
  1. Maleki F, Moy L, Forghani R, Ghosh T, Ovens K, Langer S, Rouzrokh P, Khosravi B, Ganjizadeh A, Warren D, Daneshjou R, Moassefi M, Avval AH, Sotardi S, Tenenholtz N, Kitamura F, Kline T. RIDGE: Reproducibility, Integrity, Dependability, Generalizability, and Efficiency Assessment of Medical Image Segmentation Models. J Imaging Inform Med. 2024 Nov 18 [Epub ahead of print]
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  2. Ganjizadeh A, Zawada SJ, Langer SG, Erickson BJ. Visualizing Clinical Data Retrieval and Curation in Multimodal Healthcare AI Research: A Technical Note on RIL-workflow. J Imaging Inform Med. 2024 Jun; 37 (3):1239-1247 Epub 2024 Feb 16
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  3. Lakhani P, Mongan J, Singhal C, Zhou Q, Andriole KP, Auffermann WF, Prasanna PM, Pham TX, Peterson M, Bergquist PJ, Cook TS, Ferraciolli SF, Corradi GCA, Takahashi MS, Workman CS, Parekh M, Kamel SI, Galant J, Mas-Sanchez A, Benitez EC, Sanchez-Valverde M, Jaques L, Panadero M, Vidal M, Culianez-Casas M, Angulo-Gonzalez D, Langer SG, de la Iglesia-Vaya M, Shih G. The 2021 SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA Machine Learning COVID-19 Challenge: Annotation and Standard Exam Classification of COVID-19 Chest Radiographs. J Digit Imaging. 2023 Feb; 36 (1):365-372 Epub 2022 Sept 28
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  4. Kline TL, Kitamura Felipe, Pan Ian, Korchi Amine M., Tenenholz Neil, Moy Linda, Gichoya Judy Wawira, Santos Igor, Blumer Steven, Hwang Misha Ysabel, Git Kim-Ann, Shroff Abishek, Walach Elad, Shih George, Langer Steve. Best Practices and Scoring System on Reviewing A.I. based Medical Imaging Papers: Part 1 Classification arXiv:eess. 02/03/2022.
  5. Rotemberg V, Kurtansky N, Betz-Stablein B, Caffery L, Chousakos E, Codella N, Combalia M, Dusza S, Guitera P, Gutman D, Halpern A, Helba B, Kittler H, Kose K, Langer S, Lioprys K, Malvehy J, Musthaq S, Nanda J, Reiter O, Shih G, Stratigos A, Tschandl P, Weber J, Soyer HP. Publisher Correction: Author Correction: A patient-centric dataset of images and metadata for identifying melanomas using clinical context. Sci Data. 2021 Mar 16; 8 (1):88
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  6. Rotemberg V, Kurtansky N, Betz-Stablein B, Caffery L, Chousakos E, Codella N, Combalia M, Dusza S, Guitera P, Gutman D, Halpern A, Helba B, Kittler H, Kose K, Langer S, Lioprys K, Malvehy J, Musthaq S, Nanda J, Reiter O, Shih G, Stratigos A, Tschandl P, Weber J, Soyer HP. Author Correction: A patient-centric dataset of images and metadata for identifying melanomas using clinical context. Sci Data. 2021 Mar 5; 8 (1):81 Epub 2021 Mar 05
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  7. Rotemberg V, Kurtansky N, Betz-Stablein B, Caffery L, Chousakos E, Codella N, Combalia M, Dusza S, Guitera P, Gutman D, Halpern A, Helba B, Kittler H, Kose K, Langer S, Lioprys K, Malvehy J, Musthaq S, Nanda J, Reiter O, Shih G, Stratigos A, Tschandl P, Weber J, Soyer HP. A patient-centric dataset of images and metadata for identifying melanomas using clinical context. Sci Data. 2021 Jan 28; 8 (1):34
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  8. Geis JR, Brady AP, Wu CC, Spencer J, Ranschaert E, Jaremko JL, Langer SG, Borondy Kitts A, Birch J, Shields WF, van den Hoven van Genderen R, Kotter E, Wawira Gichoya J, Cook TS, Morgan MB, Tang A, Safdar NM, Kohli M. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Summary of the Joint European and North American Multisociety Statement. Radiology. 2019 Nov; 293 (2):436-440 Epub 2019 Oct 01
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  9. Geis JR, Brady AP, Wu CC, Spencer J, Ranschaert E, Jaremko JL, Langer SG, Kitts AB, Birch J, Shields WF, van den Hoven van Genderen R, Kotter E, Gichoya JW, Cook TS, Morgan MB, Tang A, Safdar NM, Kohli M. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Summary of the Joint European and North American Multisociety Statement. J Am Coll Radiol. 2019 Nov; 16 (11):1516-1521 Epub 2019 Oct 01
