
  1. Schoepfer AM, Hirano I, Coslovsky M, Roumet MC, Zwahlen M, Kuehni CE, Hafner D, Alexander JA, Dellon ES, Gonsalves N, Leung J, Bussmann C, Collins MH, Newbury RO, Smyrk TC, Woosley JT, Yang GY, Romero Y, Katzka DA, Furuta GT, Gupta SK, Aceves SS, Chehade M, Spergel JM, Falk GW, Meltzer BA, Comer GM, Straumann A, Safroneeva E, International EEsAI Study Group. Variation in Endoscopic Activity Assessment and Endoscopy Score Validation in Adults With Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Jul; 17(8):1477-1488.e10. Epub 2018 Nov 23.
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  2. Ek WE, Lagergren K, Cook M, Wu AH, Abnet CC, Levine D, Chow WH, Bernstein L, Risch HA, Shaheen NJ, Bird NC, Corley DA, Hardie LJ, Fitzgerald RC, Gammon MD, Romero Y, Liu G, Ye W, Vaughan TL, MacGregor S, Whiteman DC, Westberg L, Lagergren J. Polymorphisms in genes in the androgen pathway and risk of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2016 Mar 1; 138 (5):1146-52 Epub 2015 Oct 05
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  3. Safroneeva E, Straumann A, Coslovsky M, Zwahlen M, Kuehni CE, Panczak R, Haas NA, Alexander JA, Dellon ES, Gonsalves N, Hirano I, Leung J, Bussmann C, Collins MH, Newbury RO, De Petris G, Smyrk TC, Woosley JT, Yan P, Yang GY, Romero Y, Katzka DA, Furuta GT, Gupta SK, Aceves SS, Chehade M, Spergel JM, Schoepfer AM, International Eosinophilic Esophagitis Activity Index Study Group. Symptoms Have Modest Accuracy in Detecting Endoscopic and Histologic Remission in Adults With Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Gastroenterology. 2016 Mar; 150(3):581-590.e4. Epub 2015 Nov 14.
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  4. Safroneeva E, Coslovsky M, Kuehni CE, Zwahlen M, Haas NA, Panczak R, Taft TH, Hirano I, Dellon ES, Gonsalves N, Leung J, Bussmann C, Woosley JT, Yan P, Romero Y, Furuta GT, Gupta SK, Aceves SS, Chehade M, Straumann A, Schoepfer AM, International EEsAI Study Group. Eosinophilic oesophagitis: relationship of quality of life with clinical, endoscopic and histological activity. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Oct; 42(8):1000-10. Epub 2015 Aug 14.
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  5. Bennett C, Moayyedi P, Corley DA, DeCaestecker J, Falck-Ytter Y, Falk G, Vakil N, Sanders S, Vieth M, Inadomi J, Aldulaimi D, Ho KY, Odze R, Meltzer SJ, Quigley E, Gittens S, Watson P, Zaninotto G, Iyer PG, Alexandre L, Ang Y, Callaghan J, Harrison R, Singh R, Bhandari P, Bisschops R, Geramizadeh B, Kaye P, Krishnadath S, Fennerty MB, Manner H, Nason KS, Pech O, Konda V, Ragunath K, Rahman I, Romero Y, Sampliner R, Siersema PD, Tack J, Tham TC, Trudgill N, Weinberg DS, Wang J, Wang K, Wong JY, Attwood S, Malfertheiner P, MacDonald D, Barr H, Ferguson MK, Jankowski J, BOB CAT Consortium. BOB CAT: A Large-Scale Review and Delphi Consensus for Management of Barrett's Esophagus With No Dysplasia, Indefinite for, or Low-Grade Dysplasia. Am J Gastroenterol. 2015 May; 110 (5):662-82; quiz 683 Epub 2015 Apr 14
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  6. Schoepfer AM, Panczak R, Zwahlen M, Kuehni CE, Coslovsky M, Maurer E, Haas NA, Alexander JA, Dellon ES, Gonsalves N, Hirano I, Leung J, Bussmann C, Collins MH, Newbury RO, De Petris G, Smyrk TC, Woosley JT, Yan P, Yang GY, Romero Y, Katzka DA, Furuta GT, Gupta SK, Aceves SS, Chehade M, Blanchard C, Straumann A, Safroneeva E, International EEsAI Study Group. How do gastroenterologists assess overall activity of eosinophilic esophagitis in adult patients? Am J Gastroenterol. 2015 Mar; 110(3):402-14. Epub 2015 Mar 03.
