann DA, Gearhart JP. Loss of the penile glans and/or corpora following primary repair of bladder exstrophy using the complete penile disassembly technique. J Urol. 2004 Oct; 172 (4 Pt 2):1696-700; discussion 1700-1
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  67. Husmann DA. The androgen insensitive micropenis: long-term follow-up into adulthood. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Aug; 17 (8):1037-41
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  68. Husmann DA, Snodgrass WT, Koyle MA, Furness PD, Kropp BP, Cheng EY, Kaplan WE, Kramer SA. Ureterocystoplasty: Indications for a successful augmentation. J Urol. 2004 Jan; 171(1):376-80.
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  69. Husmann DA. Terry D Allen Journal of Urology. 2003; 170(4):1487.
  70. Crimmins CR, Rathbun SR, Husmann DA. Management of urinary incontinence and nocturnal enuresis in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Urol. 2003 Oct; 170 (4 Pt 1):1347-50
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  71. D'Angelo MF, Kausik SJ, Sebo TJ, Rathbun SR, Kramer SA, Husmann DA. p53 immunopositivity in histologically favorable Wilms tumor is not related to stage at presentation or to biological aggression. J Urol. 2003 May; 169(5):1815-7.
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  72. Holmes NM, Coplen DE, Strand W, Husmann D, Baskin LS. Is bladder dysfunction and incontinence associated with ureteroceles congenital or acquired? J Urol. 2002 Aug; 168(2):718-9.
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  73. Husmann DA, Strand WR, Ewalt DH, Kramer SA. Is endoscopic decompression of the neonatal extravesical upper pole ureterocele necessary for prevention of urinary tract infections or bladder neck obstruction? J Urol. 2002 Mar; 167 (3):1440-2
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  74. Husmann DA. Micropenis: an animal model and its human correlates. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2002; 511:41-54; discussion 54-6
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  75. Itano NB, Sherrill LE, Lerman LO, Corica FA, Hauser MF, Romero JC, Husmann DA. Electron beam computerized tomography assessment of in vivo single kidney glomerular filtration rate and tubular dynamics during chronic partial unilateral ureteral obstruction in the pig. J Urol. 2001 Dec; 166: (6)2530-5.
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  76. Pinke LA, Rathbun SR, Husmann DA, Kramer SA. Penoscrotal transposition: review of 53 patients. J Urol. 2001 Nov; 166 (5):1865-8
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  77. Kim IY, Elliott DS, Husmann DA, Boone TB. An unusual presenting symptom of sarcoidosis: neurogenic bladder dysfunction. J Urol. 2001 Mar; 165(3):903-4.
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  78. Husmann OA, Cain MP. Fecal and urinary continence after ileal cecal cystoplasty for the neurogenic bladder. J Urol. 2001 Mar; 165(3):922-5.
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  79. Romero JC, Lerman LO, Textor SC, Husmann DA. The use of three-dimensional computerized tomography with high temporal resolution to study renal function. Contemporary Dialysis and Nephrology. 2001; 22:48-52.
  80. Husmann DA, Strand B, Ewalt D, Clement M, Kramer SA, Allen TD, Lechevallier E. Management of ectopic ureterocele associated with renal duplication: a comparison of partial nephrectomy and endoscopic decompression. Progress in Urology. 2000; 10:350-2.
  81. Husmann D, Strand B, Ewalt D, Clement M, Kramer S, Allen T. Management of ectopic ureterocele associated with renal duplication: a comparison of partial nephrectomy and endoscopic decompression. J Urol. 1999 Oct; 162 (4):1406-9
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  82. Husmann DA, Vandersteen DR, McLorie GA, Churchill BM. Urinary continence after staged bladder reconstruction for cloacal exstrophy: the effect of coexisting neurological abnormalities on urinary continence. J Urol. 1999 May; 161(5):1598-602.
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  83. Vandersteen DR, Husmann DA. Treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis persisting into adulthood. J Urol. 1999 Jan; 161(1):90-2.
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  84. Husmann DA. Renal dysplasia: the risks and consequences of leaving dysplastic tissue in situ. Urology. 1998 Oct; 52 (4):533-6
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  85. Vandersteen DR, Husmann DA. Late onset recurrent penile chordee after successful correction at hypospadias repair. J Urol. 1998 Sep; 160(3 Pt 2):1131-3; discussion 1137.
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  86. Furness PD 3rd, Husmann DA, Brock JW 3rd, Steinhardt GF, Bukowski TP, Freedman AL, Silver RI, Cheng EY. Multi-institutional study of testicular microlithiasis in childhood: a benign or premalignant condition? J Urol. 1998 Sep; 160(3 Pt 2):1151-4; discussion 1178.
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  87. Tietjen DN, Uramoto GY, Tindall DJ, Husmann DA. Micropenis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: response of the penile androgen receptor to testosterone treatment. J Urol. 1998 Sep; 160 (3 Pt 2):1054-7; discussion 1079
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  88. Tietjen DN, Uramoto GY, Tindall DJ, Husmann DA. Characterization of penile androgen receptor expression in micropenis due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. J Urol. 1998 Sep; 160 (3 Pt 2):1075-8; discussion 1079
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  89. Husmann DA, Levy JB, Cain MP, Teitjen DN, Uramoto GY. Micropenis: current concepts and controversies. AUA Update. 1998; 17:74-80.