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  10. Geis JR, Brady AP, Wu CC, Spencer J, Ranschaert E, Jaremko JL, Langer SG, Kitts AB, Birch J, Shields WF, van den Hoven van Genderen R, Kotter E, Gichoya JW, Cook TS, Morgan MB, Tang A, Safdar NM, Kohli M. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Summary of the Joint European and North American Multisociety Statement. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2019 Nov; 70 (4):329-334 Epub 2019 Oct 01
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  11. Geis JR, Brady A, Wu CC, Spencer J, Ranschaert E, Jaremko JL, Langer SG, Kitts AB, Birch J, Shields WF, van den Hoven van Genderen R, Kotter E, Gichoya JW, Cook TS, Morgan MB, Tang A, Safdar NM, Kohli M. Ethics of artificial intelligence in radiology: summary of the joint European and North American multisociety statement. Insights Imaging. 2019 Oct 1; 10 (1):101 Epub 2019 Oct 01
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  12. Langer SG, Shih G, Nagy P, Landman BA. Correction to: Collaborative and Reproducible Research: Goals, Challenges, and Strategies. J Digit Imaging. 2019 Oct; 32 (5):897
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  13. Walz-Flannigan A, Weiser J, Goode AR, Junck K, Tarbox L, Dave JK, Clunie DA, McColl RW, Langer SG. Summary of the AAPM task group 248 report: Interoperability assessment for the commissioning of medical imaging acquisition systems. Med Phys. 2019 Jul; 46(7):e671-e677. Epub 2019 Jun 01.
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  14. Hussain MA, Langer SG, Kohli M. Learning HL7 FHIR Using the HAPI FHIR Server and Its Use in Medical Imaging with the SIIM Dataset. J Digit Imaging. 2018 Jun; 31 (3):334-340
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  15. Langer SG, Shih G, Nagy P, Landman BA. Collaborative and Reproducible Research: Goals, Challenges, and Strategies. J Digit Imaging 2018 Jun; 31 (3):275-282
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  16. Kohli M, Morrison JJ, Wawira J, Morgan MB, Hostetter J, Genereaux B, Hussain M, Langer SG. Creation and Curation of the Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine Hackathon Dataset. J Digit Imaging. 2018 Feb; 31 (1):9-12
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  17. Meenan C, Erickson B, Knight N, Fossett J, Olsen E, Mohod P, Chen J, Langer SG. Workflow Lexicons in Healthcare: Validation of the SWIM Lexicon. J Digit Imaging. 2017 Jun; 30 (3):255-266
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  18. Langer SG. Cyber-Security Issues in Healthcare Information Technology. J Digit Imaging. 2017 Feb; 30 (1):117-125
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  19. Langer SG. DICOM Data Warehouse: Part 2. J Digit Imaging. 2016 Jun; 29 (3):309-13
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  20. Langer SG, Graner BD, Schueler BA, Fetterly KA, Kofler JM, Mandrekar JN, Bartholmai BJ. Sensitivity of Thoracic Digital Tomosynthesis (DTS) for the Identification of Lung Nodules. J Digit Imaging. 2016 Feb; 29 (1):141-7
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  21. Korfiatis PD, Kline TL, Blezek DJ, Langer SG, Ryan WJ, Erickson BJ. MIRMAID: A Content Management System for Medical Image Analysis Research. Radiographics. 2015 Sep-Oct; 35 (5):1461-8 Epub 2015 Aug 18
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  22. Walz-Flannigan A, Kotsenas AL, Hein S, Persons KR, Langer SG, Erickson BJ, Tjelta JA, Luetmer PH. Implementing a radiology-information technology project: mobile image viewing use case and a general guideline for radiologist-information technology team collaboration. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015 Apr; 204(4):721-6. Epub 2015 Feb 25.
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  23. Min Zhang, William Pavlicek, Anshuman Panda, Steve G Langer, Richard Morin, Kenneth A Fetterly, Robert Paden, James Hanson, Lin-Wei Wu, Teresa Wu. "DICOM index tracker enterprise: advanced system for enterprise-wide quality assurance and patient safety monitoring ", Proc. SPIE 9418 Medical Imaging Imaging Informatics: Next Generation and Innovations, 94180L doi:101117/122082120. March 17, 2015.