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  7. Palles C, Chegwidden L, Li X, Findlay JM, Farnham G, Castro Giner F, Peppelenbosch MP, Kovac M, Adams CL, Prenen H, Briggs S, Harrison R, Sanders S, MacDonald D, Haigh C, Tucker A, Love S, Nanji M, deCaestecker J, Ferry D, Rathbone B, Hapeshi J, Barr H, Moayyedi P, Watson P, Zietek B, Maroo N, Gay L, Underwood T, Boulter L, McMurtry H, Monk D, Patel P, Ragunath K, Al Dulaimi D, Murray I, Koss K, Veitch A, Trudgill N, Nwokolo C, Rembacken B, Atherfold P, Green E, Ang Y, Kuipers EJ, Chow W, Paterson S, Kadri S, Beales I, Grimley C, Mullins P, Beckett C, Farrant M, Dixon A, Kelly S, Johnson M, Wajed S, Dhar A, Sawyer E, Roylance R, Onstad L, Gammon MD, Corley DA, Shaheen NJ, Bird NC, Hardie LJ, Reid BJ, Ye W, Liu G, Romero Y, Bernstein L, Wu AH, Casson AG, Fitzgerald R, Whiteman DC, Risch HA, Levine DM, Vaughan TL, Verhaar AP, van den Brande J, Toxopeus EL, Spaander MC, Wijnhoven BP, van der Laan LJ, Krishnadath K, Wijmenga C, Trynka G, McManus R, Reynolds JV, O'Sullivan J, MacMathuna P, McGarrigle SA, Kelleher D, Vermeire S, Cleynen I, Bisschops R, Tomlinson I, Jankowski J. Polymorphisms near TBX5 and GDF7 are associated with increased risk for Barrett's esophagus. Gastroenterology. 2015 Feb; 148 (2):367-78 Epub 2014 Nov 05
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  8. Buas MF, Onstad L, Levine DM, Risch HA, Chow WH, Liu G, Fitzgerald RC, Bernstein L, Ye W, Bird NC, Romero Y, Casson AG, Corley DA, Shaheen NJ, Wu AH, Gammon MD, Reid BJ, Hardie LJ, Peters U, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL. MiRNA-Related SNPs and Risk of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Barrett's Esophagus: Post Genome-Wide Association Analysis in the BEACON Consortium. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (6):e0128617 Epub 2015 June 03
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  9. Jung KW, Jung HY, Myung SJ, Kim SO, Lee J, Yoon IJ, Seo SY, Lee JH, Kim DH, Choi KD, Song HJ, Lee GH, Murray JA, Romero Y, Kim JH. The effect of age on the key parameters in the Chicago classification: A study using high-resolution esophageal manometry in asymptomatic normal individuals. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2015; 27(2):246-57.
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  10. Orbelo DM, Enders FT, Romero Y, Francis DL, Achem SR, Dabade TS, Crowell MD, Geno DM, DeJesus RS, Namasivayam V, Adamson SC, Arora AS, Majka AJ, Alexander JA, Murray JA, Lohse M, Diehl NN, Fredericksen M, Jung KW, Houston MS, O'Neil AE, Katzka DA. Once-daily omeprazole/sodium bicarbonate heals severe refractory reflux esophagitis with morning or nighttime dosing. Dig Dis Sci. 2015 Jan; 60 (1):146-62 Epub 2014 Jan 22
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  11. Lagergren K, Ek WE, Levine D, Chow WH, Bernstein L, Casson AG, Risch HA, Shaheen NJ, Bird NC, Reid BJ, Corley DA, Hardie LJ, Wu AH, Fitzgerald RC, Pharoah P, Caldas C, Romero Y, Vaughan TL, MacGregor S, Whiteman D, Westberg L, Nyren O, Lagergren J. Polymorphisms in Genes of Relevance for Oestrogen and Oxytocin Pathways and Risk of Barrett's Oesophagus and Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Pooled Analysis from the BEACON Consortium. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (9):e0138738 Epub 2015 Sept 25
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  12. Schoepfer AM, Straumann A, Panczak R, Coslovsky M, Kuehni CE, Maurer E, Haas NA, Romero Y, Hirano I, Alexander JA, Gonsalves N, Furuta GT, Dellon ES, Leung J, Collins MH, Bussmann C, Netzer P, Gupta SK, Aceves SS, Chehade M, Moawad FJ, Enders FT, Yost KJ, Taft TH, Kern E, Zwahlen M, Safroneeva E, International Eosinophilic Esophagitis Activity Index Study Group. Development and validation of a symptom-based activity index for adults with eosinophilic esophagitis. Gastroenterology. 2014 Dec; 147(6):1255-66.e21. Epub 2014 Aug 23.
