
  1. Wall CA, Croarkin PE, Swintak C, Koplin BA. Psychiatric pharmacogenomics in pediatric psychopharmacology. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2012 Oct; 21(4):773-88.
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  2. Leonardson GR, Kemper E, Ness FK, Koplin BA, Daniels MC, Leonardson GA. Validity and reliability of the AUDIT and CAGE-AID in Northern Plains American Indians. Psychol Rep. 2005 Aug; 97(1):161-6.
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  3. Leonardson GR, Daniels MC, Ness FK, Kemper E, Mihura JL, Koplin BA, Foreyt JP. Validity and reliability of the general well-being schedule with northern plains American Indians diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Psychol Rep. 2003 Aug; 93(1):49-58.
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  4. Koplin B, Agathen J. Suicidality in children and adolescents: a review. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2002 Dec; 14 (6):713-7
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  5. Friedrich WN, Gerber PN, Koplin B, Davis M, Giese J, Mykelbust C, Franckowiak D. Multimodal assessment of dissociation in adolescents: inpatients and juvenile sex offenders. Sex Abuse. 2001 Jul; 13: (3)167-77.
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  6. Tracey KJ, Morgello S, Koplin B, Fahey TJ 3rd, Fox J, Aledo A, Manogue KR, Cerami A. Metabolic effects of cachectin/tumor necrosis factor are modified by site of production. Cachectin/tumor necrosis factor-secreting tumor in skeletal muscle induces chronic cachexia, while implantation in brain induces predominantly acute anorexia. J Clin Invest. 1990 Dec; 86(6):2014-24.
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