  24. Langer SG, Tellis W, Carr C, Daly M, Erickson BJ, Mendelson D, Moore S, Perry J, Shastri K, Warnock M, Zhu W. The RSNA Image Sharing Network. J Digit Imaging. 2015 Feb; 28 (1):53-61
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  25. Zhang M, Pavlicek W, Panda A, Langer SG, Morin R, Fetterly KA, Paden R, Hanson J, Wu LW, Wu T. DICOM index tracker enterprise: Advanced system for enterprise-wide quality assurance and patient safety monitoring Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2015; 9418:94180L.
  26. Erickson BJ, Langer SG, Blezek DJ, Ryan WJ, French TL. DEWEY: the DICOM-enabled workflow engine system. J Digit Imaging. 2014 Jun; 27 (3):309-13
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  27. Erickson BJ, Fajnwaks P, Langer SG, Perry J. Multisite Image Data Collection and Management Using the RSNA Image Sharing Network. Transl Oncol. 2014 Feb; 7 (1):36-9 Epub 2014 Feb 01
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  28. Alisa Walz-Flannigan, Amy L Kotsenas, Shelly Hein, Kenneth R Persons, Steve G Langer, Bradley J Erickson, Jason A Tjelta, Patrick H Luetmer. Implementing a Radiology-IT Project: Mobile Image Viewing Use Case and a General Guideline for Radiologist-IT Team Collaboration. AJR. 2014.
  29. Langer SG, Tellis W, Carr C, Daly M, Erickson BJ, Mendelson D, Moore S, Perry J, Shastri K, Warnock M, Zhu W. The RSNA image sharing network. J Digit Imaging. 2014; 28(1):53-61.
  30. P Korfiatis, BJ Erickson, SG Langer. MIRMAID: Medical Imaging Research Management and Associated Information Database. JDI. 2014.
  31. Langer SG, Persons K, Erickson BJ, Blezek D. Towards a more cloud-friendly medical imaging applications architecture: a modest proposal. J Digit Imaging. 2013 Feb; 26 (1):58-64
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  32. Erickson BJ, Meenan C, Langer S. Standards for business analytics and departmental workflow. J Digit Imaging. 2013 Feb; 26 (1):53-7
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  33. Kagadis GC, Walz-Flannigan A, Krupinski EA, Nagy PG, Katsanos K, Diamantopoulos A, Langer SG. Medical imaging displays and their use in image interpretation. Radiographics. 2013 Jan-Feb; 33(1):275-90.
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  34. Seibert T, Morin R, Langer S. Practice Guideline for Electronic Medical Information Privacy and Security. American College of Radiology Practice Guideline. 2013.
  35. Khodadadegan Y, Zhang M, Pavlicek W, Paden RG, Chong B, Huettl EA, Schueler BA, Fetterly KA, Langer SG, Wu T. Validation and initial clinical use of automatic peak skin dose localization with fluoroscopic and interventional procedures. Radiology. 2013 Jan; 266(1):246-55. Epub 2012 Nov 09.
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  36. Walz-Flannigan A, Babcock B, Kagadis GC, Wang J, Langer SG. Human contrast-detail performance with declining contrast. Med Phys. 2012 Sep; 39 (9):5446-56
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  37. Langer SG, Wood CP, Murthy NS, French TL, Rubin M. PACS bypass: a semi-automated routing solution to enable filmless operations when PACS fails. J Digit Imaging. 2012 Aug; 25 (4):466-70
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  38. Chen L, Walz-Flannigan A, Langer S. SU-D-217BCD-01: Corrupted DICOM Image Recovering: A Clinical Experience. Med Phys. 2012 Jun; 39 (6Part3):3619
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  39. Langer SG, Ramthun S, Bender C. Introduction to digital medical image management: departmental concerns. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012 Apr; 198(4):746-53.
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  40. Langer SG. A flexible database architecture for mining DICOM objects: the DICOM data warehouse. J Digit Imaging. 2012 Apr; 25 (2):206-12
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  41. Kagadis GC, Alexakos C, Langer SG, French T. Using an open-source PACS virtual machine for a digital angiography unit: methods and initial impressions. J Digit Imaging. 2012 Feb; 25(1):81-90.