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  13. Buas MF, Levine DM, Makar KW, Utsugi H, Onstad L, Li X, Galipeau PC, Shaheen NJ, Hardie LJ, Romero Y, Bernstein L, Gammon MD, Casson AG, Bird NC, Risch HA, Ye W, Liu G, Corley DA, Blount PL, Fitzgerald RC, Whiteman DC, Wu AH, Reid BJ, Vaughan TL. Integrative post-genome-wide association analysis of CDKN2A and TP53 SNPs and risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Dec; 35 (12):2740-7 Epub 2014 Oct 03
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  14. Thrift AP, Shaheen NJ, Gammon MD, Bernstein L, Reid BJ, Onstad L, Risch HA, Liu G, Bird NC, Wu AH, Corley DA, Romero Y, Chanock SJ, Chow WH, Casson AG, Levine DM, Zhang R, Ek WE, MacGregor S, Ye W, Hardie LJ, Vaughan TL, Whiteman DC. Obesity and risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma and Barrett's esophagus: a Mendelian randomization study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Nov; 106 (11) Epub 2014 Sept 30
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  15. Thrift AP, Risch HA, Onstad L, Shaheen NJ, Casson AG, Bernstein L, Corley DA, Levine DM, Chow WH, Reid BJ, Romero Y, Hardie LJ, Liu G, Wu AH, Bird NC, Gammon MD, Ye W, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL. Risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma decreases with height, based on consortium analysis and confirmed by Mendelian randomization. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Oct; 12 (10):1667-76.e1 Epub 2014 Feb 12
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  16. Kuchen T, Straumann A, Safroneeva E, Romero Y, Bussmann C, Vavricka S, Netzer P, Reinhard A, Portmann S, Schoepfer AM. Swallowed topical corticosteroids reduce the risk for long-lasting bolus impactions in eosinophilic esophagitis. Allergy. 2014 Sep; 69(9):1248-54.
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  17. Levine DM, Ek WE, Zhang R, Liu X, Onstad L, Sather C, Lao-Sirieix P, Gammon MD, Corley DA, Shaheen NJ, Bird NC, Hardie LJ, Murray LJ, Reid BJ, Chow WH, Risch HA, Nyren O, Ye W, Liu G, Romero Y, Bernstein L, Wu AH, Casson AG, Chanock SJ, Harrington P, Caldas I, Debiram-Beecham I, Caldas C, Hayward NK, Pharoah PD, Fitzgerald RC, Macgregor S, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL. A genome-wide association study identifies new susceptibility loci for esophageal adenocarcinoma and Barrett's esophagus. Nat Genet. 2013 Dec; 45(12):1487-93. Epub 2013 Oct 13.
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  18. Ek WE, Levine DM, D'Amato M, Pedersen NL, Magnusson PK, Bresso F, Onstad LE, Schmidt PT, Tornblom H, Nordenstedt H, Romero Y, Chow WH, Murray LJ, Gammon MD, Liu G, Bernstein L, Casson AG, Risch HA, Shaheen NJ, Bird NC, Reid BJ, Corley DA, Hardie LJ, Ye W, Wu AH, Zucchelli M, Spector TD, Hysi P, Vaughan TL, Whiteman DC, MacGregor S, Mayo Clinic Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Barrett's Esophagus Registry Consortium//BEACON study investigators. Germline genetic contributions to risk for esophageal adenocarcinoma, Barrett's esophagus, and gastroesophageal reflux. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Nov 20; 105 (22):1711-8 Epub 2013 Oct 29
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  19. Schoepfer AM, Beglinger C, Straumann A, Safroneeva E, Romero Y, Armstrong D, Schmidt C, Trummler M, Pittet V, Vavricka SR. Fecal calprotectin more accurately reflects endoscopic activity of ulcerative colitis than the Lichtiger Index, C-reactive protein, platelets, hemoglobin, and blood leukocytes. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2013 Feb; 19(2):332-41.