  90. Andrews KL, Husmann DA. Bladder dysfunction and management in multiple sclerosis. Mayo Clin Proc. 1997 Dec; 72 (12):1176-83
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  91. Tietjen DN, Gloor JM, Husmann DA. Proximal urinary diversion in the management of posterior urethral valves: is it necessary? J Urol. 1997 Sep; 158(3 Pt 2):1008-10.
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  92. Corica FA, Husmann DA, Churchill BM, Young RH, Pacelli A, Lopez-Beltran A, Bostwick DG. Intestinal metaplasia is not a strong risk factor for bladder cancer: study of 53 cases with long-term follow-up. Urology. 1997 Sep; 50(3):427-31.
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  93. Levy JB, Vandersteen DR, Morgenstern BZ, Husmann DA. Hypertension after surgical management of renal duplication associated with an upper pole ureterocele. J Urol. 1997 Sep; 158(3 Pt 2):1241-4.
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  94. Husmann DA, Allen TD. Endoscopic management of infected enlarged prostatic utricles and remnants of rectourethral fistula tracts of high imperforate anus. J Urol. 1997 May; 157(5):1902-6.
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  95. Tietjen DN, Husmann DA. Nocturnal enuresis: a guide to evaluation and treatment. Mayo Clin Proc. 1996 Sep; 71 (9):857-62
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  96. Husmann DA, Milliner DS, Segura JW. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction with concurrent renal pelvic calculi in the pediatric patient: a long-term followup. J Urol. 1996 Aug; 156 (2 Pt 2):741-3
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  97. Levy JB, Seay TM, Tindall DJ, Husmann DA. The effects of androgen administration on phallic androgen receptor expression. J Urol. 1996 Aug; 156 (2 Pt 2):775-9
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  98. Levy JB, Husmann DA. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: is there an effect on penile growth? J Urol. 1996 Aug; 156 (2 Pt 2):780-2
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  99. Husmann DA. Enuresis. Urology. 1996 Aug; 48 (2):184-93
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  100. Levy JB, Husmann DA. Micropenis secondary to growth hormone deficiency: does treatment with growth hormone alone result in adequate penile growth? J Urol. 1996 Jul; 156 (1):214-6
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  101. McMahon DR, Cain MP, Husmann DA, Kramer SA. Vesical neck reconstruction in patients with the exstrophy-epispadias complex. J Urol. 1996 Apr; 155(4):1411-3.
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  102. Lauvetz RW, Malek RS, Husmann DA. Treatment of extensive urethral hemangioma with KTP/532 laser. Lasers Surg Med. 1996; 18(1):92-5.
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  103. Levy JB, Husmann DA. The hormonal control of testicular descent. J Androl. 1995 Nov-Dec; 16 (6):459-63
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  104. Cain MP, Kramer SA, Tindall DJ, Husmann DA. Flutamide-induced cryptorchidism in the rat is associated with altered gubernacular morphology. Urology. 1995 Oct; 46(4):553-8.
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  105. Lauvetz RW, Monda JM, Kramer SA, Husmann DA. Urinary pH and urea concentration correlate to the bacterial colonization rate in gastric, colonic, ileal and myoperitoneal bladder augmentation. J Urol. 1995 Aug; 154 (2 Pt 2):899-902
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  106. McMahon DR, Kramer SA, Husmann DA. Micropenis: does early treatment with testosterone do more harm than good? J Urol. 1995 Aug; 154(2 Pt 2):825-9.
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  107. Cain MP, Husmann DA, McLaren RH, Kramer SA. Continuous epidural anesthesia after ureteroneocystostomy in children. J Urol. 1995 Aug; 154 (2 Pt 2):791-3
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  108. Monda JM, Husmann DA. Primary nocturnal enuresis: a comparison among observation, imipramine, desmopressin acetate and bed-wetting alarm systems. J Urol. 1995 Aug; 154 (2 Pt 2):745-8
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  109. McMahon DR, Kramer SA, Husmann DA. Antiandrogen induced cryptorchidism in the pig is associated with failed gubernacular regression and epididymal malformations. J Urol. 1995 Aug; 154 (2 Pt 1):553-7
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  110. Husmann DA, Ewalt DH, Glenski WJ, Bernier PA. Ureterocele associated with ureteral duplication and a nonfunctioning upper pole segment: management by partial nephroureterectomy alone. J Urol. 1995 Aug; 154 (2 Pt 2):723-6
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  111. Husmann DA, Levy JB. Current concepts in the pathophysiology of testicular undescent. Urology. 1995 Aug; 46 (2):267-76
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  112. Husmann DA, Milliner DS, Segura JW. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction with a simultaneous renal calculus: long-term followup. J Urol. 1995 May; 153: (5)1399-402.
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  113. Cain MP, Matsumoto JM, Husmann DA. Retrograde filling of the renal vein on computerized tomography for blunt renal trauma: an indicator of renal artery injury. J Urol. 1995 Apr; 153: (4)1247-8.
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  114. Husmann DA, Kramer SA, Malek RS, Allen TD. Infundibulopelvic stenosis: a long-term followup. J Urol. 1994 Sep; 152 (3):837-40
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  115. Husmann DA, Cain MP. Microphallus: eventual phallic size is dependent on the timing of androgen administration. J Urol. 1994 Aug; 152 (2 Pt 2):734-9
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  141. Merguerian PA, McLorie GA, McMullin ND, Khoury AE, Husmann DA, Churchill BM. Continence in bladder exstrophy: determinants of success. J Urol. 1991 Feb; 145(2):350-2.
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