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  42. George C Kagadis, Alisa Walz-Flannigan, Elizabeth A Krupinski, Paul Nagy, Konstantinos Katsanos, Athanasios Diamantopoulos, Steve G Langer. Medical Imaging Displays. Radiographics in press. 2012.
  43. Langer SG, French T. Virtual machine performance benchmarking. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Oct; 24 (5):883-9
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  44. Walz-Flannigan A, Stekel S, Weber H, Lanners D, Jonsgaard R, Peterson T, Langer SG. Aging and quality control of color LCDs for radiologic imaging. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Oct; 24 (5):828-32
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  45. Khodadadegan Y, Zhang M, Pavlicek W, Paden RG, Chong B, Schueler BA, Fetterly KA, Langer SG, Wu T. Automatic monitoring of localized skin dose with fluoroscopic and interventional procedures. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Aug; 24(4):626-39.
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  46. French TL, Langer SG. Tracking PACS usage with open source tools. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Aug; 24 (4):719-23
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  47. Langer SG, French T, Segovis C. TCP/IP optimization over wide area networks: implications for teleradiology. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Apr; 24 (2):314-21
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  48. Langer SG. Challenges for data storage in medical imaging research. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Apr; 24 (2):203-7
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  49. Wang S, Pavlicek W, Roberts CC, Langer SG, Zhang M, Hu M, Morin RL, Schueler BA, Wellnitz CV, Wu T. An automated DICOM database capable of arbitrary data mining (including radiation dose indicators) for quality monitoring. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Apr; 24(2):223-33.
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  50. Hu M, Pavlicek W, Liu PT, Zhang M, Langer SG, Wang S, Place V, Miranda R, Wu TT. Informatics in radiology: Efficiency metrics for imaging device productivity. Radiographics. 2011 Mar-Apr; 31(2):603-16. Epub 2011 Jan 21
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  51. Gersten DB, Langer SG. Programming in the small. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Feb; 24(1):142-50.
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  52. Langer S, Bartholmai B. Imaging informatics: challenges in multi-site imaging trials. J Digit Imaging. 2011 Feb; 24 (1):151-9
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  53. Kagadis G, Alexakos C, Langer SG, French T. Using an Open Source PACS Virtual Machine for a digital angiography unit: Methods and Initial Impressions. JDI. 2011 Epub 2011.
  54. Langer S, Charboneau N, French T. DCMTB: a virtual appliance DICOM toolbox. J Digit Imaging. 2010 Dec; 23 (6):681-8 Epub 2009 Aug 25
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  55. Kagadis GC, Loudos G, Katsanos K, Langer SG, Nikiforidis GC. In vivo small animal imaging: current status and future prospects. Med Phys. 2010 Dec; 37(12):6421-42.
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  56. Langer S. Thirty-two-bit fat clients have hit the wall: consequences for TRIP. J Digit Imaging. 2010 Apr; 23 (2):181-4 Epub 2009 Feb 12
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  57. Langer S. Sustainable IT budgeting: a method to determine not to exceed values for annual infrastructure purchases. J Digit Imaging. 2009 Aug; 22 (4):400-4 Epub 2008 June 03
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  58. Langer S. Issues surrounding PACS archiving to external, third-party DICOM archives. J Digit Imaging. 2009 Mar; 22 (1):48-52 Epub 2008 May 01
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  59. Kagadis GC, Nagy P, Langer S, Flynn M, Starkschall G. Anniversary paper: roles of medical physicists and health care applications of informatics. Med Phys. 2008 Jan; 35(1):119-27.
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  60. Langer SG. Adding JARs to the sys.path at Runtime. Jython Monthly (article 3, 2007 Jan;
  61. Langer S, Fetterly K, Mandrekar J, Harmsen S, Bartholmai B, Patton C, Bishop A, McCannel C. ROC study of four LCD displays under typical medical center lighting conditions. J Digit Imaging. 2006 Mar; 19 (1):30-40
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  62. Langer SG. A Radiology Open Source FAQ Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine. 2006; 18(3):18-21.
  63. Erickson BJ, Langer S, Nagy P. The role of open-source software in innovation and standardization in radiology. J Am Coll Radiol. 2005 Nov; 2(11):927-31.
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  64. Morin RL, Langer SG. Speech recognition system evaluation. J Am Coll Radiol. 2005 May; 2(5):449-51.
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  65. Langer SG. Special session 5: open source in radiology. J Digital Imaging. 2005; 18(2 Suppl):155-9.