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  20. Stauder MC, Romero Y, Kabat B, Atherton PJ, Geno D, Deschamps C, Jatoi A, Sloan JA, Botros M, Jung KW, Arora AS, Miller RC, EABE Registry Consortium. Overall survival and self-reported fatigue in patients with esophageal cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Feb; 21 (2):511-9 Epub 2012 July 29
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  21. Su Z, Gay LJ, Strange A, Palles C, Band G, Whiteman DC, Lescai F, Langford C, Nanji M, Edkins S, van der Winkel A, Levine D, Sasieni P, Bellenguez C, Howarth K, Freeman C, Trudgill N, Tucker AT, Pirinen M, Peppelenbosch MP, van der Laan LJ, Kuipers EJ, Drenth JP, Peters WH, Reynolds JV, Kelleher DP, McManus R, Grabsch H, Prenen H, Bisschops R, Krishnadath K, Siersema PD, van Baal JW, Middleton M, Petty R, Gillies R, Burch N, Bhandari P, Paterson S, Edwards C, Penman I, Vaidya K, Ang Y, Murray I, Patel P, Ye W, Mullins P, Wu AH, Bird NC, Dallal H, Shaheen NJ, Murray LJ, Koss K, Bernstein L, Romero Y, Hardie LJ, Zhang R, Winter H, Corley DA, Panter S, Risch HA, Reid BJ, Sargeant I, Gammon MD, Smart H, Dhar A, McMurtry H, Ali H, Liu G, Casson AG, Chow WH, Rutter M, Tawil A, Morris D, Nwokolo C, Isaacs P, Rodgers C, Ragunath K, MacDonald C, Haigh C, Monk D, Davies G, Wajed S, Johnston D, Gibbons M, Cullen S, Church N, Langley R, Griffin M, Alderson D, Deloukas P, Hunt SE, Gray E, Dronov S, Potter SC, Tashakkori-Ghanbaria A, Anderson M, Brooks C, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Casas JP, Corvin A, Duncanson A, Markus HS, Mathew CG, Palmer CN, Plomin R, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Trembath RC, Viswanathan AC, Wood N, Trynka G, Wijmenga C, Cazier JB, Atherfold P, Nicholson AM, Gellatly NL, Glancy D, Cooper SC, Cunningham D, Lind T, Hapeshi J, Ferry D, Rathbone B, Brown J, Love S, Attwood S, MacGregor S, Watson P, Sanders S, Ek W, Harrison RF, Moayyedi P, de Caestecker J, Barr H, Stupka E, Vaughan TL, Peltonen L, Spencer CC, Tomlinson I, Donnelly P, Jankowski JA, Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Genetics Consortium, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2. Common variants at the MHC locus and at chromosome 16q24.1 predispose to Barrett's esophagus. Nat Genet. 2012 Oct; 44(10):1131-6. Epub 2012 Sep 09.
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  22. Falk GW, Buttar NS, Foster NR, Ziegler KL, Demars CJ, Romero Y, Marcon NE, Schnell T, Corley DA, Sharma P, Cruz-Correa MR, Hur C, Fleischer DE, Chak A, Devault KR, Weinberg DS, Della'Zanna G, Richmond E, Smyrk TC, Mandrekar SJ, Limburg PJ, Cancer Prevention Network. A combination of esomeprazole and aspirin reduces tissue concentrations of prostaglandin E(2) in patients with Barrett's esophagus. Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 143(4):917-26.e1. Epub 2012 Jul 11
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  23. Bennett C, Vakil N, Bergman J, Harrison R, Odze R, Vieth M, Sanders S, Gay L, Pech O, Longcroft-Wheaton G, Romero Y, Inadomi J, Tack J, Corley DA, Manner H, Green S, Al Dulaimi D, Ali H, Allum B, Anderson M, Curtis H, Falk G, Fennerty MB, Fullarton G, Krishnadath K, Meltzer SJ, Armstrong D, Ganz R, Cengia G, Going JJ, Goldblum J, Gordon C, Grabsch H, Haigh C, Hongo M, Johnston D, Forbes-Young R, Kay E, Kaye P, Lerut T, Lovat LB, Lundell L, Mairs P, Shimoda T, Spechler S, Sontag S, Malfertheiner P, Murray I, Nanji M, Poller D, Ragunath K, Regula J, Cestari R, Shepherd N, Singh R, Stein HJ, Talley NJ, Galmiche JP, Tham TC, Watson P, Yerian L, Rugge M, Rice TW, Hart J, Gittens S, Hewin D, Hochberger J, Kahrilas P, Preston S, Sampliner R, Sharma P, Stuart R, Wang K, Waxman I, Abley C, Loft D, Penman I, Shaheen NJ, Chak A, Davies G, Dunn L, Falck-Ytter Y, Decaestecker J, Bhandari P, Ell C, Griffin SM, Attwood S, Barr H, Allen J, Ferguson MK, Moayyedi P, Jankowski JA. Consensus statements for management of Barrett's dysplasia and early-stage esophageal adenocarcinoma, based on a Delphi process. Gastroenterology. 2012 Aug; 143(2):336-46. Epub 2012 Apr 24.
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  24. Alexander JA, Jung KW, Arora AS, Enders F, Katzka DA, Kephardt GM, Kita H, Kryzer LA, Romero Y, Smyrk TC, Talley NJ. Swallowed fluticasone improves histologic but not symptomatic response of adults with eosinophilic esophagitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 Jul; 10 (7):742-749.e1 Epub 2012 Apr 01
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  25. Schoepfer AM, Beglinger C, Straumann A, Safroneeva E, Romero Y, Armstrong D, Schmidt C, Trummler M, Pittet V, Vavricka SR. Fecal calprotectin more accurately reflects endoscopic activity of ulcerative colitis than the Lichtiger Index, CRP, platelets, hemoglobin, and blood leukocytes. Inflamm Bowel Dis.2012;
  26. Francis DL, Foxx-Orenstein A, Arora AS, Smyrk TC, Jensen K, Nord SL, Alexander JA, Romero Y, Katzka DA. Results of ambulatory pH monitoring do not reliably predict response to therapy in patients with eosinophilic oesophagitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Jan; 35(2):300-7. Epub 2011 Nov 24.
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  27. Jaroszewski DE, Williams DG, Fleischer DE, Ross HJ, Romero Y, Harold KL. An early experience using the technique of transoral OrVil EEA stapler for minimally invasive transthoracic esophagectomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Nov; 92(5):1862-9. Epub 2011 Sep 25.
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  28. Thistle JL, Longstreth GF, Romero Y, Arora AS, Simonson JA, Diehl NN, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR. Factors that predict relief from upper abdominal pain after cholecystectomy. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Oct; 9 (10):891-6 Epub 2011 May 20
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  29. Gatenby PA, Caygill CP, Watson A, Murray L, Romero Y. Barrett's esophagus registries. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011 Sep; 1232:405-10.
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  30. Shields HM, Nardone G, Zhao J, Wang W, Xing Z, Fang D, Jacobson BC, Romero Y, Dvorak K, Goldman A, Pellegrini CA, Wiley EL, Peura DA, Tatum RP, Schnell TG. Barrett's esophagus: prevalence and incidence of adenocarcinomas. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011 Sep; 1232:230-47.