  66. Langer SG. SCAR U: the ABCs of high availability. J Digital Imaging. 2005; 18(2 Suppl):95-101.
  67. Langer S, Bartholmai B, Fetterly K, Harmsen S, Ryan W, Erickson B, Andriole K, Carrino J. SCAR R&D Symposium 2003: comparing the efficacy of 5-MP CRT versus 3-MP LCD in the evaluation of interstitial lung disease. J Digit Imaging. 2004 Sep; 17 (3):149-57 Epub 2004 June 29
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  68. Thomas MA, Rowberg AH, Langer SG, Kim Y. Interactive image enhancement of CR and DR images. J Digit Imaging. 2004 Sep; 17(3):189-95.
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  69. Adelgais KM, Grossman DC, Langer SG, Mann FA. Use of helical computed tomography for imaging the pediatric cervical spine. Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Mar; 11(3):228-36.
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  70. Seibert T, Andriole K, Langer S, Siegel E, Morin R. Practice Guideline for Electronic Medical Information Privacy and Security. American College of Radiology Practice Guideline. 2004; 2004(Res. 12):471-77.
  71. Fetterly KA, Hangiandreou NA, Langer SG. Enterprise wide quality control for PACS monitors. Imaging Economics. 2003; 16(4):46-54.
  72. Langer SG. Impact of speech recognition on radiologist productivity. J Digit Imaging. 2002 Dec; 15(4):203-9.
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  73. Langer S. OpenRIMS: an open architecture radiology informaties management system. J Digit Imaging. 2002 Jun; 15(2):91-7.
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  74. Langer S, Kanal K. Spreadsheets for automated data collection, analysis, and report generation for diagnostic medical physics: Publicly available on the world wide web. J Digit Imaging. 2002 Jun; 15(2):98-105.
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  75. Langer S. Radiology speech recognition: workflow, integration, and productivity issues. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2002 May-Jun; 31 (3):95-104
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  76. Langer SG. Impact of tightly coupled PACS/speech recognition on report turnaround time in the radiology department. J Digit Imaging. 2002; 15(1):234-6.
  77. Langer SG, Carter SJ, Haynor DR, Maravella KR, Mattes D, Strandness ED Jr, Stewart BK. Image acquisition: ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. World J Surg. 2001 Nov; 25(11):1428-37.
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  78. Langer SG. Architecture of an image capable, web based, electronic medical record. Journal Digital Imaging. 2000; 13(2):82-9.
  79. Mann FA, Nathans A, Langer SG, Goldman SM, Blackmore CC. Communicating with the family: the risks of medical radiation to conceptuses in victims of major blunt-force torso trauma. Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care. 2000; 48(2):354-7.
  80. Ridpath C, Wilson A, Langer SG, Mann F, Hunter J. Cervical spine tomography with an angiographic C-Arm. Radiology. 1999; 211(3):882-5.
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  81. Langer SG, Stewart BK. Computer security: a primer. Journal Digital Imaging. 1999; 12(3):114-13.
  82. Langer SG, Gray JE. Radiation shielding implications of computed tomography scatter exposure to the floor. Health Phys. 1998 Aug; 75 (2):193-6
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  83. Langer SG, Stewart BK, Carter S. World Wide Web based tool for subjective human observer ranking of compressed ultrasound images. RSNA-EJ, 1998; 3.
  84. Langer SG, Stewart BK. World Wide Web based quality assurance, problem reporting and information management in radiology departments. RSNA-EJ, 1998; 3.
  85. Stewart BK, Langer SG. Integration of DICOM images into an electronic medical record using thin viewing clients. JAMIA. 1998; 1998(1):902-906.
  86. Wang J, Langer SG. Human perception factors in a digital display environment: evaluation of digital display systems. J of Digital Imaging. 1997; 10(4):158-68.
  87. Langer SG, Wang J. An evaluation of ten digital image review workstations. J of Digital Imaging. 1997; 10(2):65-78.
  88. Langer SG, Kofler J. A series of teaching phantoms for displaying diagnostic ultrasound image artifacts. J of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 1997; 13:22-7.
  89. Langer S, Wang J. A goal based cost-benefit analysis for film versus filmless radiology departments. J Digit Imaging. 1996 Aug; 9 (3):104-12
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  90. Langer S, Wang J. User and system interface issues in the purchase of imaging and information systems. J Digit Imaging. 1996 Aug; 9 (3):113-8
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  91. Langer SG. A rotating radio-frequency magnetic induction hyperthermia system for non-invasive heating of deep seated tumors. Medical Physics. 1996; 23(5):780.
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