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  31. Jung KW, Talley NJ, Romero Y, Katzka DA, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Dunagan KT, Lutzke LS, Wu TT, Wang KK, Frederickson M, Geno DM, Locke GR, Prasad GA. Epidemiology and natural history of intestinal metaplasia of the gastroesophageal junction and Barrett's esophagus: a population-based study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Aug; 106 (8):1447-55; quiz 1456 Epub 2011 Apr 12
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  32. Ravi K, Talley NJ, Smyrk TC, Katzka DA, Kryzer L, Romero Y, Arora AS, Alexander JA. Low grade esophageal eosinophilia in adults: an unrecognized part of the spectrum of eosinophilic esophagitis? Dig Dis Sci. 2011 Jul; 56 (7):1981-6 Epub 2011 Feb 06
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  33. Liacouras CA, Furuta GT, Hirano I, Atkins D, Attwood SE, Bonis PA, Burks AW, Chehade M, Collins MH, Dellon ES, Dohil R, Falk GW, Gonsalves N, Gupta SK, Katzka DA, Lucendo AJ, Markowitz JE, Noel RJ, Odze RD, Putnam PE, Richter JE, Romero Y, Ruchelli E, Sampson HA, Schoepfer A, Shaheen NJ, Sicherer SH, Spechler S, Spergel JM, Straumann A, Wershil BK, Rothenberg ME, Aceves SS. Eosinophilic esophagitis: updated consensus recommendations for children and adults. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Jul; 128(1):3-20.e6; quiz 21-2. Epub 2011 Apr 07.
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  34. Ravi K, Katzka DA, Smyrk TC, Prasad GA, Romero Y, Francis DL, Lutzke L, Tian J, Wang KK. Prevalence of esophageal eosinophils in patients with Barrett's esophagus. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 May; 106(5):851-7. Epub 2011 Feb 08.
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  35. Pasha SF, Crowell MD, Alexander JA, Harris LA, Achem SR, Farrugia G, Lee JJ, Thompson DM, Jung KW, Kita H, Ravi K, Namasivayam V, Kim HJ, Fleischer DE, Sharma VK, Romero Y. Eosinophilic oesophagitis in adults - A rising epidemic. European Gastroenterology and Hepatology Review. 2011; 7(1):14-20.
  36. Jung KW, Gundersen N, Kopacova J, Arora AS, Romero Y, Katzka D, Francis D, Schreiber J, Dierkhising RA, Talley NJ, Smyrk TC, Alexander JA. Occurrence of and risk factors for complications after endoscopic dilation in eosinophilic esophagitis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011 Jan; 73 (1):15-21 Epub 2010 Nov 09
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  37. Grothe R, Thompson D, Perrault J, Kita H, Lee J, Romero Y. Eosinophilic Esophagitis in the Pediatric Patient - An Update. US Pediatrics Review. 2010 Nov; 5:39-45.
  38. Miller RC, Atherton PJ, Kabat BF, Fredericksen MB, Geno DM, Deschamps C, Jatoi A, Sloan JA, Romero Y. Marital status and quality of life in patients with esophageal cancer or Barrett's esophagus: the mayo clinic esophageal adenocarcinoma and Barrett's esophagus registry study. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 Oct; 55 (10):2860-8 Epub 2010 Jan 22
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  39. McElhiney J, Lohse MR, Arora AS, Peloquin JM, Geno DM, Kuntz MM, Enders FB, Fredericksen M, Abdalla AA, Khan Y, Talley NJ, Diehl NN, Beebe TJ, Harris AM, Farrugia G, Graner DE, Murray JA, Locke GR 3rd, Grothe RM, Crowell MD, Francis DL, Grudell AM, Dabade T, Ramirez A, Alkhatib M, Alexander JA, Kimber J, Prasad G, Zinsmeister AR, Romero Y. The Mayo Dysphagia Questionnaire-30: documentation of reliability and validity of a tool for interventional trials in adults with esophageal disease. Dysphagia. 2010 Sep; 25 (3):221-30 Epub 2009 Oct 24
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  40. Katzka DA, Smyrk TC, Bruce AJ, Romero Y, Alexander JA, Murray JA. Variations in presentations of esophageal involvement in lichen planus. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Sep; 8 (9):777-82 Epub 2010 May 13
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  41. Munson GW, Romero Y, Francis DL. Image of the month. Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma: a rare esophageal malignancy. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Jun; 8: (6)A20.
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  42. Schomas DA, Quevedo JF, Donahue JM, Nichols FC 3rd, Romero Y, Miller RC. The prognostic importance of pathologically involved celiac node metastases in node-positive patients with carcinoma of the distal esophagus or gastroesophageal junction: a surgical series from the Mayo Clinic. Dis Esophagus. 2010 Apr; 23 (3):232-9 Epub 2009 June 09
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  43. Kephart GM, Alexander JA, Arora AS, Romero Y, Smyrk TC, Talley NJ, Kita H. Marked deposition of eosinophil-derived neurotoxin in adult patients with eosinophilic esophagitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010 Feb; 105 (2):298-307 Epub 2009 Nov 03
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  44. Romero Y. Review: Laparoscopic fundoplication is better than medical management for some quality-of-life measures in GERD. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 153(6).
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  46. Jin Z, Cheng Y, Gu W, Zheng Y, Sato F, Mori Y, Olaru AV, Paun BC, Yang J, Kan T, Ito T, Hamilton JP, Selaru FM, Agarwal R, David S, Abraham JM, Wolfsen HC, Wallace MB, Shaheen NJ, Washington K, Wang J, Canto MI, Bhattacharyya A, Nelson MA, Wagner PD, Romero Y, Wang KK, Feng Z, Sampliner RE, Meltzer SJ. A multicenter, double-blinded validation study of methylation biomarkers for progression prediction in Barrett's esophagus. Cancer Res. 2009 May 15; 69(10):4112-5. Epub 2009 May 12.
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  47. Yoon HH, Lowe VJ, Cassivi SD, Romero Y. The role of FDG-PET and staging laparoscopy in the management of patients with cancer of the esophagus or gastroesophageal junction. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2009 Mar; 38 (1):105-20, ix
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  48. Sharma P, Wani S, Romero Y, Johnson D, Hamilton F. Racial and geographic issues in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov; 103(11):2669-80.
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  49. Crane SJ, Locke GR 3rd, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR, Romero Y, Talley NJ. Survival trends in patients with gastric and esophageal adenocarcinomas: a population-based study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Oct; 83 (10):1087-94
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  50. Houghton SG, Romero Y, Sarr MG. Effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in obese patients with Barrett's esophagus: attempts to eliminate duodenogastric reflux. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2008 Jan-Feb; 4(1):1-4; discussion 4-5. Epub 2007 Dec 19.
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  52. Wolff CS, Castillo SF, Larson DR, O'Byrne MM, Fredericksen M, Deschamps C, Allen MS, Zais TG, Romero Y. Ivor Lewis approach is superior to transhiatal approach in retrieval of lymph nodes at esophagectomy. Dis Esophagus. 2008; 21: (4)328-33.
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  53. Gines A, Cassivi SD, Martenson JA Jr, Schleck C, Deschamps C, Sinicrope FA, Alberts SR, Murray JA, Zinsmeister AR, Vazquez-Sequeiros E, Nichols FC 3rd, Miller RC, Quevedo JF, Allen MS, Alexander JA, Zais T, Haddock MG, Romero Y. Impact of endoscopic ultrasonography and physician specialty on the management of patients with esophagus cancer. Dis Esophagus. 2008; 21 (3):241-50
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  54. Prasad GA, Talley NJ, Romero Y, Arora AS, Kryzer LA, Smyrk TC, Alexander JA. Prevalence and predictive factors of eosinophilic esophagitis in patients presenting with dysphagia: a prospective study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 Dec; 102 (12):2627-32 Epub 2007 Aug 31
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  55. Crane SJ, Locke GR 3rd, Harmsen WS, Diehl NN, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ 3rd, Romero Y, Talley NJ. Subsite-specific risk factors for esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 Aug; 102(8):1596-602. Epub 2007 Apr 24.
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  56. Romero Y. Familial association in barrett esophagus. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2007 May; 3 (5):346-8
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  57. Abdalla AA, Petersen BT, Ott BJ, Fredericksen M, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Grunewald KM, Zais T, Romero Y. Impact of feedback and didactic sessions on the reporting behavior of upper endoscopic findings by physicians and nurses. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Mar; 5(3):326-30. Epub 2007 Jan 25.
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  58. Crane SJ, Richard Locke G 3rd, Harmsen WS, Diehl NN, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ 3rd, Joseph Melton L 3rd, Romero Y, Talley NJ. The changing incidence of oesophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma by anatomic sub-site. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Feb 15; 25 (4):447-53
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  59. Grudell AB, Alexander JA, Enders FB, Pacifico R, Fredericksen M, Wise JL, Locke GR 3rd, Arora A, Zais T, Talley NJ, Romero Y. Validation of the Mayo Dysphagia Questionnaire. Dis Esophagus. 2007; 20 (3):202-5
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  60. Thompson DM, Arora AS, Romero Y, Dauer EH. Eosinophilic esophagitis: its role in aerodigestive tract disorders. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2006 Feb; 39(1):205-21.
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  61. Dauer E, Thompson D, Zinsmeister AR, Dierkhising R, Harris A, Zais T, Alexander J, Murray JA, Wise JL, Lim K, Locke GR 3rd, Romero Y. Supraesophageal reflux: validation of a symptom questionnaire. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 Jan; 134 (1):73-80
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  62. Ramage JI Jr, Rumalla A, Baron TH, Pochron NL, Zinsmeister AR, Murray JA, Norton ID, Diehl N, Romero Y. A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of endoscopic steroid injection therapy for recalcitrant esophageal peptic strictures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Nov; 100 (11):2419-25
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  63. Zou H, Molina JR, Harrington JJ, Osborn NK, Klatt KK, Romero Y, Burgart LJ, Ahlquist DA. Aberrant methylation of secreted frizzled-related protein genes in esophageal adenocarcinoma and Barrett's esophagus. Int J Cancer. 2005 Sep 10; 116 (4):584-91
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  64. Agrawal S, Bhupinderjit A, Bhutani MS, Boardman L, Nguyen C, Romero Y, Srinivasan R, Figueroa-Moseley C, Committee of Minority Affairs and Cultural Diversity American College of Gastroenterology. Colorectal cancer in African Americans. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Mar; 100(3):515-23; discussion 514.
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  65. Vazquez-Sequeiros E, Wiersema MJ, Clain JE, Norton ID, Levy MJ, Romero Y, Salomao D, Dierkhising R, Zinsmeister AR. Impact of lymph node staging on therapy of esophageal carcinoma. Gastroenterology. 2003 Dec; 125 (6):1626-35
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  66. Romero Y, Thistle JL, Longstreth GF, Harmsen WS, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Pardi DS, Zein CO, Van Dyke CT, Arora AS, Locke GR. A questionnaire for the assessment of biliary symptoms. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 May; 98(5):1042-51.
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  67. Romero Y, Cameron AJ, Schaid DJ, McDonnell SK, Burgart LJ, Hardtke CL, Murray JA, Locke GR 3rd. Barrett's esophagus: prevalence in symptomatic relatives. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 May; 97(5):1127-32.
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  68. Conio M, Cameron AJ, Romero Y, Branch CD, Schleck CD, Burgart LJ, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ 3rd, Locke GR 3rd. Secular trends in the epidemiology and outcome of Barrett's oesophagus in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Gut. 2001 Mar; 48 (3):304-9
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  69. Adler DG, Romero Y. Primary esophageal motility disorders. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001 Feb; 76(2):195-200.
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  70. Cameron AJ, Romero Y. Symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux as a risk factor for oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Gut. 2000 Jun; 46 (6):754-5
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  71. Pardi DS, Romero Y, Mertz LE, Douglas DD. Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia and acute parvovirus B19 infection: a report of two cases and a review of the literature. Am J Gastroenterol. 1998 Mar; 93(3):468-70.
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  72. Romero Y, Sutherland LR, Roth D, Beck P, Makiyama K. Systematic review of the use of oral 5-aminosalicylic acid for maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis. Evid Based Med. 1998; 3(5):143.
  73. Romero Y, Cameron AJ, Locke GR 3rd, Locke GR, Schaid DJ, Slezak JM, Branch CD, Melton LJ 3rd, Melton LJ. Familial aggregation of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology. 1997 Nov; 113 (5):1449-56
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  74. Romero Y, Evans JM, Fleming KC, Phillips SF. Constipation and fecal incontinence in the elderly population. Mayo Clin Proc. 1996 Jan; 71 (1):81-92
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  75. Romero Y, Phillips SF. Diagnostic challenge: a case presentation. Gastroenterol Obs. 1995; 14:2-5.